No one explained to him why, this battle from the very beginning Liang Ren was through the bond link consciousness sound transmission, silently commanding Pidgeot to fight.

“Pidgeot, the attack is a little harder, let the other party see how powerful your kite tactics are.”

“Beep eagle!!!” Pidgeot bird sings back to complied, in midair body It was erratic and suddenly became more uncertain.

Two perspectives are online at the same time, the left eye is staring closely at the valley below, and the right eye is looking down at Onix from high above.

Compared to Shiba, Liang Ren is undoubtedly more detailed in his control of the battlefield situation.

Seeing Pidgeot taking advantage of it, an air blast blasted Onix, without any hesitation, Liang Ren issued instructions continuously and continuously: “Pidgeot, use Double Team + Substitute.”


“shua~ shua~ shua~ shua…”

The erratic Pidgeot in the sky is shaking more and more, and only hears’shua~ shua~ shua~’ There was a sound of Pidgeot in the sky, and Pidgeot was summoned again to suppress a large group of similar species.

This time you don’t need to cover the real body and use Roost, the black and crushed bird flock dispersed with a scream.

Without Liang Ren’s instructions, each’Pidgeot’ moved towards Onix like an arrow leaving the string and swooped down.

Break into pieces, Double Team has only really begun to reveal its powerful visual disruptive effects.

In addition to the real body, it also contains an Avatar with a real body ¼ battle strength. Then Liang Ren is looking forward to how Shiba will respond to Pidgeot’s offensive.

Siba didn’t let Liang Ren wait too much. He saw the densely packed Pidgeot after breaking up, and decisively ordered to meet him:

“Onix, use Stone Edge.” Shiba looked at him. Yelled in a burning voice.


“tú tú tú tú ……”

Open your mouth and turn your neck, Onix once again turns into a Gad Lin machine gun, one after another moved towards Pidgeot with the pebbles stabbing the white stone fire.

“peng peng peng 蓬……”

Under its intense firepower,’Pidgeot’ is exploded at all times, and the sky seems to be laying fireworks , Continuously there was a puff of explosion.

However, Shiba didn’t have the slightest joy on her face, and the muffled sound of the stone bullet hitting the body was never heard. Onix strafed not at all to make merit.

Not only that, most of the’Pidgeot’ was blown up under the chaotic flying of the birds, but a small part of them got close to Pidgeot.

After being slammed up close, there is no way to attack Ability remotely as sharp as at first.


The remaining dozen Pidgeot drew their swords together, and the bright steel wings reflected the sunlight.

Not only did Shiba lose his judgment, Onix was also dazzled.

“…peng~ peng~! !”

The chaotic Pidgeot group moved towards Onix launched Tackle. Amidst the intensive sound of blows, there were two attacks that made Onix feel boring pain.

Heba not understanding the complete truth, watching Onix being besieged by the’Pidgeot Group’, not at all too flustered.

“Onix, calm down and use the opponent’s attack to find out the true body.” Shibaran shouted.

Onix will follow the instructions of its own trainer.

So in the fierce siege of the’Pidgeot Group’, Onix uncharacteristically stopped resisting, leaving Pidgeot to attack.

“In this case, then I’m not welcome.” Regarding the response of Sheba and Onix, Liang Ren secretly smiled.

“Pidgeot, change the dragon’s claws and continue to attack.” Liang Ren’s voice sounded in Pidgeot’s heart.

Onix is ​​also Ground Type besides Rock Type. The Steel Wings, which have a powerful effect on Rock Type, have their damage reduced by Ground Type.

Since Onix did not resist and allowed Pidgeot to attack, Liang Ren naturally chose the formidable power without the slightest hesitation, and the more lethal Dragon Claw.

“shua~ shua~ shua~ 唰~”

Huge bird claws put on energy claw sleeves, and the deep green dragon flames hu hu sway, making Pidgeot a huge Bird claws became more and more terrifying.

