“No, I have to report this news to Alliance as soon as possible, and then increase the bargaining chip before soliciting.

“The Ever Grande Alliance has been jealous of Liang Ren and Taoya brothers. , If you are dug into the wall, you will lose a lot. ”

At first, I learned that Liang Ren is willing to enter the Kanto Alliance in the future, and Shiba can stabilize his mind slowly.

Now see Liang Ren’s initial Pokémon Pidgeot breakthrough to Elite. Level, Shiba can’t sit still anymore.

Only one year after his debut, the 13-year-old boy relied on his innate talent to breed the initial Pokémon to Elite level.

< p>Not to mention the lack of talent Kanto, it is Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Galar Region.

Such a Mega genius will let Alliance put down its posture and hold the olive branch in both hands to solicit.

A genius is different from a powerhouse. No matter how high an innate talent is, a genius needs time to grow. Whether it can grow into a powerhouse in the future is still unknown.

At this time, Alliance may be aggressively recruiting, but it is still relatively subtle, but Liang Ren is not only known as the unique Mega genius in Saffron High School for a century.

Unconsciously now, he has transformed his innate talent into a powerful one.

Although there is only one Only Elite-level battle strength, but Shiba can foresee that it won’t be long before Liang Ren’s remaining two main players will also become Elite.

After all, Slowpoke and Cloyster are currently quasi-Elite Peak strengths. .

At this time, if you don’t put down your posture to solicit, after a while, this kid will probably grow to a level that their Indigo Alliance can’t afford.

Be aware of the news before, for Recruiting Mu Mu Momoya, the Ever Grande Alliance veteran Elite Drake, and the current champion Wallace, both put down their gestures and visited the house in person.

If Mu Mu Momoya is not from Kanto Region, plus has already accepted the Alliance. For the Larvitar egg given, Seeba is 100% sure that the opponent will be recruited by the Ever Grande Alliance.

“No, this time, not only will Alliance increase the bargaining chip to recruit Liang Ren, but Mumu Momoka will also To add chips. “

“In the second half of the year, immediately after graduation, he was arranged to enter the Elite search team, and the position was directly promoted to Captain. After accumulating some qualifications and merits, he directly handed Viridian Gym to him. “

Liang Ren didn’t know what shock his Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level brought to Shiba.

He was even determined to absorb him into the Alliance immediately. My eldest brother Momoa has also been treated better because of him.

If Liang Ren knew this, he would be very happy, because he was willing to enter the Kanto Alliance.

< p>But at this moment he doesn’t at all think about these things, he is looking at the strength data after Pidgeot breakthrough.


【Pidgeot 】♂

Level :53

Attribute: Flying, Normal

Character: arrogant, Defiant

Features: Keen Eye, strong chest muscle

< p>Will: [Burning Zhi Zhizhi] (Remarks:…)

Stamina: 91 [C] Blue

Attack: 120 [B] Purple

Defense: 65【C】

Special Attack: 110【B】Purple

Special Defense: 65【C】

Speed: 150【A】Red< /p>

Comprehensive: 601

Ability ———


Catch, Peck, Tackle, sickle weasel, Aerial Ace, Divine Bird, Heat Wave, Hurricane~

Strate Hurricane, Air Slash, Steel Wings, Dragon Claw~

Wings flapping, high altitude attack, air blasting, ultimate impact, Hyper Beam, Dragon Rush ~

“Prevention”: Protection

“Speed”: Downwind, Juggling, Spark Flash, Agility, Double Team

“Assist” : Substitute, Minimize, Whirlwind, Roost, Foresight, Flying Sand Feet, Sunny Day, Black Eyes, Feather Dance, Mirror Move, Refresh


Ignoring Xiba’s shock, Liang Ren humbly responded to a few sentences, and then called out Pidgeot’s Attribute panel impatiently.

The trainer knows his own Pokémon very well, and Liang Ren has done a better job than other trainers on this point.

Call up the Attribute panel and look at the increasingly rich data.

Liang Ren not only did not feel dizzy, but instantly noticed three changes in his body after Pidgeot broke through the Elite level.

①Level skyrocketed directly from LV.50 to LV.53

②Below the characteristic data, there is an additional column of will data called “Burning Zhi Zhizhi”.

③The innate talent data has not changed, but the Ability pool has newly realized “Substitute, Protection, Feather Dance, Ultimate Impact, Hyper Beam, Dragon Rush” six new capabilities.


“Power Transformation” is also called “Power Compression”, although the power after the transformation is stronger and more refined.

But just like a large mass of water vapor liquefies into water when cold, the volume will be reduced drastically like Minimize.

Each time after completing the power transformation, Pokémon will lose the level due to the reduced size of the power within the body.

Although Pokémon only needs to accumulate strength for a while, Level will rise without bottleneck obstruction until it recovers.

However, the “dropping phenomenon” will appear after power transformation, which is still generally recognized and accepted by the trainers in the circle.

It has become a normal phenomenon in cognition. Almost every trainer will lose the level after Pokémon’s power is transformed.

However, the rules that were generally accepted by the trainers in the circle, and even written in the textbooks of the trainers’ school, suddenly failed in Liang Ren.

Every time Pokémon in Liang Ren’s hands completes power transformation, not only does the so-called “level drop phenomenon” appear, but “level skyrocketing.”

At the beginning, Pidgeot power within the body changed from a gaseous state to a liquid state, and the Level skyrocketed by two levels, as did Slowpoke and Cloyster.

Even Lucario, who was later breeded by Liang Ren, power within the body, after transforming from a gaseous state to a liquid state, the level immediately skyrocketed to Level 3.

Liang Ren has not told anyone about this, but he has a wealth of knowledge accumulation, he is very clear in his heart.

This is the final result of his previous steps, step by step, steadily steadily laying down the foundation of several pets.

The strength is pure but not vain, and the strength is strong but not meager. Even if it undergoes tempering and compression to metamorphosis, there will be no too much volume reduction.

“didn’t expect quasi Elite breakthrough Elite level, the liquid force condenses into a solid state, Pidgeot still did not encounter “degradation phenomenon”, but the level skyrocketed again. “

” And it’s not an increase of two levels, but a direct skyrocket to Level 3. “

Although there are only two simple numbers in the Level column of the Attribute panel, Liang Ren is full of surprises in his heart.

The more Pokémon’s strength is in the later stage, he will have to go through every level 1 increase. A long time of accumulation and then a laborious breakthrough.

Therefore, even if the two sides are only one level apart, there is a huge gap in strength. High Level 1 can even suppress low Level 1.

However, in this case, in the later stage of strength: Elite level, Pidgeot completed the power transformation and not only did not downgrade, but skyrocketed to Level 3.

It can be seen that Pidgeot has a solid foundation and accumulated more power. Strong, how strict Liang Ren was in training Pidgeot.

However, it is precisely this strictness that makes Pidgeot’s strength explode after making a breakthrough.

The cause that was planted with hard work and sweat in the past, now that we receive the sweet fruit, the cause and effect of things are nothing more than this.

“Hi, this will: “The courage of burning will”…”


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