It just dawned, and the wind outside the mountain seemed to be rushing to the market.

Hushing into the river valley, when passing the security gate at Yangjiaofeng, they ran in the river valley like a happy wind, making a joyous noise on the pebble beach.


In the lower half of the river valley, the early-rising boy is leading a Lucario and a siberian vine for a morning run.

The sweat-drenched white vest becomes transparent, and the golden morning sun shines through the river valley from the rear.

Shine on the boy’s sweaty neck, on the boy’s bright side face, and on the boy’s strong and generous back.

Long-term unremitting exercise, Liang Ren also has a lean and fleshy figure in clothes.

At this young and energetic age, Liang Ren not only has the Pokémon strength on hand, he has left peers far behind.

Even his personal military force value is not comparable to peers.


The one-hour morning exercise is over, after washing and eating breakfast, resting for half an hour, Liang Ren brings Pokémon to start a new day of training.

Although this kind of life is very boring, but Pokémon’s improvement in strength is also quite gratifying, almost every day can have a lot of improvement.

“Pidgeot, you will train yourself in the next period of time. I don’t need to say more about how to do it.”

In the middle of the valley, Liang Ren gathered a few Pokémons together Come to a bunch.

“Beep Eagle——Just breakthrough is of course a solid realm to grasp the power of skyrocketing, and then exercise a few skills Ability.

“Boss, don’t worry, I won’t Slack Off. “The first breakthrough Elite level, Pidgeot, who returned to the rank of the Oldest Big Brother in the team, threw off his crown and said.

“I’m very relieved of you. Next, go and train yourself. “

“Okay, let me go. “Pidgeot nodded, flapping its wings into an arrow, shooting straight towards the sky.

“Slowpoke, you also train yourself first, and I will come to you later. “Liang Ren looked towards Slowpoke.

After “OK” Slowpoke made an OK gesture, the air underneath him compressed like a spring, and then slammed it towards the sky.

< p>“Cloyster, today you still go to the place where you trained yesterday, use the innate talent to change the weather, and then feel the will of ice from the wind and snow. “

“Ticket–“Cloyster nodded, he has no comments on Liang Ren’s arrangement.

“Don’t worry, I have passed the channel of Hunter’s Guild, and succeeded. I bought “Secret Power, Force of Nature,” and the courier will arrive at Pewter City tomorrow. “

“Wait for you to learn these two Ability tricks, and then cooperate with “Weather Ball”, I believe it will be a lot easier to comprehend the power of natural weather and the will of ice. ”

Pidgeot took the lead in breaking through the Elite level, and the slowpoke bottleneck breakthrough progress has also reached 95%, and it is only 17% here

Cloyster is a really strong personality, which Liang Ren can see It is a little anxious when it comes out.

But there is no way. Pidgeot and Slowpoke both have strength inheritance, and they have a natural advantage in impacting Elite.

Apart from this, Pidgeot and Slowpoke can also establish a bond link with Liang Ren, which is also very helpful for breakthrough Elite bottleneck.

On the other hand, Cloyster is all on their own, and the breakthrough progress is slower. It’s normal, but 17% of the progress in a month is already amazing.

“Ticket——” Hear Liang Ren’s words, Cloyster nodded, just like Liang Ren said, during this time it The pressure is indeed a bit high.

Cloyster is properly arranged here, Liang Ren looked towards Qingteng Snake, during this period it is also training alone, but the speed of improvement is not slow at all.

Not to mention the level upgrade to LV.27, the Ability in the Ability pool is all proficient.

The “Absorb, Mega Drain, and Giga Drain” that he exercises today are still the court money he went to the Tetsu City Court before. I bought it at the Alliance Items store during the trial.

“Qingteng Snake, the “Energy Ball”TM I bought for you will also arrive tomorrow. When you master the Ability of the Absorb series, you will save a lot of effort when learning Energy Ball. “

“si si ——” Qingteng Snake seriously nodded.

Its strength can be improved so fast, in addition to its own hard work, Liang Ren is well-rounded The plan also accounts for a large part of the reason.

See Liang Ren arranged the other Pokémons, leaving it alone until the end, Lucario asked hurriedly.

” ao oh-what about me, what about me? “

“Learning from Mr. Shiba during this time, Lucario, your battle strength is fully mature.

The improvement of strength has also entered a period of flattening, so today we will make an attempt. “

Looking at Lucario’s impatient look, Liang Ren put up a finger and blinked at it and said.

“Try it?” Could it be! ! ! “The doubts cleared, Lucario looked towards Liang Ren with some surprises.

In the summer vacation at the Hoenn Fortree City Divine Bird Festival, Pidgeot used Mega Evolution to wave Mega Evolution.

Liang Ren just I told Lucario that it can also evolve Mega.

However, if the body is not fully developed and the control of its own power is not proficient enough, it will damage the body if it is tried hastily.

So Mega The evolution has been dragging on, and then the training schedule was very tight. Lucario once forgot about it.

Seeing Liang Ren’s hint now, it quickly reacted.

“You are right, we are going to experiment with Mega evolution today. “Liang Ren stared at Lucario with piercing eyes, full of expectation.

In the original book, Lucario from Kalos Salo Gym Leader Cole is not proficient in his own power.

After rushing to Mega Evolution, the soaring Aura affected his mind and went wild.

In order to prevent this from happening to his own Lucario.

Liang Ren also made up his mind. Don’t try Mega evolution until Lucario battle strength matures.

But now, Liang Ren feels that the time is almost ripe, and Lucario can already control perfectly whether it is physical strength or Aura.


In addition, Lucario’s strength has entered a period of slow development, so Liang Ren feels that it is time for Lucario to try Mega evolution.

“ao oh! ! ! “Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Lucario jumped with excitement.

Before, it used Liang Ren mobile phone to search for photos of his Mega evolution on the Internet. Lucario knew that he was very handsome after Mega evolved.

“After Mega evolves, the power will increase exponentially, which naturally also includes your Aura Force within the body. “

“So before you try Mega Evolution, adjust your emotions first, and don’t be affected by the soaring Aura Force and run out of control. “

Looking at Lucario, who was full of excitement, Liang Ren gave him a shot in advance and warned him.

“ao oh-hmm, I know. “Seeing Liang Ren’s serious expression, Lucario immediately understood the importance of the matter.

Sit on the floor cross-legged with one pet, hands flat on knees. Calm Mind meditated for more than ten minutes before eyes opened.


“Are you ready? “Liang Ren looked at Lucario with his eyes ancient well without ripples.

After Calm Mind adjusted his breath, Lucario’s mood also returned to calm, and the whole looked more stable.

“ao 嗷— -I’m ready. “Lucario nodded.

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