The “Aura Development” project is proceeding surprisingly well.

With telepathy as the foundation, the establishment of the “fetter link” only took a day to succeed.

The same goes for “Mind-Reading”, which has a mind-testing technique as a foundation, and it also only took one day.

The enhancement of the four-stroke Ability of “Iron Defense, Endure, Quick Guard, Counter” is also very smooth.

①”Iron Defense” is to mobilize the strength of within the body Steel Type to perform steel hardening on the body surface such as hair and skin, thereby greatly improving the physical defensive power.

Liang Ren based on this foundation, let Lucario mobilize the power of Fighting Aura while using Iron Defense to mobilize the power of within the body Steel Type.

During this process, Aura’s projection effect is naturally activated, originally hardened into iron-grey skin and hair by the Steel Type power.

A layer of light blue explosion-proof tempered Aura film is pasted on the surface. The iron-gray hair becomes shining after being stained with Aura’s power.

Not only that, Lucario’s body is all around, and there is a hexagonal arc energy shield continuously rotating.

The structure of these four shields took Liang Ren’s thoughts.

The most important thing is to draw on the tracking and marking function of “Invisible Rock”, without distraction to maintain, the shield can always surround Lucario.

At the same time, these four-sided shields also have the function of transforming virtual and real, flickering and alternate changes, they are activated immediately when they encounter an attack and then protect Lucario.

This skill Ability is deliberately used alone, can also be used with Iron Defense Ability, and can also be used against teammates or even opponent.

Of course, who will be full and give opponent a defensive ability.

After the “Invisible Shield” was developed, Liang Ren specifically asked Slowpoke to do a test. If Iron Defense can improve Level 2 physical defense.

Then, after Aura puts a layer of explosion-proof tempered Aura film on the skin, and the hair is strengthened by Aura, the physical defense and special defense have been upgraded to Level 1.

And all around the four-sided invisible shield surrounding Levitate, it can be regarded as a single Iron Defense, and the physical defense is improved by Level 2.

“Invisible Shield” is displayed separately, material defense +3, special defense +1

“Iron Defense + Invisible Shield” is simultaneously displayed, and the effect of physical defense increase reaches a terrifying +5, Special defense +1


② “Endure” is the endurance of a strong incarnation body. At the same time, it builds a certain defense for the fragile organs within the body, making it impossible to Will be killed by a powerful attack.

For the feature of this ability, Liang Ren asked Lucario to do the opposite of the previous enhancement of Iron Defense Ability.

Iron Defense is hardened and metalized, and Endure’s X Defense is softened.

Let the skin soften, improve its flexibility, so that it can produce a force-relief and damage-reduction effect when under attack.

Looking at the effect of reducing injury into defensive power, Liang Ren’s move has increased Lucario’s physical defense and special defense by Level 1.

Of course, the essence of Endure Ability lies in strengthening and defending the organs. Liang Ren, who understands the principle, puts the cart before the horse.

After opening the bond link and sharing Lucario’s senses, he began to strengthen the organs in the chest and abdomen.

Doing this kind of thing is a delicate task, although it took a lot of time, but fortunately it was successfully completed in the end.

“Endure · Enhanced Edition” skin material defense +1, special defense +1, visceral injury tolerance greatly improved.


③3rd move defense Ability The strengthening process of “Quick Guard” is the simplest.

The Ability principle of Quick Guard is to stimulate the arm muscles to increase their reaction power and speed, so that they can return to defense faster when attacked.

Use both hands to make movements such as bending your elbows and blocking your face with your arms, parrying and swinging open, and crossing your arms in front of your chest.

After figuring out the principle, Liang Ren and Lucario made targeted enhancements.

Aura stimulates the arm muscles to increase the reaction force and speed by +2. At the same time, the defense of the opponent arm is strengthened by a single needle, so that the physical defense and special defense of the two arms are increased by +2.

I have had enough experience in X Defense for Iron Defense and Endure. It only took half a day to upgrade the “Quick Guard”.


④The fourth defense ability “Counter” is more difficult to strengthen and upgrade.

It is said to be a defense against Ability, but Ability’s defense against Pokémon is not at all too obvious, and it only slightly increases the damage.

This ability has a rebound Revenge effect similar to “mirror coat, return punch, Avalanche, revenge”.

Liang Ren could not analyze this unique counterattack effect.

So he can only choose to pass the simulation, and then assist in strengthening the damage rebound effect originally possessed by this ability.

Liang Ren still started from hardening, softening, and improving physical defense and special defense. In the end, he was inspired by the sound waves in the valley.

Developed a strategy like the previous “Invisible Shield”, which can be used in conjunction with Counter or a “counterattack shield” that can be used separately.

Use Aura’s projection function to create a thick energy shield with very high hardness in front of you.

Then control the energy golden shield to vibrate violently at high frequency like the physical damage sound waves of the river valley.

Finally, through physical contact when lifting the shield with both hands, the Counter’s Ability effect is extended to the energy crystal shield.

Once an opponent contact physical attack occurs, the “counter-strike shield” can double the attack back to the opponent.

The Ability Counter is just like its name. After taking damage, it will double ×2 and bounce back.

But after Liang Ren’s design enhancement, high-frequency vibration is added to the energy crystal shield.

After field testing, it is concluded that “Counter + Counterattack Shield” can rebound × 3.5 times the damage, and the counterattack shield alone can rebound × 2 times the damage.

So far, the four-stroke defense Ability has been strengthened and upgraded.

Whether it is the “invisible shield” developed by the invisible rock when strengthening Iron Defense.

The “Counter Ability” that was finally extended from Counter Ability were all works that made Liang Ren very satisfied.

Like “Endure” Ability to strengthen the protection of Pokémon organs, “Quick Guard” stimulates arm muscles to improve reaction power and speed.

They have accumulated valuable experience for the enhancement and upgrade of other abilities in the future and even the development of new abilities.

The enhancement of the four-stroke defense Ability is not all of the Aura development plan for the First Rank segment.

After that, Liang Ren didn’t have any attack power against Aura’s Wind, and was only used by Lucario as an auxiliary ability to detect perception.

After design modification, simulating “air blasting”, developed a new ability “Aura · Great breakthrough” with a trick “Spit Up Hurricane with the mouth”

Aura · The breakthrough lethality is a bit higher than that of Hurricane, and the initial damage of Ability is calculated to reach 50 points.

The formidable power is not too high, but it makes up for the shortcomings of Lucario’s range attack.

After completing the “Aura · Great Breakthrough”, seeing that there is a lot of time, Liang Ren and Lucario finally enhanced and upgraded Aura Sphere.

The Aura Force is condensed on the hand, and the Aura is kept flowing in different directions and compressed to form a rotating high-density Aura energy bomb.

In the two steps of “energy compression and decompression explosion”, the internal energy of the Aura Sphere is controlled to perform irregular Rapid Spin movement.

The finished spiral Aura Sphere has been tested in the field.

Sure enough, not only the blasting power has been greatly enhanced, but now it also has the Physical characteristics of the whirling cutting.

The initial damage value announced by Aura Sphere on the Alliance Ability wait and see is 80, and the initial lethality of the spiral Aura Sphere has directly reached 100.

“Spiral Aura Sphere”, now jump Become Lucario’s strongest Unique Ability.



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