“Damn! What did you guys say, who diarrhea.” Shiba was a little unhappy when he heard this.

“I didn’t mean that, I just thought it was a little unbelievable.” Du hurriedly apologized on the other end of the phone.

“But are you serious about what you just said? The opponent Pidgeot didn’t just break through Elite, and your Onix is ​​already LV.5Level 4.”

“Hey— —This kid is a monster. I feel that after his Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level, not only did he not drop, but he also improved.”

“He not only defeated my Onix head-on, he didn’t even use Mega Evolution.”

Seeing Du’s disbelief, Shiba continued to explain on the phone.

“His——Although Onix is ​​not the main force of your Trump Card team, at least it is also the leader of the second team. It was lost to this kid’s Pidgeot.”

“Heba You are right, this kid is indeed a wicked evildoer.” Although Du said so, his eyes grew hotter.

Alliance is able to recruit such a genius to join, and it is definitely expected to surpass Sinnoh and Unova Region in several decades in the future.

“By the way, you can lay the egg now.” On the other side of the phone, Shiba said with a grin and a big white tooth.

Seeing that he mentioned this matter, the red-haired cloak man did not change the subject, but was nodded.

“I also considered this issue when the Alliance Council discussed this kid’s bargaining chip before.

But I didn’t make up my mind at the time and prepared to wait until I met.

Now, it seems that Little Brat in that egg really only in the hands of Liang Ren can really stimulate its innate talent.” Du said.

“You decided to entrust the egg to Liang Ren’s brat!!!” Although it was the topic mentioned by Shiba.

But seeing Du really decided to entrust the egg to Liang Ren, Shiba was still a little surprised.

After all, the mother of that egg is not an ordinary Quasi-Legendary, but a powerful existence that has reached the championship level. Sheba didn’t expect to cross him.



At the river valley camp, after Liang Ren cleaned up briefly, he continued to start training with a few Pokémon.

Liang Ren doesn’t know yet. After he defeated Shiba’s Onix, the news was sent back to Alliance by Shiba and caused a sensation.

It’s abnormal enough to breed an Elite Pokémon at the age of 13, and Alliance didn’t want them or underestimated Liang Ren’s potential.

At the beginning of the Elite level, he defeated a Pokémon in the hands of the well-known Elite, Sheba, in one fell swoop.

Although Shiba is a Fighting Elite, Onix is ​​far less compatible with him than Strength/Machamp. At the same time, Onix is ​​only the Pokémon of Shiba’s second echelon.

But in any case, you can have such a record when you first enter the Elite level, which is very, very enchanting.

Know that according to Shiba, Liang Ren didn’t even use Mega evolution on his side.

“Everyone, regarding the appointment of Mumu Liang Ren, I think we still need to discuss it.”

“Well, there is indeed a need to mention it. “

“Hibba Elite did not mean that after Mumu Liang Ren’s experience is over, is the rest of this semester ready to challenge the Southern Cross in the Orange Islands?”

“Orange Alliance was founded, and the current framework still follows the challenges of the Southern Cross and the Winners Cup.”

“Orange Alliance is not for us to send people over for Coaching. Since Mumu Liang Ren He wants to challenge the Southern Cross of the Orange Alliance. Isn’t that right.”

“The formation of the Orange Alliance is a major event. Just when Mumu Liang Ren joined the Alliance, he asked him to do this. Will it? It seems too trivial.”

“Of course it is impossible for him to do it alone. Kona Young Lady will also go with him.”

“Then Ok…”


Regarding the personnel appointment of Alliance, Liang Ren is not too clear on this side.

However, he defeated Shiba’s Pokémon head-on. Such a record is enough for Alliance to re-evaluate his innate talent and potential.

Liang Ren expected the promotion of his position and salary more or less.

But let everyone do everything to their fate, let the affairs on Alliance’s side put it aside.

Take advantage of a lot of time, working hard to improve the strength of his Pokémon is the most important thing.

“Cloyster, your training mission remains the same. You should continue to perform ice attribute ability and realize the cold will in it.

You have moved the Elite bottleneck, and the next step is It’s water milling effort.”

“Ticket–Don’t worry, Master, I won’t let you down.” Cloyster solemnly nodded.

Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level, which puts a lot of pressure on Cloyster, which is also the main force of Trump Card.

“Lucario, your mission will remain the same, continue to hone your boxing moves and fighting skills.”

“ao 嗷——” Lucario was cleverly nodded.

After Shiba’s coaching during this period, the Ability pool has become more profound, fighting skills have become more proficient, and combat experience has become very rich.

It has now reached LV.Level 43, and it can be said to be a smooth road before the Elite level.

Now it only needs to slowly accumulate strength to prepare for the evolution of Mega and the development of Aura Force.

“Qingteng Snake, “Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain” is a set of step by step abilities, wait for you to fully grasp them. “

“Playing in the city Stadium, you are almost ready to play. “Cloyster and Lucario have been arranged, Liang Ren turned his head and said to Qingteng Snake.

“si si ~” Qingteng Snake was nodded, and told Liang Ren to arrange it back to the city Stadium to play the game. , It is full of expectations.

“Okay, let’s start training everyone. “Liang Ren patted, “Pidgeot, Slowpoke, you two come with me.” “

“Beep Eagle——(՞ਊ՞) good boss. “

“Ah duo——(´◔‸◔`)Liang Ren What are you doing? People have to train Nirvana. “

Slowpoke floated and landed in Liang Ren’s arms, cocked his tail and complained.

“There is time for you to train, and then you will accompany me to do an experiment. “Liang Ren took out a bag of potato chips comforted from the system backpack.

“Well, since you’ve sincerely asked, then I will be merciful and reluctant to agree to you. “

Being bought by a pack of potato chips, Slowpoke is content to stop complaining.

“Good, thank you. “Liang Ren teased with a smile.

“Ya duo——(͒˶´⚇`˵)͒ should be. “Slowpoke shook his head and tore open the bag, his small paws pinched a potato chip crack crack to eat.

“Fat man, give me some, I want to eat too. “Pidgeot spreads his right wing, and points to his mouth like a hand.

“Ya Duo——(´◔‸◔`) What to eat, you are breakthrough Elite and you also eat potato chips , I’m not afraid of gaining weight. Does not raise. ”

“Pidgeot ——٩(ˊωˋ*)وAiya, fat man, you may not know if you are not an Elite class, but what our Elite Pokémon eat will not be fat . “

“Ye duo——(≖_≖) Yo Yo Yo, Brother Bird is beginning to float, and it’s still’our’ Elite. I’ll have a breakthrough in a few days, and I can still see it. how long. “

“Beep carving——( ̄y▽ ̄)~oh hoho 嚯, not much, not much! Huh? Not much. ”



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