Three different test scenarios resulted in three different sets of data. Liang Ren’s guess was confirmed.

The data on the Pidgeot panel hasn’t changed after activating Ranzhi Zhiyong normally.

50% defensive reduction and 100% attack bonus are both an invisible external force buff.

This is a bit like the function of white Attribute coins. After adding points, the ability is obviously changed. But nothing is displayed on the panel.

After Mega evolved, the 100% defense reduction and 200% attack power increase were displayed on the panel.

【Pidgeot 】♂


Attribute: Flying, Normal

Character: Proud, Defiant

< p>Features: Keen Eye, strong pectoral muscles

Will: Burning courage

Stamina: 91 [C] Blue

Attack: 120 [B] Purple

Defense: 65[C]

Special Attack: 110[B] Purple

Special Defense: 65[C]

Speed :150[A]Red

Comprehensive: 601

Ability ———


Catch, Peck, Tackle , Sickle Weasel, Aerial Ace, Divine Bird, Heat Wave, Hurricane~

Li Hurricane, Air Slash, Steel Wings, Dragon Claw~

wing flapping, high altitude attack, Air Blast, Ultimate Impact, Hyper Beam, Dragon Rush ~

“Speed”: Downwind, Juggling, Spark One Flash, Agility, Double Team

“Secondary”: Substitute, Minimize, Whirlwind, Roost, Foresight, Flying Sand Feet, Sunny Day, Black Eyes, Feather Dance, Mirror Move, Refresh


Pokémon After the evolution of Mega, Species Strength The ability value on the data will increase by 100 points.

This law is constant and applies to any Pokémon’s Mega evolutionary form, and Pidgeot is no exception.

However, the trainer and Pokémon have no way to intervene with the allocation of 100 ability points.

After the evolution of Pidgeot Mega, 100 points of ability points are allocated as follows:



Attack: 0

Defense: 5

Special attack: 65

Special defense: 10

Speed: 20

< p>————————

100 ability points are allocated in the four abilities of defense, special attack, special defense, and speed, with the focus on special attack.

But this is the previous data, and now the defensive ability of “Burning Will + No Defense” has been reduced by 100% and attack ability has been increased by 200%.

Mega evolved new ability distribution points as follows:




Defense: 0

Special Attack: 195

Special Defense: 0

Speed: 20

—— ——————

Dual defense 15 points (5 defense + 10 special defense) are reduced to zero after 100% reduction.

The special attack ability value of 65 points was increased by 200% to a shocking 195, and the speed remained unchanged.

Looking at it this way, the 100% defense reduction only reduces the 15-point dual defense Attribute value after Mega’s evolution.

The 200% attack increase has tripled the 65-point special attack, plus the 20-point speed Attribute increase has not changed.

Originally, after Mega evolved, only 100 points of ability value increased. Now after enjoying the additional effect of “Burning Will + No Defense”, 100 points directly become 215 points.

“hiss~ This data is a bit scary.” After studying Pidgeot’s Attribute panel carefully, Liang Ren felt a tingling scalp.

“Pidgeot’s innate talent Species Strength was increased to the upper limit of 601 by adding points. Now, after Mega has evolved, 215 is added, and the innate talent Species Strength has become 816.”

< p>“In other words, after the evolution of my Pidgeot Mega, Species Strength is not only higher than Arceus, but even surpasses MegaRayquaza and MegaMewtwo.”

Liang Ren swallowed saliva and said, he was analyzed by himself The conclusion was shocked.

But soon Liang Ren shook the head, “Arceus, Rayquaza, and Mewtwo are Mega Divine Beast. Pidgeot impossible will surpass each other with just a little increase.”

“Otherwise, in the afternoon and Xi Pakistan’s Onix battle will not be deadlocked for so long, but will kill the opponent directly.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

“Although Pidgeot is strengthened by innate talent coins, it’s just ordinary Pokémon in the end. It can’t compare with Mewtwo and Rayquaza in terms of life form.”

