Will: “The Brave of Burning Will” (Remarks——

……Pidgeot Mega evolved the superposition of the innate talent characteristic ability “No defense”, the original 50% defensive ability was reduced to 100%, the original The 100% attack ability increase has been revised to 200%.)

“During the evolution of hiss~ Mega, the defensive ability is reduced by 100%, does it mean it’s lost?” Liang Ren looked at the description on the Attribute panel , Could not help but tilt his head and face full of doubts.

He was wondering if the will of the “Burning Aspiration Brave” after Mega evolves, will both sides of Pidgeot be completely zero.

“Then it becomes a bloody crispy skin like Ninja?” Liang Ren thought that he couldn’t help hooking the head.

“Abandoned defense, but Pidgeot’s burly and sturdy figure is not at all changed. This defense reduction should be some additional effect.

“For example, after abandoning defense, the empty door opens wide. , It is easier to be hit by the opponent and then get seriously injured. “

After a little analysis, Liang Ren came to a more reliable conclusion.

But guessing is a guess, whether it is exactly like Liang Ren thought. That remains to be verified.

And compared to 100% defensive reduction, the 200% increase in attack power looks even more terrifying.

Although Pidgeot relies on speed for food, double attack can Not weak at all. Normally, the physical attack is as high as 120, and the special attack also has 110 points.

Although the physical attack is still 120 after the Mega evolution, the special attack ability has been increased to 175 points.

Double attack enjoys a 200% increase effect, then Pidgeot’s attack ability will be enhanced to a terrifying level.

Thinking of this, Liang Ren wants to let Pidgeot accompany him immediately. The experiment, but they are still watching when they think of Shiba.

Liang Ren had to do the immediate challenge first. The test of defense and offensive ability was left until after lunch, and then in the afternoon.

“Pidgeot, use all your strength and see how far you can fly this time. “Liang Ren sent a sound transmission to Pidgeot consciousness through the bond link.

“Received. “Sky went on MegaPidgeot back to complied, flapped its wings, and blasted a gust of wind towards the end of the valley and flew towards the Yangjiao Peak.

Switching the angle of view, Liang Ren felt as if he was wearing VR (virtual reality) glasses. Flying an airplane.

As Pidgeot flaps his wings to fly forward, the scenery all around changes continuously, and things in the distance of the river valley are continuously zoomed in by the camera.

“hu hu… …”

“wu wu ……”

The Yangjiaofeng valley is full of strong winds throughout the year, day and night, and the strange sound waves from Yangjiaofeng never stop.

Slowpoke, they and Shiba standing not far away watching.

On the cliffs on both sides of the valley, there are some Wild Pokémon stick one’s head around to look for, curiously watching the river valley Pidgeot challenging.

100 meters…300 meters…500 meters…

The sound waves carried by the strong wind blowing from the end of the river valley ahead, continuously moved towards Pidgeot Attacked physically and mentally.

However, after the breakthrough Elite level, Pidgeot’s various abilities have undergone Heaven and Earth turning upside down changes.

Sound waves from the initial stage It has no effect on Pidgeot. In the blink of an eye, Pidgeot has broken through 1000 meters.

1500 meters is not too difficult, and soon Pidgeot reached 2000 meters, there is still no pressure here, after all, there is no breakthrough Elite before Level up to 2700 meters.

“Li!! “The strong wind gusts hit, MegaPidgeot is like a salmon swimming upstream.

Finding a gap, avoiding the claws of the brown bear, leaping over the waterfall, and finally swimming to the end.

2000 Not only did the strong wind and sound waves at the meter fail to stop Pidgeot from moving forward, but it did not even affect it at all to slow it down.

2500 meters…The previous 2700 meters did not stop. MegaPidgeot was very fast. Passed the 3000 boundary.

Pidgeot still hasn’t slowed down, it is still flying forward, and there is no sign of exhaustion.

The power of Elite is too strong. Liang Ren, who shared the senses of Pidgeot, can clearly feel that Pidgeot seems to have endless strength all over his body.

“hu hu…”

Broad and powerful wings With a strong fan, Pidgeot leaped forward for several hundred meters, and the wind whizzed past him.

Pidgeot’s smooth and flexible feathers seemed to have no resistance to the counter-attack wind.


In the dazzling red and yellow crest on top of the head, the slender and flexible feathers that are longer than Pidgeot are dancing freely in the strong wind.

3000 meters…4000 meters…5000 meters… …

Pidgeot’s power is too strong, and it doesn’t gradually feel strenuous until after 5000 meters has passed.

But this is not the limit of Pidgeot, the speed is constantly reduced and slower , But Pidgeot is still flying forward.

5000 meters…5300 meters…5700 meters…5900 meters…

When manpower is exhausted and nature is endless, Pidgeot flies to It already started shaking at 5300 meters.

When I flew to 5700 meters, my body began to tremble, and when I flew to 5900 meters, the power within the body had bottomed out.

But Pidgeot still did not give up.

If it is so easily defeated by frustration and pressure, then it will not realize such a powerful spirit willpower as “the courage of burning will”.

“Li! !!!”

The gusts of strong winds and sound waves continue to hit, and there is no way to break through the 5,900-meter Pidgeot with a proud bird cry.

Under the pressure of Laser Focus, Pidgeot used “Divine Bird” Ability decisively.

Holy, majestic, and domineering, the golden flames burst out from Pidgeot within the body, MegaPidgeot, which was blocked by the sound barrier of the wind wall, once again accelerated and rushed forward.

5950 meters…6000 meters…6050 meters…6100 meters.

Sharpen your head, arch your scalp and fly forward. Although Pidgeot can bear the strength of the wind, the sound wave has reached its limit.

The first challenge after breakthrough Elite level, Pidgeot stopped at 6100 meters, which is more than doubled compared to before.

“Good job.” While instructing Pidgeot to turn his head and fly back, Liang Ren also smiled and encouraged.

“Beep Eagle——”

Pidgeot flew back to the starting point and then exited the Mega evolution form, turned his head and glanced at the silent Slowpoke, the expression in his eyes was full of horror.

“Ah duo——(´◔‸◔`)You are so foreign, and I will be able to break through soon.”

Looking at Pidgeot’s provocative expression, Slowpoke lifted I lifted my eyebrows and said not to be outdone.

When I participated in the Full Moon Sacrifice at Mt. Moon Clefairy some time ago.

Pidgeot only realized one trick “Minimize” and it realized the three tricks Ability of Moonburst, Fairy Wind and Dazzling Gleam.

Slowpoke did not show off to Pidgeot less at the time, and then came here to train, Slowpoke took Pidgeot one step to move the Elite bottleneck.

After a big half a month, Slowpoke never imagined that Pidgeot would buck the trend and overtake, come from behind, break through to Elite before it.

If it hit Pidgeot before, now it has received 10,000 critical hits, and it is still the kind of outstanding effect.

“Ya duo——(‘-ωก̀)I am too difficult.” Slowpoke’s mouth was tough, but his heart couldn’t help being sighed.

“No, I can’t just be defeated like this, I must break through Elite as soon as possible, and then surpass this sand sculpture.”


” No, this kid is growing too fast. I must immediately report the situation here to the Alliance and recruit him into the Alliance as soon as possible.”

“Quasi-Legendary Egg As a bargaining chip is too low, you have to take out the more precious Pokémon eggs.”


Looking at Liang Ren and the imposing manner amazing Pidgeot, Slowpoke She and Shiba yelled badly in their hearts.

But it (them) is “not good”, but for Liang Ren it is “very good”.

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