
The Mega Evolution wave is poured into within the body, and Pidgeot’s body, which has evolved to the top, changes again.

The body has become larger, and the crown that was already very Contest has become more dazzling and elegant at this moment.

What’s even more amazing is the feathers of Pidgeot. Under the sunlight, it seems to be plated with bright and beautiful colors.

Pure white chest and abdomen feathers, bright yellow nape feathers, and red fan-shaped tail feathers are dyed bright blue at the ends, and the ends of pure white wings feathers are highlighted blue.

Three clusters of fresh red feathers grow out of a large cluster of Yellow feathers. The middle one is even longer than its body. Flying looks very mighty.

With sharp eyes and Celestic wide wings, Pidgeot is full of the spirit of the king of sky.


In Sky, Pidgeot’s aura after completing Mega evolution is more than two or three times stronger than before.

An eagle’s roar drove the squally wind in the valley, and even the sound waves from the Yangjiaofeng were overwhelmed.

A hundred meters away from Liang Ren, he is supervising his subordinate Pokémon’s exercise. At the same time, Circle Throw, who is training by Coaching Lucario, has a surprised look.

“His~ Liang Ren, this Pidgeot Mega evolved, has reached the Elite level.”

He hopes to look at MegaPidgeot in the sky, with a touch of undisguised expression on his face. Shock.

Although Mega evolution is a very high-end ability, it can double Pokémon’s abilities in all aspects in a short time.

However, there is a huge gap between the quasi-Elite class and the Elite class. The difference in strength between the two is more than two or three times as simple.

But what did Hibata see? After the evolution of a quasi-Elite Pidgeot Mega, its strength jumped to the Elite level, which scared me to death.

It’s been a long time since I met an evenly matched opponent, the last time Pidgeot Mega evolved.

It was still in the Saffron City City Stadium, when he played against that Salamence in the professional three-star promotion match.

Pidgeot hasn’t evolved from Mega for a long time, including training in the Yangjiaofeng Valley during this time.

After a sudden Mega evolution, it was discovered that Pidgeot’s strength had reached the Elite level, and Liang Ren himself was taken aback.

But after thinking about it, you will understand. First of all, Pidgeot’s strength level has reached Quasi Elite Peak LV.50

Secondly, the Pidgeot breakthrough progress bar has reached 99%, which is only from Elite In fact, it is reasonable to have Elite strength with Mega Evolution.

“Pidgeot, take a good look at the power of Elite, because soon you will have it completely.”

Under the bond link, Liang Ren’s voice is directly in Pidgeot’s heart Sounded.

“Hey——” MegaPidgeot opened his mouth and let out a high-pitched and clear eagle roar, his broad and flexible wings slammed into one, and he moved fearlessly towards the direction of Yangjiaofeng.

“wu wu wu…”

The wind from outside the mountain rushed into the narrow pipes, pushing each other and crowding, the wind suddenly accelerated.

When the turbulent river valley wind swept over the tuning fork structure of Yangjiaofeng, it instantly turned into a row of strange sound waves, and then moved towards Pidgeot hit.

Liang Ren fully shared all the perceptions of Pidgeot under the fetters, and Pidgeot’s strength skyrocketed after the evolution of Mega.

Compared with the previous challenge, I couldn’t fly five-six hundred meters and I was dizzy, and it was difficult to go further after the breakthrough of one thousand meters.

At this moment, MegaPidgeot was flying very smoothly. For the first few hundred meters, he hesitated that Pidgeot was flying too fast. When the sound wave hits, it was directly blocked by the wind barrier on Pidgeot’s body.

Liang Ren and Pidgeot did not develop slight tinnitus until the line distance of 10,000 meters from Yangjiaofeng and Pidgeot breakthrough one kilometer.

“Is this the power of Elite?” Liang Ren was slightly surprised.

In Pidgeot’s current state, 1500 meters breakthrough is not too easy. Liang Ren thinks that he can even try to hit 2500 meters.

