“bang! !”

The Avatar produced by Ability Substitute has only the strength of Pidgeot’s real body.

It is the limit to be caught by the wind vortex of Yellow Sand Dragon and not burst immediately.

At this moment, Onix was hit by an angry Hyper Beam, and’Pidgeot’ exploded like a hydrogen balloon wiping Mars.

Seeing this scene, Shiba’s smile froze suddenly.

I remembered that I was yelling excitedly just now, “That’s Pidgeot’s true body”, even Shiba, an Alliance Elite expert, couldn’t help blushing.

“Substitute? Didn’t expect it was put on by you brat.” Looking up at the sky, Pidgeot’s real body is hovering on the sky.

Being deceived by such a small trick, this is really not Shiba’s level of skill, anyway, he is also an Alliance Elite Four who has been famous for many years.

The reason why Foresight Pidgeot’s tactics were not true and false was completely because Liang Ren commanded Pidgeot battle silently.

Have no personal experience, never know how difficult it is for an opponent who can silently command Pokémon battles through a bond link.

I don’t know what pits opponent dug for himself before, how to act now, and what tactics next.

Liang Ren can tell Pidgeot through consciousness sound transmission for all tactical communication and instructions, but Shiba can’t.

Sheba didn’t figure out how opponent would act. Instead, he issued an order that exposed his tactical ideas to Liang Ren.

Compared with the advantages and disadvantages of Attribute restraint, faster, more concealed, and more effective silent command gives Liang Ren a greater advantage.

What’s more tricky is that Liang Ren, his Pidgeot, has also mastered many abilities that he couldn’t learn before, such as the previous “Minimize”

“hiss~ Liang Ren you brat this Silent command is simply cheating.” Shiba rubbed his forehead, and he felt some head pain.

I originally wanted to teach the other party a lesson before leaving.

Let Liang Ren not be proud of having Elite battle strength at a young age, and understand that in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself.

Didn’t expect that he was taught a lesson by Liang Ren in the end, which made him understand another truth, that is,’My lord, times have changed’

“By Foresight Already, but how do you crack it?” Liang Ren’s mouth raised an arc, and he thought to himself.

Shiba didn’t answer, so Liang Ren prepared to use actions to force the answer to this question from Shiba.

“Pidgeot, do it again, Double Team +Substitute.”

“Beep Eagle!!” Upon receiving Liang Ren’s instruction, Pidgeot, who was originally hovering in the sky, slammed his neck. Naruto.

When I first met half a month ago, I was shocked by Onix’s imposing manner. I didn’t expect that after a month, I had reached the height of the other party.

Even, it is much better than the opponent.

“shua~ shua~ shua~ shua… ”

Hyper Beam exploded’Pidgeot’ and found that it was just an Avatar. When Onix was stunned, Pidgeot on the sky launched again Rapid offensive.

The body shook, and after the use of thousands of spells, the black and overwhelmed flock of birds appeared in the sky again.

Looking at the birds, Shiba and Onix are no longer as contemptuous and confident as at first.

Because he knows that besides the real body in the bird flock, there must be an Avatar with the real body.

“Since the opponent doesn’t make a move, let’s attack first.” Liang Ren raised his eyebrows and ordered loudly: “Pidgeot, use Air Slash.”

“Beep Eagle! !!!” In the sky, Pidgeot gave a clear cry, and a pair of bird eyes became more and more sharp.

True and false tactics made Shiba serious, and after realizing Liang Ren as an opponent that cannot be ignored, Shiba also took out her own Unique Ability.

As a fighting master, Shiba has a keen perception of the illusory and intangible things like’qi’.

At this moment, Shiba couldn’t hear Liang Ren’s commands, but he still noticed a strong crisis approaching.

“Onix, the opponent is going to attack, use Harden.” Shiba shouted.

“roar!!!!” Onix did not dare to be big, and immediately used Harden, which enhances defensive power, after receiving Hiba’s instruction.

Pidgeot’s attacks are coming quickly, and the Flying Type Ability has the characteristics of fast attack speed. Pidgeot is now fully utilized.

“xiū xiū xiū xiu… ”

The scattered flocks of birds sway their wings together, one after another azure, the long and narrow moon arc wind, sky Piercing Slash to Onix.

This scene, like a deep night when the moon is in the sky, the moon casts a dim cold glow, directly shining cold all over the body.

The strong wind hits, and the flexible branches of the Willow Tree on the riverbank are dancing in the air with green shadows.

Another example is the green thread on the loom being pulled to Onix, which seems weak and weak, but every time it is hit by an Air Slash, Onix is ​​cut back and forth.

“Onix, using Mind Reader for perception, the opponent’s Avatar’s attack power is much smaller than that of the real body.”

Faced with Pidgeot’s chase, Shiba is a The long-known Elite level expert, he is not at all helpless because of this.

strong features Looking at the large swarm of birds that still crushes the sky after the sky disperses, Shiba quickly found the weak spot of Pidgeot’s true and false tactics.

“roar! !” Onix closed his eyes for a moment and then opened it suddenly, and suddenly his perception of the surroundings became clearer.

Although it is impossible to Lock On opponent like in the game, let the next Ability hit 100%.

But it is possible to perceive two attacks that hit me, which one is from Pidgeot’s Avatar and which one is from Pidgeot’s real body.

Looking at the expressions of Xiba and Onix Chengzhu on their chests, Liang Ren also showed a smile on his face.

“Pidgeot, weaken the Ability formidable power, and control it to about ¼ level with the Avatar.” Liang Ren, who heard Hiba’s countermeasures, gave instructions to Pidgeot.

“Beep carving!!”

“Swish swish…”

“roar roar ???”

“peng peng peng peng……”

Open Onix of Mind Reader, confidently waiting to meet the attack of Pidgeot’s real body and Avatar.

However, when two attacks hit it under the cover of Phantom, Onix was stunned.

“roar roar… the power of the two attacks for Mao is the same.” Onix roared frantically.

“Ahiba!!!” Seeing Onix was so angry, Shiba also patted her forehead.

Usually the trainer directs Pokémon to fight, and both sides will call out the action instructions.

I used to think it was normal. After all, Pokémon wouldn’t know how to attack and defend without calling out instructions.

But now fighting with Liang Ren, Shiba suddenly felt that the way of calling out instructions is not too much to throw money.

“Before Foresight’s opponent’s actions, his own tactics have been exposed.” Xiba thought frantically.

“Pidgeot, continue to attack, use air blasting.”



Pidgeot does not have Mega evolution under normal conditions , Physical attack is stronger than long-range special attack output.

So when Onix removed the “Huangsha Sanctuary”, Liang Ren asked Pidgeot to attack.

Once Onix displays the yellow sand asylum and the Double Team is destroyed as much as possible, Liang Ren asks Pidgeot to spread the distance for long-range consumption.

The battle stalemate dragged on for half an hour. Onix did not lose the combat capability, but Shiba took the initiative to admit defeat.

“Ahiba, stop fighting, stop fighting, you brat is simply a freak.” Shiba said.

“Onix not at all lost, this game is at best a draw.” Liang Ren said modestly with a smile hehe.

When I heard this, Shiba shook the head, “If you lose, you lose. I can’t think of a way to crack Pidgeot’s true and false tactics. If you delay it, you will lose.”

” And in this game, you brat hasn’t used all the strength yet, and Pidgeot doesn’t have Mega evolution…”

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