“ka ka…bang”

“Li! !!!”

From the quasi-Elite to the last bottleneck of the Elite, the bottleneck was broken, and a body suddenly emerged from the exhausted and deficient body. A new force is coming.

This force is more refined, solid, and powerful, even if it only mobilizes a trace.

Pidgeot is confident that he can cut a stone from the cliffs on both sides of the valley with an Air Slash.

This force is too strong! ! !

“Boss, I’m breakthrough to Elite.” Pidgeot’s surprise sounded from the bottom of Liang Ren’s heart.

Liang Ren, who has synchronized all of Pidgeot’s senses, naturally knows what happened, but at this moment he dare not relax.

Quasi-Elite breakthrough Elite level, power within the body will undergo a qualitative change at this moment.

The power of the original liquid will be at the core of the Performance meter, condense a solid crystal core.

The energy nucleus will be used to carry the “spirit willpower” that Pokémon’s breakthrough Elite level realized, which can be said to be the most important thing.

“Pidgeot, let’s withdraw first, and wait for your energy crystal nucleus condense to come, and we will come to challenge again when the strength is restored.”

From the bottom of Pidgeot’s heart, Liang Ren’s instruction voice came.

Pidgeot should follow Liang Ren’s words, whether it is Quasi Elite or Elite.

Even in the future breakthrough to the championship level, Liang Ren’s authority in his heart will not weaken at all.

Because Pidgeot knows that his innate talent was not so outstanding. It is all the credit of Liang Ren that he can have such an achievement now.


MegaPidgeot let out a clear eagle whistle, turned around and flew away without the slightest hesitation, while Liang Ren’s attention was still on Pidgeot within the body.

After the bottleneck was broken through, Pidgeot’s exhausted body continuously sprouted new power.

These powerful forces generated from muscles and bone marrow rush into the meridians of the body and then swim throughout the body.

When all the muscles and skeletons of the whole body have been subjected to this X Attack, the physical fitness has been greatly improved.


The power that wanders the whole body, like a trickle, moved towards the spine, and then the rivers return to the sea to merge into the spine.

The transformation of Pidgeot within the body is not over yet, even now it is just beginning.

Pre-Elite breakthrough Elite level, the emergence of power will help Pokémon wash muscles and marrow, greatly enhance the incarnation physical fitness.

After completing this step, the force transformation will officially begin, and the liquid force will solidify into a solid state.

At this moment, Pidgeot’s situation is also proceeding in accordance with this step.

“hu hu…” Pidgeot flapped its wings and landed to the beginning of the valley. At this moment, its power within the body transformation has reached the most critical point.

The core of Pidgeot’s power pump is in the brain. At this moment, the power of the whole body flows toward the head along the energy channels in the spine.

Pidgeot, who landed on the ground in the valley, dropped his head downward, as if it could speed up the flow of power from the spine to his head.

Although it is not clear whether it has an effect, the power that first flowed into Pidgeot’s head has begun to change under the action of a mysterious spirit willpower.

“From the quasi-Elite breakthrough to the Elite level, the reason why you need to realize that a spirit will power your own.”

“It turns out that when the liquid force condenses into an energy nucleus, You need spirit willpower to help complete this step.”

“No wonder Sheba would say that the energy nucleus is the carrier of Pokémon spirit willpower.”

Always pay attention to changes in Pidgeot’s brain Liang Ren, a clear comprehension flashed in his mind.

At this moment, in Pidgeot’s brain, the power continuously gathered from the spine is under a certain peculiar Rule Strength controlled by spirit willpower.

The power condenses into a vortex, and at the bottom of the center of the vortex, it seems that energy is collapsing.

It is as if the star in the center of the nebula has collapsed, and it is like an explosion in the universe.

In Pidgeot, this tiny living entity, it seems to be repeating the grand process of the universe from the beginning to the end.

Liang Ren’s eyes and attention have been completely attracted by this magical and magnificent scene.

The center of the energy vortex resembling a nebula first collapsed to form a black hole.

The power in Pidgeot’s body flows back to the sea, flows into the spine, and then gathers in his head.

As more and more forces converge, the center of the nebula collapses more violently, and the black hole continues to expand.

However, Liang Ren’s spirit was about to be drawn and swallowed by the collapsed black hole.

A shining white singularity is produced in the center of the black hole.

“This is!!!” Liang Ren muttered to himself in surprise.

The white singularity keeps expanding. From faintly discernible to clear, Liang Ren is surprised to find that the so-called singularity turns out to be an energy crystal nucleus.

The power swallowed by the black hole is feeding the crystal nucleus bred in the singularity.

The crystal nucleus is getting bigger and bigger, more and more clear and solid, while the black hole and energy nebula are getting weaker.

Gradually, the energy channels of the spine no longer converge, and the energy nebula in Pidgeot’s head finally dissipated.

The black hole formed by energy collapse, after spitting out the energy crystal nucleus bred by the singularity, it disappears instantly without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

However, this green jujube-sized energy nucleus in Pidgeot’s head reminds Liang Ren that what he just saw was not an illusion.

But Liang Ren has no time to think about these things, because at this moment his mind has been completely attracted by the energy nucleus in Pidgeot’s head.

This energy crystal core is not big, only the size of a green jujube, diamond-shaped, and the color is light azure.

In the inner core of the diamond diamond of light azure, a cluster of golden rootless flames is burning out of thin air.

Under the light of the fire, the diamond core of light azure appears brilliant lights and vibrant colors magnificent.

Liang Ren separated a consciousness and extended it, Pidgeot not at all blocked it, which also made him clearly perceive the spirit willpower carried in the energy crystal core.

“The bravery of burning aspirations!! Is this the spirit willpower that Pidgeot has realized?” Liang Ren muttered to himself.

“Boss, Pidgeot, I lived up to my expectations, and successfully broke through to the Elite level.”

Liang Ren retracted his consciousness and just disconnected the eyes opened, and Pidgeot opened at the same time. With both eyes, he said to Liang Ren with joy.

“Good job.” Pidgeot Mega has evolved to a height of 2.5 meters.

Liang Ren hugs Pidgeot’s neck and he is not stingy with words of praise.

See Liang Ren and Pidgeot have completed the breakthrough, Slowpoke watching from the sky, Cloyster and Ivy Snake in the valley behind.

As well as Shiba and Lucario, they all ran towards Liang Ren.

We have been together for nearly a month. Basically every day, Shiba is deciding how difficult it is to make an Elite breakthrough and how hard he has suffered.

Every time Liang Ren and Pidgeot are silent, they have completed the quasi-Elite to Elite breakthrough under the attention of Shiba.

Sheba was shocked, her eyes protruding from the sockets, and her jaw dislocated.

“It’s amazing. There is such a wide sky between the quasi-Elite and the Elite. Didn’t expect you to really break through.”

Liang Ren on the Internet He is the creator of miracles. Now that he has witnessed the miracles with his own eyes, Shiba still has a dreaming feeling.

“hehe…luck.” Liang Ren grinned and revealed his big white teeth, moving towards Xiba hehe with a simple smile.

As for Liang Ren’s words, Shiba naturally did not believe, “It’s not luck.”

After taking a deep look at the boy in front of him and his Pidgeot, Shiba shook the head, “Alliance still underestimates this kid’s innate talent.”

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