When the attack hits, Onix can feel the danger of being frightened even with his eyes closed.

However, to find out Pidgeot’s true body, at least one must withstand an attack.

“Fortunately, Onix has a strong defense.” Sheba thought, but the next second.

“… peng peng ~”

The chaotic Pidgeot flew in, and the Avatar first hand covered by the birds attacked Onix’s lower body.

The attack came from the left, Onix’s body weight moved towards the right, and Onix’s heart of the phrase “found you” has not been spoken.

“Bang!!!” An even more momentum is big, power is deep attack struck from the upper part of the body and the right back of the head.

Two attacks, one left and one right, one after the other, and completely different directions, with an interval of no more than one second.

There is only one real body, the others are phantoms? There are obviously two Pidgeots attacking it.

“roar!!!!” Onix eyes opened, there is no clearness that Xiba expected in his eyes, and some are just thick doubts.

“What’s going on.” Shiba was puzzled.

However, before Onix confided in his own voice, Liang Ren and Pidgeot attacked again.

“Beep Diao~Beep Diao~Beep Diao…”

The clear and high-pitched birdsong mingled together and suddenly became uproar and noisy.

The scene was chaotic for a while, but Pidgeot’s offense was ruthless.

“peng peng peng peng……” Double Team screen, Avatar hits the first hand, real body compensates for damage.

The division of labor is clear and chaos is orderly. In the face of Shiba’s doubts and Onix’s desperation, Pidgeot’s damage is accumulating rapidly.

“What’s the matter, Onix didn’t find out Pidgeot’s real body?” Although Shiba was puzzled, he knew that he could no longer watch Onix under attack.

“Onix, use the combo technique-“Sanctuary of Yellow Sand”” Shiba gave Onix instructions loudly.

The battle continued to pull, Shiba’s mood was also from the very beginning The stable odds of winning have gradually become the heavy and tricky it is now.

But it is Elite strength, and Onix is ​​very skilled in defense. Although Pidgeot has suffered several rounds of attacks, but not at all lost the battle. Attack.

Received Shiba’s instructions, Onix responded quickly.

Twisting his body, the ground below the river valley suddenly became soft, and the pebbles settled and then exposed. The soil underneath.

Finally, the soil was also evaporated by the strange force, and the water was compacted into lumps, and then crushed to form yellow sand.

“bang!! ! “

A Twister suddenly formed from under Onix, wrapped in dry yellow sand, turned into a Yellow Yellow Sand Dragon and rolled down Onix for protection.

Double Team was caught off guard, and was instantly smashed into a sieve by the flying sand.

The Avatar who attacked by the first hand was also caught by the wind of the Yellow Sand Dragon and plunged into the mud.

Seeing that’Avatar’ didn’t immediately explode, Shiba finally showed a smile on her face.

“That’s Pidgeot’s real body, let me use Hyper Beam to explode it. ”

“roar roar roar!! ! “Onix’s heart is connected, and the dark golden is full of destruction aura’s strength in his mouth.

As an Elite Pokémon, Ability Stockpile’s time has already been compressed to the shortest through long-term persistent exercise.


Onix, who was wrapped in the Yellow Sand Dragon roll, turned his head and opened his mouth, and a thick Hyper Beam of the water tank pierced the Yellow Sand Dragon roll and hit Pidgeot, who was caught by the wind.

“Hit, it seems that I won this game. Shiba’s frown stretched out, and a smile appeared on his face.

“Pidgeot Pokémon is fast, but its defensive power is too low. Fight against Onix, a high-defense opponent.

If there is no way to defeat them as quickly as possible with extreme speed, the longer the time delay, the more disadvantaged it is. The fault tolerance rate in the battle of the crispy Pokémon is too low. “

“Furthermore, I just entered the Elite level after all, and I have not accumulated enough knowledge. I don’t know that opponent has developed a powerful Unique Ability. “

“So the victory in this game was won by me. “Sheba said confidently.

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