……With the sound of Yangjiaofeng, Liang Ren is confident that Lucario will be breed to the quasi-Elite level within two to three months.

Next year, Miki will let Lucario break through to the Elite level before the P1world Fighting Championship in Kalos Region starts.

Now, it seems that the Yangjiaofeng Valley, which Brock regards as a life forbidden zone they dare not step into, is a treasure place for Pokémon’s training.

Of course Lucario breakthrough Elite level is still early.

What Liang Ren has to do right now is to take advantage of the peculiar terrain of the Yangjiaofeng River Valley, and Help Pidgeot to break through to Elite first.


“wu wu ~”

MegaPidgeot flew hard to 2,400 meters, and the sound waves and wind in the valley suddenly became louder .

A trembling sound wave came along with the strong wind, and Pidgeot was blocked first and then it was difficult to move forward.

Following the sound wave full of high-frequency tremor, Pidgeot instantly exploded his hair, his bones were hit by an iron rod, and Bzz Bzz trembles.

In an instant, the bones were shaken sore and falling apart, the ears also had tinnitus, and there was a tearing pain in the muscles all over the body.

At this moment, whether it is MegaPidgeot or Liang Ren under the fetters, they feel that the Celestic body has been greatly tortured and tortured.

But Liang Ren and Pidgeot not at all gave up like this. This is a challenge, not a test of endurance.

Soundwave is exerting great pressure on Pidgeot and him right now, but because of this, this challenge has only officially begun.

Pidgeot, who is under the bottleneck, now requires pressure to break through.

“Pidgeot, hold on.” Liang Ren’s voice rang from the bottom of Pidgeot’s heart, synchronizing all Pidgeot’s perception of him, and at this moment he is suffering the same as Pidgeot.

Pidgeot also knew this, so after hearing Liang Ren’s encouragement, his heart became more and more fighting spirit.

Bone tremors and muscle tearing painful all over, but Pidgeot still flutters its wings undaunted and flies in the direction of Shofar Peak.


On the sky, MegaPidgeot like a head plunged into the rotten fishnet, flapping its wings vigorously, but the speed of advancement is surprisingly slow.

Liang Ren and Pidgeot’s challenges have attracted the attention and attention of everyone in the valley.

Slowpoke sitting cross-legged in the sea of ​​clouds, and Cloyster, who is constantly performing ice attribute ability in the middle of the river valley behind, is practicing the “Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain” Ivy Snake.

And Lucario, who is training with Hiba, are looking forwardly at Liang Ren and Pidgeot at this moment.

“hu hu ……”

“wu wu ……”

When the river valley was stroked, it was big or small, and when it was small, the sound waves were mournful, which tortured Liang Ren and The spirit of Pidgeot.

When the river valley is windy, the sound waves are violent and strong. When the shocking force is transmitted, the pebbles in the valley roll out like marbles.

Cracks spread on the boulders on both sides of the river valley, and the stone dust shivered off and turned into a yellow wind that made people unable to open their eyes.

The wind is big and the other is small, and the two sound waves are alternately blowing. Liang Ren, who is overwhelmed by various pains, can’t even open his mouth to encourage Pidgeot at this moment.

One person and one pet remain silent, fighting with the sound wave and the wind with tenacious will.

Now it is an extravagant desire to go further. Liang Ren and Pidgeot’s only idea at the moment is to hold on for a while and not be blown away by strong winds and sound waves.


Under the double torture of the Celestic body, MegaPidgeot is already on the verge of losing consciousness.

The body flaps its wings instinctively with muscle memory, and its physical strength is constantly burned and consumed like fuel, driving this machine-like body.

When Liang Ren was overwhelmed by the pain from his body and mind, he almost reflexively switched the bond link with Slowpoke.

He and Pidgeot bear all the pain.

The pain numbs the nerves and confuses the consciousness. Liang Ren and Pidgeot have forgotten what they are doing. They have forgotten that they are using pressure to hit the last bottleneck of the Elite.

Forgetting the purpose, there is not a trace of utilitarianism in my heart, relying entirely on the perseverance in my soul, unyielding unyielding against the pressure of sound waves.

“Ya Duo——(´◔‸◔`) I hope nothing will happen.” Slowpoke, who was cut off the bond link, couldn’t perceive Liang Ren and Pidgeot.

A Teleport, stepping on a white cotton cloud, flew down from the sea of ​​clouds, and stopped not far from Pidgeot Sky.

If Liang Ren and Pidgeot can’t bear the damage of the sound waves and fall into the valley, they can rescue them immediately.


Pidgeot’s character is the proudest and really strong of the few Pokémons Liang Ren has on hand. It has become more and more obvious since Pidegeotto has evolved into Pidgeot.

Even though the body and spirit have suffered double torture, and have lost consciousness a bit, Pidgeot still flies forward with all his might.

A violent and powerful sound wave hit, not only did not make the one who had inspired the stubbornness to retreat, but even more aroused their offensive.

“Li! !!!”

In the sky, Pidgeot raised his neck and uttered an unwilling Defiant high-pitched eagle whistle, a holy, noble, domineering, blazing golden flame from Pidgeot within the body gushes out.

Pidgeot, whose innate talent Species Strength has been increased to the limit of 601 by Liang Ren, is now stimulated once again under the pressure of desperate situation.

I used Divine Bird almost instinctively, wrapped in golden flames, and then flew towards the sacred mountain without any further advances.

The Elite-level breakthrough progress has originally reached 99%, and the Elite-level is within reach.

But there is always such a thin paper crystal wall, which is obviously very thin, but it is so strong that Pidgeot cannot break it anyway.

At this moment, under the pressure of the sound waves of the Yangjiaofeng River Valley, under the tenacious will of the fusion of Liang Ren and Pidgeot.

The last thin crystal wall was finally shaken.


The last bottleneck crystal wall is like the cracked windshield in the cabin of flight H9536.

First, a tiny crack appeared in the center, and then as Pidgeot furiously flying forward, the crack moved towards all around and spread rapidly.

Sky’s MegaPidgeot flew forward, stimulating the potential to use Ability Divine Bird, and let it make a 300-meter breakthrough again.

Looking back at the starting point, MegaPidgeot has rushed to 2,700 meters.

But the power of nature is terrifying.

Pidgeot can withstand sonic waves and strong winds with the strength of quasi Elite Peak, endure the double damage of sperm and Celestic body, and rush to 2700 meters.

This is already the final result of fetters link + Mega evolution + potential explosion, plus Liang Ren’s Pidgeot beliefs.

But there is a bonus of 7300 meters behind. At this moment, Pidgeot’s physical strength has bottomed out, and it has no strength to continue flying forward.

“ka ka…”

Then when Liang Ren and Pidgeot wanted to give up, a clear sound like cracking glass came from Pidgeot within the body.

The sound is not loud, but it is clearly captured by Liang Ren and Pidgeot, and the scattered Celestic consciousness is condensed and awakened.

“ka ka…bang!!!”

“This is.” Liang Ren and Pidgeot, who were sober-minded, finally remembered their purpose for this challenge.

They originally used the pressure of the horns to help break through to Elite.

And now, the last bottleneck of Pidgeot within the body finally breaks through.

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