


After Xiba left, only Liang Ren remained in the entire Yangjiaofeng valley. There are also five Pokémon.

The sun gradually sinks into the western mountains, the sky is pale gray and blue, and the pebbled river valley appears to be white at first glance.

After training hard all day, Cloyster and Qingteng Snake are chatting together.

Slowpoke drowsily lay on the picnic mat with a lollipop in his mouth, staring at the sky in a daze.

I accompany Pidgeot to do experiments this afternoon, and I have a deeper understanding of the Elite power Slowpoke.

At this moment, it is thinking about when it can make a breakthrough and officially promote to become the Elite Pokémon.


Slowpoke lying on the picnic mat, glanced at the edge of the camp with his head tilted, and not far away was a guard Pidgeot standing on a big rock, with a small heart. Sighed.

“According to what Liang Ren said, the thick Elite bottleneck lying in front of me has been worn away by 95%.”

“The more difficult it is as you go back, no I know if I can break through to Elite before the end of the experience.”

Slowpoke looked in a daze, Lucario is full of energy.

While helping Liang Ren wash and chop vegetables, and then help him watch the fire, I am very busy.

The twilight is vast, and the mountains outside the valley collapsed in the arms of night, as if the whole was melted by silence.

The crescent moon was covered by a few dark clouds, and Heaven and Earth between Heaven and Earth became dim, but the campsite in the Yangjiaofeng River Valley was warm and bright.

The scent of food drifted far, far away with the night wind. Many Wild Pokémons who came out at night stick one’s head around to look for in the dark and sniffed the smell.


The predators opened their scarlet and greedy eyes, and they became more hungry by the aroma of the food, and they kept secreting saliva in their mouths.

The calm river valley during the day, stick one’s head around to look for after nightfall, the sneaky Wild Pokémon suddenly increased.

But they are just peeping in the dark, and they dare not come forward.

As hunters, they have a very keen sense of danger.

At the moment, the fire is bright and the river valley camp with strong food aroma gives them a feeling of extreme danger.

“Pidgeot, dumb…, ready to start dinner.”

Siba has left, Liang Ren’s food volume has been directly reduced by more than half, and dinner preparation is simple A lot.

“Ah duo——(´・ω・`) It smells good, Xiaolu, what Liang Ren made for dinner is delicious.”

“ao 嗷——₍ᐢ •⌄•ᐢ₎There are many, fried shrimp with lettuce and fungus, spicy sauce, braised tendon, Mapo Tofu…all you like.”

Lucario, wearing a pink strawberry pattern apron, helped Liang Ren served the dishes, shaking his head happily and replied to Slowpoke.

“Beep Eagle——(՞ਊ՞) Path, does the boss make sweet and sour pork?” Hearing the meal, standing on a stone not far away, Pidgeot, who was standing on a rock with deep wings, hurriedly flew over.

“ao 嗷——₍ᐢ•⌄•ᐢ₎There is no sweet and sour tenderloin, but there is your favorite cola chicken wings.”

“Beep carving——(՞ਊ) ՞)~♪ Coke chicken wings, I love to eat~♫”



Although Shiba is gone, but There are Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Lucario three foodies, and the camp is still very lively.

“Oh!!! This Mapo Tofu is delicious, but it’s a bit hot.”


“Um~~ This braised tendon is too fragrant to chew, I almost bit my tongue.”


“Wow!!! This sauce is so spicy! , I feel that if I eat a few more, I’m afraid I’m going to understand Flamethrower.”



After dinner, I washed a bit , Gave the phone to a few Pokémon to play, Liang Ren took out the notebook and adjusted their training plan for Pidgeot.

Pidgeot is now breakthrough Elite. The next thing to do is to strengthen the training to stabilize the realm as soon as possible.

“Substitute, Feather Dance, Hyper Beam, Ultimate Impact, Dragon Rush” these newly-understood Ability all need to be strengthened.

Especially after the Hyper Beam and the ultimate impact are used, the body will be stiff due to the strong recoil, and there is no ability to act in a short time.

“However, the training of Ability and the steady realm to master the skyrocketing power, these Pidgeots are very experienced.”

“These Pidgeots can all be done by themselves. Next, my energy is It’s time to transfer to Slowpoke and Lucario.”

He tilted his head and glanced at Slowpoke and Lucario who were playing games on the picnic mat. Liang Ren circled the names of the two favorites in his notebook.

According to at first’s plan, he should terminate this experience only at Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level.

However, the sound waves of the Yangjiaofeng River Valley do have a miraculous effect on Pokémon’s exercise, and the Slowpoke Elite bottleneck breakthrough progress has reached 95%

Liang Ren also decided to practice for a while, after all, return Nothing happened after school.

“Then the arrangement of the next few Pokémons is:

①Pidgeot: With the help of the sound waves of the Yangjiaofeng River Valley to stabilize the realm, master the strength of the surge after the breakthrough and exercise several new insights into the ability. .

②Slowpoke: sense spirit willpower, breakthrough Elite bottleneck.

③Cloyster: The current Elite bottleneck breakthrough progress is only 17%, and then there is only perseverance training, relying on water to work hard.


④Lucario: Level reached LV.43, Ability structure tends to be perfect, skill in battle skills, and rich combat experience.

Next, while maintaining the basics, there are only two The tasks are: Master the evolutionary power of Mega, and develop Aura.

⑤ Qingteng Snake: Prepare for mastering the “Energy Ball” through learning “Absorb, Mega Drain, and Giga Drain”. “

“When this experience is over and back to school, it is time to arrange Qingteng Snake to enter the city Stadium to play the game. “

“pa ~ In addition, I will challenge Orange Alliance next, and I will have more chances to play as Grass Type Pokémon’s Qingteng Snake. “

After adjusting the training plan, Liang Ren closed his notebook, glanced at the sparse shadows of the trees behind the camp, and listened to the roar of the beasts in the mountains outside.

Liang Ren raised his head Looking at the deep night sky, you can see the stars blinking, as if they are also peeking at the mysterious mountains…

“You guys, we have to prepare for Rest. “




A few Pokémons answered complied, very cleverly Return the phone, and get into the tent to prepare for the Rest.

Challenge the valley sound wave, breakthrough Elite level, play against Shiba’s Onix, and test the data of “Burning Zhi Zhi Courage”.

After a day of tossing, Pidgeot, who is usually responsible for the night watch, also got back into the baby ball to rest, and the task of night watch was handed over to Cloyster.

In the fall season, although I don’t know if the leaves of the trees in the forest outside the mountain are all gone, or if the wasteland is shrouded in dense fog.

But in the depths of Mt. Moon’s veins, some peaks have been covered with first snow, and the temperature is getting colder and colder…

Without Onix’s body to block the wind, at night Liang Ren’s tent was crash-banged by the strong wind in the valley.

A thin quilt was added, Liang Ren, Slowpoke, Lucario curled up and slept soundly.

No words for a night until dawn.

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