“Okay, I have already explained to you the next in-depth development of Aura.”

“Do you have any questions, if not, we will train as planned.” Liang Ren looked at Lucario who was doing well in front of him and asked.

“ao ao~” Lucario shook the head, as the main melee force trained by Liang Ren, its comprehension is still very high.

“Since there is no doubt, let’s start training.”

“And your first training task is to establish a bond with me through telepathy.”

Liang Ren circled the item “telepathy → bondage link” with a red pen, and then marked a big number one on it.

“ao ao~” Lucario cleverly nodded.

As the most authentic Aura Pokémon, “telepathy” is Lucario’s innate Ability.

It is not too difficult for Lucario to upgrade telepathy into a bond link.

One person didn’t get up, so he sat cross-legged on the stone platform, converging his mind, quietly feeling the wind and howling in the river valley.

“hu hu……” The wind blew, and dust fell on the stone walls of the cliffs on both sides of the river valley.

The leaves fell on both sides of the valley, leaving only the bare branches of low shrubs, which were blown by the wind to make the sound of’wu wu’.


In the valley below, a wooden plank jammed by a stone was blown loose by the strong wind and rolled around in the rocky beach of the valley.

The Yangjiao Peak standing at the mouth of the river valley in the distance seems to imprison a beautiful Princess with long hair.

Singing with joy when happy, sobbing and sobbing when sad, and howling sharply when angry.

The wind has emotions. When people listening to the wind slowly calm down, they lose their emotions.

One person on the stone platform cross-legged and closed his eyes, Liang Ren did not speak, and Lucario did not speak.

The body is bound, but the spirit is free.

One person and one pet sit still on Calm Mind, but the Celestic consciousness drifts far away with the wind.

“Lucario~” Liang Ren, who had no telepathy and no bondage, regained his peace of mind and called out in his heart.

Aura is essentially the power of the mind.

Liang Ren called in his heart, this voice from the bottom of his heart spread along a strange wind of Aura.

“Master big brother, I am here.” At this moment, Lucario’s voice sounded clearly in Liang Ren’s heart.

“Call me to try for you this time.” Liang Ren said silently in his heart.

“Okay.” Lucario said softly.

“Master big brother, what shall we eat at noon?” Lucario asked from the bottom of his heart, following Liang Ren’s request.

However, it not at all got Liang Ren’s response. The difference between telepathy and bondage is also revealed at this moment.

Telepathy is one-sided. Although Lucario separates a mind, Liang Ren’s voice can be passed through, and Lucario’s voice can also be passed through.

But the initiative of this contact lies with Lucario, and it needs to separate a mind at any time to maintain this contact.

But when the game was officially played, the situation was fierce and critical, so how could Lucario get distracted.

The fetters link is different, it is two-way, and at the same time this state of mental connection is stable.

Once the bond link is opened, Liang Ren can sound transmission with Lucario consciousness without hindrance, and Lucario can also communicate with him in real time.

Liang Ren He can share Lucario’s sensory perspective, whether it is Coaching training or commanding battles, he has great help.

Not to mention that in the state of fetters, the overall strength of each other has a strengthening effect.

Compared with telepathy, I don’t know how many times it is stronger.

Like now, if Lucario doesn’t take the initiative to use telepathy, he just calls out softly in his heart.

Liang Ren, who does not have the ability to perceive Aura, simply cannot hear the voice of Lucario’s heart.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that Liang Ren wanted to use telepathy to establish a bond with Lucario during the next period of time.

The days returned to peace. After Shiba left, Liang Ren was the only one left in the valley of Giethoorn Peak.

Three meals a day, three meats and two vegetarian meals, morning, midnight and evening, training, farming, training——




In an instant, half a month passed.

In the Yangjiaofeng Valley, a young man with a naked upper body and a strong figure is doing push-ups on the stone platform.

I have been to Mt. Moon pulse training for a month and a half, scorched and drenched by sun and rain, day after day for training.

Liang Ren’s whole person is dark, of course, this is only a healthy wheat color compared to before, and now Liang Ren’s skin tone can only be said.

If he used to be handsome and handsome, Liang Ren now has a masculine and calm body.

After entering puberty, the secretion of male hormones increased, Liang Ren’s upper and lower lips began to have soft, fluffy beards.

During this period of experience in the Yangjiaofeng River Valley, Liang Ren, like other normal adolescents, began to worry about washing underwear.

Because of long-term exercise, the physical development is ahead of peers, and Liang Ren washes underwear more frequently.

But this is something that every adolescent will experience. He has lived for two lives, Liang Ren didn’t feel too much trouble because of this little thing.

Compared with the changes in Liang Ren himself, the improvement of the five Pokémon’s strength is even more gratifying.

Pidgeot has fully mastered the power that surged after breakthrough Elite. Hyper Beam, Ultimate Impact, and Dragon Rush have also been fully mastered.

Like Hyper Beam, after the ultimate impact is cast, the strong reaction force will make the body stiff and unable to act.

Pidgeot has completely overcome this problem after being tempered by the physical vibration of Yangjiaofeng.

With a distance of 10,000 meters, Pidgeot has improved a little every day, and now it has grown from 6,100 meters to 9,200 meters at the breakthrough Elite level.

The baptism that bears the physical and spiritual sound waves every day, now Pidgeot’s will becomes more tenacious.

Physical fitness has also been strengthened to a terrifying level. This can be seen from the fact that it has doubled its appetite several times.

Slowpoke’s progress has slowed down a bit. After the Elite bottleneck breakthrough reached 99% ten days ago, there has been no new progress.

However, Calm Mind observes the clouds every day, and the strength and cognition are accumulated more and more abundantly. Breakthrough Elite is believed to be a matter of where water flows, a canal is formed.

On the Cloyster side, after learning “Secret Power, Natural Force”, he cooperated with Weather Ball and the meteorological authority within the body.

Cloyster finally stepped into the high-speed lane based on his understanding of spirit willpower. The progress of the half a month time breakthrough has increased from 17% to 43%

This speed is very amazing. Breakthrough Elite is also a matter of time.

On the Qingteng Snake side, after “Absorb, Mega Drain, and Giga Drain” were thoroughly mastered, the learning of “Energy Ball” really went smoothly.

Training + field combat alternates. Level has been upgraded from LV.27 to LV.Level 35.

When it evolves into the final evolutionary monarch snake, its strength will usher in a big explosion.

The last one is Lucario. During this big half a month, Liang Ren put a lot of energy on it.


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