

Go deep into the Mt. Moon vein, and it has been almost a month since I arrived at the Yangjiaofeng River Valley. I insisted on training day after day.

The strength of Lucario and Qingteng Snake has greatly increased, and Pidgeot of the three main forces is the first to break through to Elite.

For the breakthrough of Celebrate Pidgeot, Liang Ren rarely did a simple meal at noon, instead he cooked a large table full of dishes.

Saute fried squid, steamed enoki mushroom with garlic, broth spinach, scallion fried pork tenderloin…

Be more reserved for the two girls, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Lucario. There are no such scruples.

Liang Ren was cooking at the simple earthen stove built by Shiba, Pidgeot stretched his neck, and the bird’s beak kept secreting saliva.

Lucario is carrying Slowpoke next to him, and both big and small foodies are also looking at the fried pancakes with fried sauce in the frying pan.

“Be careful, stretch your neck a little bit, and saliva will drip into the pot.” Liang Ren laughed.

“Beep carving——(՞ਊ՞) This is not to blame us, who made the boss you bake so fragrant.”

“Ya duo——(ꀕڡꀕ)Liang Ren, please cut a piece for me, I’ll help you taste how good it tastes.”

“ao 嗷——I want to eat too.”

“……”< /p>


Different from the seriousness of usual training, lunch time is always relaxed and pleasant.

Compared with Liang Ren’s ease here, it is in a huge Conference Hall in the Kanto Alliance headquarters in the depths of Indigo Plateau.

A video from Shiba is playing on the projection screen.

In the video, Liang Ren is experimenting with Ability’s lethality after Pidgeot breakthrough Elite.



I watched the video over and over again, whether it is the Alliance high-level authority in the Conference Hall.

The three elites who use remote video to access the meeting are still performing tasks outside.

One by one I suppressed my shock, and finally accepted the news from Shiba: “Mu Mu Liang Ren’s initial Pokémon Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level.”

Silent Conference In the Hall, Mrs. Agatha was the first to speak.

As the most experienced Elite powerhouse in the Kanto Alliance, she is currently stationed in Viridian.

In this Viridian Gym that was once used as a base by Team Rocket boss Giovanni.

“cough cough…”

After coughing twice, the Old Lady who was wearing a purple dress, a dark green woolen shawl and a wooden staff in her hand spoke up. .

“Sibba Elite said well, we still underestimate this youngster’s innate talent.”

“After debuting less than a year, we brought the initial Pokémon Pidgeot breed to Elite The other two main players of the first-tier teams also have the strength of the quasi-Elite Peak.”

“The youngster’s innate talent is not only higher than his brother Momoya Mumu, but has even surpassed the former champion of the Hoenn Alliance. Steven and the current champion Wallace.”

“If such talents can be brought into our Alliance, I believe that our Kanto Alliance’s road to rejuvenation will be smoother.”

The elimination of the remnants of Team Rocket and the training of talents, these two things are considered by Kanto Alliance as the focus of work.

Although it was discovered from Saffron Middle School before, the youngster in the video before him is a talented trainer genius.

However, the Alliance has just entered Saffron Middle School because the opponent is too young, so there is no rush to recruit.

Because of Sabrina’s prediction later, the attitude of the Alliance’s senior management is more inclined to’observe more and take a closer look’.

It’s just that the plan can’t keep up with the changes. Although Liang Ren encountered various dangers as Sabrina expected, every time he turned into a good luck, and his strength improved rapidly.

The impact of saving the flight in distress with strength of oneself has not yet subsided, and soon a major event such as the detection of the large-scale human abduction case in Peach Origin Village has been made.

There is no spirit slowly recovers on Alliance here. Sheba, one of the Elite Fours, didn’t expect, and there is a heavy news of the young initial Pokémon Pidgeot breakthrough Elite.

This youngster is no longer an innate talent that can be described. Alliance wants to slowly figure it out, but Liang Ren rises at a speed that amazes them.

As Agatha Elite said, an Elite-level battle strength was cultivated at the age of 13, Liang Ren’s innate talent has surpassed Steven and Wallace.

Such a Mega genius is exactly what Kanto Alliance is looking for.

“This youngster is growing so fast, it makes me feel like dreaming, but think about it, isn’t this what we desire?”

Conference Everyone in the Hall did not remain silent for too long. As soon as Agatha’s call was over, a member of the assembly quickly said.

“Indeed, because of Sabrina Young Lady’s prediction, we had scruples about this youngster’s future destiny and did not devote resources to vigorously cultivate it.”

“Now this youngster relies on My own innate talent has brought Pidgeot breed to Elite level. If we still don’t let go of our attitude to attract solicitation.”

“In a while, maybe the other party will grow up to the point we can’t afford. At that time, if you want to recruit, there is no way.”

“This youngster has created too many miracles.”

“Yes, yeah–“




Because of Sabrina’s early predictions, I was afraid that I was unwilling to invest resources in training. How could Liang Ren grow at such a speed? fast.

If you don’t solicit any more right now, I’m afraid there will be no chance in the future. Therefore, a group of congressmen in the Conference Hall agreed with Hiba’s proposal.

“It’s no problem for Mumu Taoya to increase the treatment, but what kind of bargaining chip should Mumu Liang Ren offer to solicit?”

After the question was raised, Conference Everyone in the Hall was a little bit troubled.

If you are recruiting ordinary trainers, the Alliance offers some money, materials, or rare Pokemon, and you can get the other party into the bag.

The youngster in front of me is not short of money. Some precious resources on the market can also be collected through some means.

With Psychic, Pokémon Mega can evolve through bond links, and there is no shortage of rare Pokemon opponents…

Think about it carefully, the members of the Conference Hall really don’t know What kind of bargaining chip can attract the opponent.

“Why don’t you give him a Quasi-Legendary egg or a Quasi-Legendary cub as you did when you recruited Mumu Momoka.”

A member of the Conference Hall suggested Dao, he is not the only one who has this idea, but they all know that this bargaining chip is still too low.

“Quasi-Legendary cub is really good, but this is only for ordinary trainers.

For such a monstrous talent level genius, a Pidgey from Heavenspan Can be breed into Elite Pidgeot, Quasi-Legendary is not very attractive.”

“Quasi-Legendary cubs are not good, then what kind of bargaining chip can attract each other?”

“This kid doesn’t need Mega Evolution Stones at all, and the two sets of Evolution Stones collected in Alliance have been given to Brock of Pewter Gym and Misty of Cerulean Gym.”

“No—I I think the bargaining chip of Quasi-Legendary cub is still feasible.” Suddenly a member of the assembly stood up and said.

I looked around at the colleague who was in trouble in the Conference Hall. This congressman smiled in his chest, “Everyone, Quasi-Legendary is not just as simple as the high innate talent and rare Pokémon.”

This When the congressman spoke, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the Conference Hall.

Even the three Elites, Agatha, Du, and Kona who are connected to the video, are listening carefully at this moment, waiting for his next words.

“Everyone here is a Pokemon trainer, so please remember that when we just debuted as a trainer, the reason why we crave for the rare Pokémon.

Except for the rare Pokemon. In addition to the relatively high innate talent, what are the characteristics of rare Pokemon that are attractive.”

Faced with this problem, everyone in the Conference Hall rubbed their chins and fell into contemplation, but soon everyone looked up again.

There was a sweet smile on his face that only trainers could understand. They already understood the answer.


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