“Plus Pidgeot Mega evolution After that, the main attack ability has been improved in a short time. This equivalent to Pidgeot wears a Divine Artifact that increases the special attack ability.”

“It can be said that Pidgeot’s ability data will exceed those of Rayquaza, all relying on’equipment ‘The reason.”

Liang Ren had this guess, and decisively greeted Pidgeot and Slowpoke to continue the experiment.

Sure enough, after a period of experiments, Liang Ren discovered a lot of problems.



“I just took it for granted.”

“Because the ability value reached 215, maintain The Mega Evolution wave consumed by Mega Evolution has more than doubled.”

“After Mega evolved, 195 points of special attack increase plus the basic 110 special ability value, Pidgeot’s special attack is as high as 305 points.”

“But the bravery of burning aspirations is closely related to the fighting spirit of Pidgeot when it is activated. There is a short period of outbreak after activation, and then it will slowly decay.”

“and Activating the bravery of burning will is very exhausting. It is the limit to activate it once or twice a day.”

“In this way, the innate talent Species Strength of 816 and the special attack ability value of 305 are statistically significant. Although it’s amazing, it’s actually not as invincible as I imagined.”

Liang Ren thought while writing and drawing calculation data in his notebook.

Regarding Pidgeot’s ability value experiment, Liang Ren spent a full afternoon, and Liang Ren has a deeper understanding of the exaggerated data on the Attribute panel.

To find out that Pidgeot is not at all super god, Liang Ren is not disappointed, after all breakthrough Elite level understands the bravery of burning aspirations, Pidgeot has already gained a lot.

If only one breakthrough and a powerful and rare will can surpass Rayquaza and Arceus, then he will feel a little unreliable.

After all, he and Pidgeot have worked steadily along the way, paying great attention to the basics, and never like to find shortcuts.

“In any case, 50% defense reduction and 100% attack increase under normal conditions, 100% defense reduction and 200% attack increase after Mega evolved.”

“Pidgeot realized This “brain burning willpower” will is definitely a very powerful and rare kind of spirit willpower. “

“The ability to comprehend this will shows the high potential of Pidgeot innate talent. In the future, it may be able to break through the championship level, reaching or even surpassing Yingzun Senior. “

“pa! ! “Close the calculation notebook in his hand and look at Pidgeot and Slowpoke gasping for breath, Liang Ren is full of expectations.

Pidgeot and Slowpoke are very innate talents. With his ability, in the near future It might not be impossible to breed them to reach the Divine Beast level.

“Pidgeot, dumb, thank you for your hard work, let’s take a break. “Returning the notebook to the system backpack, Liang Ren took out some Berry and Pokéblock.

“Beep Eagle——Ahhh, I am so tired, I don’t want to move at all. “

“Ya duo——(´◔‸◔`)Liang Ren, I don’t want to move either, you feed me~”

Pidgeot squatted on the ground with his wings hanging down, And Slowpoke is also drowsily lying on Pidgeot’s back, with a limp body.

This afternoon, in order to measure the additional effect of the ability of “Burning Will”, Slowpoke was first arranged to stand still and be beaten behind. It fully outputs damage.

From the time when the sun was still on the west shoulder of Yangjiaofeng, it kept tossing until the sun set and was completely covered behind Yangjiaofeng.

For the whole afternoon, both Pokémon were exhausted.

“Okay~Thanks for your hard work.” Seeing the two pets look weak, even though they knew they were pretending, Liang Ren didn’t open it.

Holding a small pot, Pidgeot and Slowpoke were fed a small half pot of blue tangerines and then stopped.

“Cloyster, Lucario, Ivy Snake, this is the end of today’s training, everyone should stop and rest for a while.”


< p>“ao 嗷——”

“si si ——”

When I heard Liang Ren’s words, not far away in the valley, I was still training three Pokémon back to complied.



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