“Pidgeot, Double Team +Roost.” Liang Ren’s voice sounded in Pidgeot’s heart.

Get along for a big half a month, Onix is ​​the lowest Pokemon in Shiba’s hands, and only LV.54Liang Ren still knows the level.

Seeing Xiba and Onix fight for a round before getting serious, Liang Ren smiled in his heart, “Brother Xiba, I’m sorry this time.”

“Except for Pidgeot breakthrough Elite Besides, I am going to give you another surprise for you to take back to the Alliance.”

“Beep Eagle!!!” The Wing of Steel smashed the invisible rock immediately and received the instruction, and Pidgeot does not need it. Withdraw force.

It spreads its wings like a diving fighter jet, flashing a few times, and a Pidgeot suddenly becomes black and crushing a large group of Pidgeot.

“Onix, use Stone Edge.” Shiba was not frightened by Liang Ren’s formation, and still calmly gave Onix instructions.

With such a large group of Pidgeot, only one of them is real, and there is no Pidgeot silhouette in the other direction, then the opponent’s attack path can also be determined.

In this case, you don’t need to think too much, just domineeringly and head on.

“roar! !!!”

“xiū xiū xiū xiu…”

Onix roared, watching the black pressure coming Pidgeot, it opened its mouth to Spit Up a large piece of gravel shotgun.

“Peng peng peng…”

No matter how realistic the Double Team is, it is not an entity after all. When it comes into contact with a stone bullet, it is instantly exploded and turned into a cloud of smoke.

“roar! !!!”

“xiū xiū xiū xiu… ”

Onix feeds on stones and soil. Recently, he can be trained in the river valley. He didn’t eat less pebbles, it can be said that he is full of ammunition now.

Controlling the throat and regurgitating the stomach, Onix let out a loud roar, and opened his mouth again as a group of dense stone bullets moved towards Pidgeot.

“tú tú tú tú…”

The round pebbles collided with each other to emit white sparks, and Onix’s mouth instantly resembled the muzzle of an Eruption’s Gaderin machine.

After a burst, only a white cloud of smoke remained in the sky, and no Pidgeot breakthrough cloud barrier flew out for a long time.

“hu hu…”

The strong wind blows through the valley, and the smoke from the Double Team explosion dissipates in the blink of an eye. There is no silhouette of Pidgeot in the sky.

Sheba glanced suspiciously, and finally found traces of Pidgeot on the distant cliff.

“Using Double Team to play screens and win the opportunity to cast Roost to power within the body Attribute for the real body? It’s a good tactic, but that’s it.”

” Onix, use Iron Defense.” Shiba’s imposing manner is amazing, but he chose tactical defense.

“roar! !” While Onix yelled at Pidgeot Leer provocatively, he manipulated the precipitation of metal in his body and formed a hard metal shell on the body.

Facing Pidgeot, this kind of Pokémon that moves fast and can fly in the air.

Even if Onix is ​​unwilling to reconcile, he can only defensively stand by and release the attack initiative temporarily.

Pidgeot is also unambiguous on this side. He jumped up and Pidgeot, which used Roost to complete the power Attribute transformation, jumped directly off the cliff.

The wide wings spread out, this time I swooped towards Onix directly with my real body.

“Spark flashed.” White piercing stone fire burst out from Pidgeot within the body, and the birds’ eyes were bright and sharp.

The feathers attached to the flames rubbed against the air to make screams like a thousand birds, and the sound waves from the Yangjiao Peak in the valley would cover the past for a while.

“Steel Wings.” Liang Ren ordered to continue, and Pidgeot had rushed to Onix.

Heba was neither afraid nor panicked. Seeing Pidgeot who had rushed forward, his face was full of fighting intent.

“A real man just wants to be positive.” Shiba’s eyes burned, and moved towards Onix shouted: “Iron Tail Bar!!!”

“Qiangqiang ——”

Onix flicked his tail, and the silver-gray steel Iron Tail pulled fiercely towards Pidgeot with a gust of bad wind.

However, since Liang Ren dared to let Pidgeot take the initiative to advance, he naturally expected this situation.

“Beep Eagle!!!” Pidgeot turned, turning and swooping into a steel essence drill.

Just as the two sides were about to collide, Liang Ren gave another instruction in Pidgeot’s heart, “Minimize.”


The huge steel Iron Tail was emptied, and the pebbles on the ground had a dead loss, but Pidgeot’s steel wings fiercely slashed on Onix.

“This…” Seeing this scene, Shiba, who was full of confidence, had a stiff smile on his face, and he was shown by Pidgeot.

“Pidgeot is able to use Minimize.” Siba suddenly felt an urge to curse.

Liang Ren, who had expected Xiba’s reaction earlier, did not give up this great opportunity to attack.

“Pidgeot, use air to blast.” Liang Ren’s voice sounded in Pidgeot’s heart.

Heba, the Onix, is very powerful. A failed steel Iron Tail pulled out a big hole three to four meters deep on the ground full of pebbles.

As an Elite Pokémon, the impact and lethality of each move is beyond the imagination of an average person.

However, Pidgeot is also very strong. The gap between LV.53 and LV.54 is not at all Liang Ren’s imagination.

Maybe this is related to Pidgeot being a Flying Type Pokémon. The slippery Pidgeot not at all in a few rounds gave Onix a chance to meet force with force.

Fighting against a Pokémon that is agile, fast and flying at the same time is not a very pleasant thing for Onix.


Pidgeot, who flew away after being hit by Wings of Steel, in midair performed an Aerial Ace stunt and opened his mouth to burst the air. Blasted towards the back of Onix’s neck.


“Onix, use Screech.” Onix’s roar made Shiba came back to his senses, without hesitation, immediately ordered a counterattack.

Onix’s reaction was not slow either. His anger ignited the fighting intent and his body became more flexible.

“roar! !!!”

Onix turned around, and opened his mouth to roar a harsh and manic sound wave. For a time, the wind in the valley was so loud that Onix dared not step forward. .

However, Pidgeot is obviously not among the ranks, attacking use at a high altitude, it has already lifted into the sky very quickly before the sound wave hits.

“Air Slash.” Liang Ren the more fights the more brave is ,.

After fighting for a while, he found himself facing the Senior of Hiba, not at all as tricky as he imagined.

Although Onix is ​​not the Fighting Type that Shiba is good at, Onix faces the flexible and slippery opponent of Pidgeot for some reasons why it is not able to exert its strength.

But no matter what, this battle really made him build up his self-confidence. Pidgeot is very strong and Onix can beat it.

“Beep Eagle!!!”

Liang Ren can feel Pidgeot’s state under the fetters link, and Pidgeot can also feel Liang Ren’s emotional changes.

Affected by Liang Ren’s lofty sentiments and high aspirations, facing the Onix Elite Shiba, Pidgeot’s body and spirit seemed to have broken a certain shackle at the same time.

Cognitively, it finally figured out where it was.

Regardless of seniors, in terms of strength alone, it is now an Elite Pokemon just like the opponent, and it is already qualified to challenge the opponent.

“I’m worthy of you.” Pidgeot’s eyes became sharper and more dazzling, who recognized this.

Waving wings and wings, a long and narrow moon arc with a length of three-four zhang formed instantly.

Sibba only saw the blue light flashed, the huge wind blade turned into a green thread, which had been cut on Onix’s body.

With a muffled “bang~”, Onix’s body was staggered, and Onix and Shiba simultaneously made surprised expressions.

“What happened, how did Pidgeot’s temperament suddenly become showing off one’s ability.”

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