“Okay, don’t be mean, let’s do business.”

Walking to a place far away from Cloyster’s training, Liang Ren patted said to Pidgeot and Slowpoke who were still bickering.


Hearing that he was about to start working, Slowpoke pulled his lower eyelids and stuck his tongue out, making a face at Pidgeot.

“Oh hoho~”

Faced with Slowpoke’s provocation, Pidgeot also made a’Shipi smile’ expression.

Liang Ren stood still on the clearing of the river valley, then looked towards the two pets.

“Pidgeot, your breakthrough Elite level comprehend the will: “The Brave of Burning Will”. I still have some questions about the accompanying defense reduction and attack increase. “

“Next, we first enter the bond link, and then Slowpoke you hold up the shield to harden Pidgeot’s attack, and help calculate the damage value. “Liang Ren said.

“Ah Duo——(´⊙ω⊙`)Liang Ren, Brother Bird is now Elite. Are you sure you hate me for eating too much and want to take the opportunity to destroy me? “

“Beep Eagle——(՞ਊ՞)haha Fatty, I will Hold Back. “Pidgeot slapped its wings and flew directly.

“It will take until now to destroy you. “Liang Ren took a deep breath, “Be prepared. “

After Liang Ren reminded him, he controlled the direction of Mental Force moved towards Pidgeot and Slowpoke.

It is not the first time that they have made a three-person bond link. Mental Force Rong, one person and two pets have entered the bond link state very smoothly.

Pidgeot under normal conditions, “Burning Zhizhizhi” will continue to bring him 50% defense reduction and 100% attack increase.

After Mega evolved and integrated the characteristic “non-defense”, the additional effect brought by Burning Zhizhi became 100% defense reduction and 200% attack increase.

For this appalling data, Liang Ren had some speculations before, but he was only at the speculation stage.

What he has to do now is to pass field tests and get a reliable data to verify his guess.

“You two, are you ready?” Through consciousness sound transmission, Liang Ren asked Pidgeot who circled sky and Slowpoke who used Psychic Levitate.

“Boss, I’m ready.” Pidgeot responded excitedly.

Next, I have the opportunity to show Slowpoke its Elite power. In its view, this makes him more happy than Onix who defeated Shiba.

“Come on, Brother Bird, let me see the power of Elite.” The bickering returns to the bickering. Slowpoke is also very curious about the power of Elite.

“Since everything is ready, let’s start.” Standing in the valley below, Liang Ren decisively gave instructions to the two pets.

“Pidgeot, use the Hurricane attack without activating the Bravery of Burning Will.”

“Stay, you are doing two things at the same time, use Protection + Light Screen supports a double-layer defense barrier inside and outside.”

“Beep Eagle——Received.”

“Ya Duo——Understand.”

< p>The two Pokémon returned to complied, and then each prepared.

The power gap between the quasi-Elite and the Elite is very large. Liang Ren was worried about hurting Slowpoke, so he just asked him to use Lie Hurricane’s Flying Type Basic Abilities.


Slowpoke pushes the palm and lifts it. The light green “protection” first creates a spherical protective cover on the inner layer, followed by the pink “Light Screen” “Another layer was wrapped on the outside.

Light green + pink, this brilliant lights and vibrant colors created by Slowpoke is very beautiful.

But if you think it’s just good-looking, it’s a big mistake. Its defensive power is high enough to make opponent desperate.

“Fat man, are you ready?” Pidgeot’s wings were scorching violently, as if a slight flap of his wings could set off ten Level 2 typhoons.

“Brother Bird, attack!!!” Protected by double energy bubbles, Slowpoke also feels confident.

“Be careful.”

“hu hu……” Pidgeot reminded, two wings fanned out one after another, suddenly a huge gray hurricane Wind Tornado moved towards Slowpoke Struck.

“Good come.” Seeing the sight of the hurricane disaster of the last days, Slowpoke not only felt no fear, but instead propped up the protective cover and ran into it actively.

“hong long long ……”

“chi si si ……”

The screams of the violent wind, the discoloration of the wind and the clouds, the broken buildings in the wind! ! !

Lee Hurricane, the flying type basic attack ability, was displayed by the Elite Pidgeot, and its lethality was simply appalling.

Compared with Sickle Itachi and Air Slash’s showing off one’s ability murderous aura, it is awe-inspiring.

The scope of Lie Hurricane’s ability is displayed, and the imposing manner is more magnificent, but also more shocking.

“Yadu!!!” Lie Hurricane is just the smallest formidable power capability in the Pidgeot Ability pool. Slowpoke found that he needed to do his best to defend.

The double-layer protective cover of “Protection+Light Screen”, under Hurricane’s squeeze and tear Tackle, turned out to be on the verge of collapse.


“Stupidly, remember Lie Hurricane’s formidable power just now, Pidgeot, please try to activate Burning Zhi Yong.”

“Beep eagle!!” Pidgeot in the sky replied to complied. Under its pair of bird eyes, Slowpoke’s effort to defend against Lie Hurricane just now could not hide.

“唳——” A high-pitched bird’s song echoed in the river valley, activating Pidgeot, the brave burning spirit, and his bright black eyes turned into offensive red.

A cutting off one’s means of retreat also rises on the body, ready to pull opponent perish together anytime and anywhere.

red’s imaginary flames curl up, like a Divine Bird who only falls into anger and madness.

“Fat man, feel my Peak battle strength without Mega evolution.” Pidgeot heroism reaching to the clouds shouted.

The two wings fanned out one after another as before, and a hurricane Wind Tornado hit Slowpoke again.

Compared with the previous one, this gray Twister is mixed with red light, and its volume is doubled compared to the previous one.

As for the formidable power……

“hong long long!!!”

After Hurricane Wind Tornado crossed the border, Slowpoke didn’t last for even a second. Was caught in.

Then followed the vortex fiercely and hit the ground fiercely, suffering continuous damage from the pressure of Hurricane Wind Tornado.

“Pidgeot, stop.” Seeing that the protective cover supported by Slowpoke had cracked, Liang Ren called to a stop in time.

“hu hu…” Hurricane Wind Tornado soldiers disbanded, Slowpoke levitate up from the ground in embarrassment.

The sweat on the forehead wet the fur, the mud and sawdust stuck to it, and it was panting hard, which made it very embarrassed.

Since joining the team, Slowpoke has been so battered and exhausted for the first time, no matter if it is on the field or other.

“Double.” Slowpoke stretched out a claw and said to Liang Ren, “Hurricane’s damage is doubled from the first time.”

” Thank you for your hard work, stay stunned, let’s take a break first.”



Li Hurricane’s basic attack on Ability, Pidgeot in three Cast it three times in different states.

The first normal state, Slowpoke felt very difficult.

The second time to activate the bravery of burning Zhi, after the attack was increased by 100%, Slowpoke was directly involved, and the protective cover was almost broken.

After the third evolution of the Pidgeot Mega, the attack ability has been increased by 200%

Li Hurricane use, a double-layer protective cover of Slowpoke is directly shattered, so to speak. There is no way to parry.

After the attack power test, I tested the defensive power again, and now it’s Slowpoke’s turn to attack Pidgeot.

①Slowpoke is hard-wired to a Skull Bash under normal circumstances.

②Activate the bravery of burning will, defensive ability is reduced by 50%, and then bear a Skull Bash.

③On the basis of activating the bravery of burning will and then Mega evolution, the defensive ability is reduced by 100% and then Slowpoke is a Skull Bash.



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