“Li! !!!”

A thorny white light flame burst out from Pidgeot within the body, like sparks caused by cobblestone collision at night.

Spark flashed Ability use, MegaPidgeot accelerated again, and the blink of an eye had already breached the previously set 1500m target.

“hu hu ……”

“wu wu ……”

The wind in the valley is very strong, the closer to the narrow mouth of the valley where Yangjiaofeng is located, The more turbulent the airflow.

The sound waves that pass by the shofar peak are getting stronger and stronger. Pidgeot can no longer maintain an imposing manner, and the speed is constantly decreasing.


The sharp bird eyes glanced at the valley below. Slowpoke took advantage of the wind to insert the benchmark, and Pidgeot slowed down and passed 2000 meters.

Ten thousand meters away from Giethoorn Peak, Pidgeot has passed two tenths.

Now not only has its speed slowed down, but the wind barrier formed by its control can no longer block the penetration of sound waves.

The magic sound filled his ears, and Pidgeot instantly exploded his hair, and his eyes were sharp like a boneless knife. Under the influence of sound waves, there was a moment of loss of consciousness.

Faced with Liang Ren and MegaPidgeot, the challenger who tried to defeat nature, Yangjiaofeng Soundwave also started to stop.

Mournful’s feminine sound waves with no opportunity, Pidgeot and Liang Ren, who are connected with their spirits, immediately feel that their brains are being rubbed and squeezed by a pair of invisible hands.

From time to time, the owner of this pair of invisible big hands still viciously holds a fine hairy needle continuously piercing the brain of one person and one pet.

The pain of squeezing, the pain of pulling, the pain of acupuncture…

Various pain sensations come like a continuous tide, wave after wave, Wave after wave.

Being two lives, coupled with the long-term insistence on fighting fighting technique cultivation, Liang Ren asked himself that his spirit willpower is tenacious than the overwhelming majority adults.

But at this moment, under this weird continuous sound wave, I was tortured so that wish one were dead almost collapsed.

The attack of Yangjiaofeng Soundwave does not stop there.

The sound waves emitted by the Yangjiaofeng are divided into two types of sound waves. When the wind is small, the sound waves are low and mournful.

This kind of sound waves are soft and soft, but with no opportunity, it is difficult to defend and cause sustained mental harm to the listener.

Another type of sound wave is the sound wave formed when the wind blows over the shofar peak in a river valley.

This kind of sound wave is intense and high-pitched, the frequency is rapid, contains a kind of vibrating dark energy, it will produce a very lethal Physical damage.

Shiba demonstrated to him before, when the wind was small and the shofar peak was emitting low-frequency mental injury sound waves.

Let Strength/Machamp spin a piece of stone towards the Yangjiaofeng, and finally the piece of stone flew for several kilometers and landed safely.

When the wind is strong in the valley and the shofar peak emits high-frequency Physical damage sound waves, Strength/Machamp turns to the schist of the shofar peak.

I was shattered by sound waves in mid-air, and finally slowly turned into a pile of sand and was blown away by the wind. The lethality of the sound waves of the sacred horns is evident.

The wind force in the river valley is not fixed, but is changing from time to time without any regularity.

Whether it is a human or Pokémon, once it enters the attack range of the Yangjiaofeng Sound Wave in the valley, if the strength is too weak to resist, it will eventually lose its life.

In the past few days, he conducted sonic challenge training in the valley. Liang Ren, who shared Pidgeot’s super-distance vision, saw the skeleton of Pokémon in the valley below.

But the strength is enough, the distance is well controlled, and the sound waves of the horns can also be used to help Pokémon do exercises.

The low mental sound waves temper the will, and the high physical sound waves temper the body.

The two-pronged approach is carried out alternately, and the training of Pokémon is almost cheating.

If Slowpoke’s Gravity field is added, Liang Ren is confident that Lucario will be breed to quasi-Elite within two or three months.


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