Pre-Elite Peak officially broke through to Elite level, and the level skyrocketed from LV.50 to LV.Level 53.

Although Liang Ren was surprised at this, it was only because of Pidgeot’s deep heritage and solid foundation.

While seeing the remarks behind Will: “The Brave of Burning Will” explained, Liang Ren had more consideration in his heart.

Will: “The courage to burn the will” (Note: In the face of adversity, it inspires the real fearless courage, uses a cavity of blood as fuel, and burns the flame of unyielding fighting spirit.

Pidgeot will completely abandon the defense and focus on offensive after stimulating the “Brave of Burning Will”. Defensive ability is reduced by 50%, and attack power is increased by 100%.

At the same time, Ability will be accompanied by: fierce and unafraid of Death, perish together Spirit, Soul and Qi’s potential deterrence effect.)


Look at the explanation behind the will: “Burning the Brave”, Liang Ren was shocked for a moment.

“The Brave of Burning Will” is a bit similar to the new feature “No Defense” after the evolution of Pidgeot Mega, but the latter means literally, abandoning defense and focusing on offense.

The bravery of burning will has a series of side effects, such as 50% defense reduction, 100% attack increase, and Ability with mental shock effect.

It can be said that Pidgeot will be more obsessed with offense in the future, no matter in normal state or after Mega evolved.

Although Pidgeot usually fights fiercely in battle, this is just the fighting style formed by Pidgeot under the interference of Liang Ren’s subjective will.

And now the emergence of “Courage to Burn the Will” makes Liang Ren more aware of Pidgeot’s ideas.

In future battles, I believe that I can better cooperate with Pidgeot. Every order issued will be more in line with Pidgeot’s wishes and will stimulate Pidgeot’s potential in battle.

I believe that Pidgeot’s “kite tactics” will be even more dangerous in the future, as if it will turn into a dancer dancing on the tip of a knife.

“Facing a person who completely abandons defense, is obsessed with offense, and attacks continuously like a madman.

Every move and unafraid of death and holding perish together posture Pidgeot, I believe opponent will also feel very scared.”

Looking at the description and explanation of Will: “The Brave of Burning Will” on the Attribute panel, Liang Ren couldn’t help but smile.

As for the 50% defensive weakening, Liang Ren actually doesn’t care much.

Pidgeot is a sensitive attack positioning, with kite tactics as the core, relying on speed to eat, plus Pidgeot defensive ability is not strong.

In past battles, Liang Ren rarely let Pidgeot fight with opponent in close hands, avoiding the probability of being hit by opponent ability to the greatest extent.

Since it is almost impossible to be hit by opponent ability, whether the defensive ability is reduced by 50% has little effect on Pidgeot.

At best, Liang Ren is more careful, treating Pidgeot as a crispy skin, and being more careful in the battle.

After seeing Will: “The Brave of Burning Will”, Liang Ren looked at Pidgeot’s Ability Pool.

This time the Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level has completed the power transformation, but he has realized several amazing Ability moves.

“Substitute, Feather Dance, Protection, Ultimate Impact, Hyper Beam, Dragon Rush”

Substitute, which was made at the cost of losing ¼ physical strength, is not as in the game as it can only resist hurt.

Yes, yes, in real life, Substitute can be controlled by Pokémon’s real body doing two things at the same time, then act autonomously and then launch an attack.

Ability “Substitute” is simply tailor-made for Pidgeot’s Double Team tactics. When the time comes, it makes the opponent even more headaches and madness.

As for Feather Dance, there is no explanation for this. Flying Type assists Ability to give opponent a negative buff effect that weakens the attack.

For Pidgeot, which has completely abandoned its defense, opponent’s attacks are weakened, which undoubtedly protects Pidgeot’s safety better.

“But this protection ability is a bit tasteless, although as the Peak Level defense ability, it is dubbed the “Invincible Golden Body” of the same level by the trainers in the circle. “

“But Pidgeot here, whether it is the will of the “Burning Will” or the “non-defense” feature after Mega’s evolution, Pidgeot has completely abandoned defense. “

Liang Ren rubs his chin, although he understands that abandoning defense does not mean that defense Ability cannot be used.

But “Burning Zhi Zhizhi” is the aggregation of Pidgeot spirit willpower. , Is a product that is fully in line with Pidgeot’s heart.

If he goes against his own heart, Liang Ren doesn’t know whether Pidgeot’s will to burn will be destroyed by it.

When the time comes, the will is disintegrated, and Pidgeot is relegated from Elite to quasi-Elite, which is fun.

This is not Liang Ren’s alarmist talk. According to his previous understanding, spirit willpower is the product of Pokémon clear comprehension.

Using the philosophy of previous Taoists to explain understanding, Pokémon’s understanding of spirit willpower and then breakthrough to Elite is the process of enlightenment.

Since the clear comprehension of one’s own way is done, it must be carried out unswervingly.

Not being able to unswervingly implement it is already an unstable Dao heart, let alone this kind of behavior that goes against one’s Dao.

Whether it is a Taoist cultivator or Pokémon, sometimes it is important to follow your heart.

Only by firming one’s own Taoism, implementing one’s own path, and clear comprehension of one’s own will, will it be possible to go further and impact the higher realm field in the future.

“Ding~The panel information is being updated…”

When Liang Ren was thinking and wandering, he suddenly heard a’ding’ in his mind, but this was not picking up Attribute coins.

On the Pidgeot Attribute panel called out in front of Liang Ren, a red bullet box suddenly appeared, and the text in the bullet box read:

[Ability Protection and Will Burning Zhizhi Brave conflict, host repulsive emotions, Ability protection will be cleared and forgotten! ! ! ]

[Reminder: Under the effect of Burning Chi’s Courage, the host will not be able to use Defense Ability, and will not be able to understand Defense Ability in the future. ]

Two red text boxes appeared in the center of the panel. After Liang Ren read it word by word, he was a little surprised.

This system is rudimentary and rudimentary, and lacks the slightest intelligence. Liang Ren made complaints about this in his heart.

Didn’t expect this time a pop-up window pops up to clear and forget the Ability “protection” in the Pidgeot Ability pool that is in conflict with the spirit of the courageous spirit.

“I don’t know if the will of the host mentioned by the system is me, or Pidgeot, the owner of the panel.” Liang Ren shook the head somewhat puzzled.

The red text pop-up window on the panel disappears, and the protection in the Pidgeot Ability pool has been completely cleared and forgotten.

Although it is very shabby and crude, system is system, which can gather Essence, Qi, and Spirit energy to form experience fog, explode Attribute coins, and assist in learning Ability……

The magic of system Liang Ren has a deep understanding, so for some reason, to clear and forget a certain Ability in the Ability pool, Liang Ren not at all thinks too much.

In addition to “Substitute, Feather Dance, Protection”, the other three skills, Ability, are amazing.

Ultimate impact and Hyper Beam needless to say, one Physical Damage Ability and one Special Attack Ability are the big Unique Ability of the ordinary series.

The initial value of the two strokes of Ability is defined as 150 points, which can be said to be very powerful.

When I was bidding for “Air Blasting” in Vermilion City before, I also said that I would help Pidgeot buy a Hyper Beam TM.

Nowadays, not only has it saved a lot of money, but it also comes with an ultimate impact that is as powerful as Hyper Beam.

“But the ultimate impact can still be understood. After all, the Pidgeot normal type + Flying Type Pokémon, the normal type even gives priority to the Flying Type.

“Dragon Rush what the hell is that ? This is the unique Ability of the Dragon Type, and even the inferior Dragon Type Pokémon whose bloodline is not pure enough to comprehend the Ability. “

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