

The aura faded, and life returned to the usual ordinary.

Sunrise and sunset, one meat and one vegetarian.

Except for three meals a day and Rest time, Liang Ren and Pidgeot all use them for training.

The day is like Heaven and Earth. The daily arrangement is very simple, so simple that Shiba, a training madman, sighs Liang Ren’s perseverance.

It is said that genius is proud and arrogant, and youngster is impetuous.

However, after getting along these days, what Shiba sees is a mature, steady, persevering, self-discipline… Liang Ren.

Genius is not terrifying. What terrifying is that genius works harder than you. In this case, it is not surprising that you are drawn away.

After the Peach Origin Village incident, on Liang Ren’s suggestion, Alliance began a work called the census.

Pokémon world is vast and rich, and the territory of Kanto Region alone is very vast.

In addition to the well-known first-tier cities, second- and third-tier cities like Tetsu City, as well as the towns and villages below, can be said to be countless.

Moreover, in the vast wild, there may be many small village settlements like Peach Origin Village.

The census work proposed by Liang Ren is very necessary. After Shiba reported Liang Ren’s proposal, the Alliance Council almost approved it.

A major work will be reviewed and voted by the Alliance Council before it is carried out.

Liang Ren’s “Regulations on the Full-scale Census of Kanto, Johto, and Orange Islands” can obtain such a high number of votes.

It is unique in the past work cases of the Alliance Council.

It can be said that a brand new record was created, and the name Mumu Liang Ren was remembered by all Alliance staff for a time.

However, at the moment Kanto Indigo Alliance and Johto Mt. Silver Alliance, the most important task at the moment is to eliminate the remnants of Team Rocket.

Although the entire Alliance census work is progressing steadily.

But it still takes some time to complete it, but these things are not something Liang Ren, an ordinary trainer, needs to worry about.

The big half a month has passed, whether it is Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Lucario and Qingteng snake.

The strength of the five Pokémons has improved every day, and now a few Pokémons :

「Pidgeot 」

Level :LV.50

Elite level breakthrough progress: 99%


「Slowpoke 」


Elite level breakthrough progress: 95%


「Cloyster 」


Elite level breakthrough progress: 17%


「Lucario 」

Level :LV.43

Iron Defense, Endure, Detect, Final Gambit, Calm Mind, Sword Dance ~

Meteor Mash, Reversal, Refresh, Raster Cannon, Swift, Bone Rush ~

(Remarks: original In the Ability pool, the proficiency has not yet reached the Top Rank Ability, and now all have mastered the Top Rank.)

New Ability: “Bullet Punch, Sky Uppercut, Dynamic Punch, Absorption Punch”

(Note: The four new abilities are all learned from Pokémon under Shiba.)


“Green Vine Snake”

Level :LV.27

Tackle, Wrap, Growth, Petrochemical Gong, Bubble’s aria, Leaf Tornado, Safeguard ~

(Remarks: the original Ability pool, proficiency I have not yet reached the Top Rank Ability, and now I have mastered all the Top Rank.)


The Peach Origin Village event has passed half a month, and life has returned to peace. Later, the strength of the five Pokémons has improved to varying degrees.

Qingteng Snake is in a period of rapid growth of strength. Lucario is handed over to Shiba for leveling. The improvement of the strength of the two pets is expected by Liang Ren.

Cloyster’s growth rate is also expected by Liang Ren.

The time of half a month has been increased from LV.49 to LV.50. It is steady and solid, and the foundation is always solid.

The Elite breakthrough progress reached 17%.

Contacting Cloyster’s innate talent, this speed increase will definitely scare many trainers in the circle.

In Liang Ren’s view, the breakthrough progress can only be said to be normal. After all, the breakthrough progress of Pidgeot and Slowpoke has reached more than 90%.

When Liang Ren left school, he had a hunch that Mt. Moon’s Yangjiao Peak was dangerously located and had the opportunity of Pidgeot breakthrough Elite.

Didn’t expect Slowpoke, who was the first to move the Elite bottleneck under the link of at least three people, fell behind.

And when the Slowpoke Elite breakthrough progress reached 20%, Pidgeot, who was still in the early stage, did not expect to catch up.

99% of the breakthrough progress, the Elite level is already close at hand, maybe it will be blessed to the soul at the next moment, and it may be a breakthrough.

“Yes, Pidgeot.” Liang Ren looked towards Pidgeot, who stared at him and breathed.

“Beep Eagle——(՞ਊ՞) must.” Although wish one were dead tortured by the weird sound waves from Yangjiaofeng, Pidgeot is still full of fighting spirit.

It’s cool to catch up with Slowpoke from behind. If it can break through Elite before Slowpoke, then it’s not cool enough to fly to the sky.

“This kind of fighting spirit is what you want. We will continue to challenge when you rest for two minutes.” Liang Ren rounded his arms and was very satisfied with Pidgeot’s fighting spirit.

Three days ago, Liang Ren was under the leadership of Shiba’s Coaching and Pidgeot to challenge the sound waves emitted by the Yangjiao Peak in the valley.

This mournful sound wave not only carries a powerful Spirit Attack effect, but also has a vibrating power.

But here is Xiba and Liang Ren.

This kind of sound wave, which makes others secretive and fearful, is used to temper the will and temper Pokémon’s body.

“Beep Eagle——(՞ਊ՞) Boss, I have already rested, let’s continue training.”

I was encouraged by Liang Ren, and I was still breathing Pidgeot, immediately impatiently asked to continue training.

“Okay.” Liang Ren did not refuse, “This time we will carry out Mega evolution on the basis of the bond link, and strive to complete the challenge of 1500 meters.”

“Beep Eagle-(՞ਊ՞) received.” Pidgeot returned to complied.

Pick a blue orange from the nearby basket, chew it, chew it, and swallow it, Pidgeot flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

“Are you ready? Pidgeot.” In the middle of the valley covered with white pebbles, at the 10,000-meter line from the sonic attack limit.

Liang Ren adjusted his breathing. With the champion inheritance of Eagle as a reference, Pidgeot Elite breakthrough progress has reached 99%.

Just go one step further and Pidgeot can breakthrough , And he will also have the first Elite Pokémon.

Although Liang Ren has a hunch that Pidgeot will be able to break through every sonic challenge, his feeling is particularly strong this time.

“Hoo…Try to get into the soul.” Liang Ren closed and opened his eyes, adjusting his breathing.

Under the fetters, Pidgeot, who felt Liang Ren’s strong anticipation emotion, calmed down, and his pair of bird eyes became sharper.

“The eagle does not fold its wings for Hurricane, the wolves do not fear the long night, Pidgeot, burst out your small universe-evolution beyond evolution, Mega evolution!!!”

< p>“Chiff——”

Along with Liang Ren loudly shouted, a strong force gushed from Liang Ren within the body, and a dazzling light burst out of the body surface in an instant.

A curling virtual flame rises from the body, and then draws out an unrolled bolt of white silk with golden energy, moved towards sky Pidgeot and shoots away.


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