

“roar roar roar! !!!”

At the corner of Yangjiaofeng River Valley, there are two huge bodies at the moment. Pokémon is besieging a relatively small Pokemon.

The appearance of these two Pokémon combines some of the characteristics of mammals and reptiles.

The two hind feet stand upright, with a tail dragging behind him, a hideous mouth and big ears.

At the moment, what was attacking fiercely was a female Pokémon with blue hard scales all over her body and rice-white scales on her chin, chest, and abdomen.

The sturdy arms were waving, and the clenched fists were wrapped in white ice crystals.

I only feel the chill at a glance. This is exactly the ice attribute Ability emergency Ice Punch.

“peng peng peng peng…”

Ice Punch whizzed and swung out, and the besieged Pokémon was beaten back for a while and could only defend continuously.

The other Pokémon next to him was not idle either, his fist was wrapped in the thunder gang that made chi chi, and Thunder Punch continuously rushed out.

“roar roar roar! !! Miscellaneous repair, weren’t you a very difficult to deal with before? Now you fight back, why don’t you fight back.”

Nidoking grin He opened his big, hideous mouth, and while attacking with Nidoqueen, he said defiantly.

The one being besieged was a blue, which looked a bit like Pokemon, a dog with upright feet.

Faced with the siege of Nidoking and Nidoqueen, Lucario seemed to be passive even though he jumped up and down, and seemed a little embarrassed.

But Liang Ren, who shared Pidgeot’s sharp eyes on sky, was able to spot it very clearly.

In the face of Nidoqueen and Nidoking’s attack, Lucario’s embarrassment and difficulty in parrying are simply an illusion created by it.

Aura stimulates the arm muscles to improve reaction force and speed, and at the same time wraps the forearm with a pair of energy armors of Aura condense.

Crossing blocks, raising the parry, swinging the elbows, and swaying…, to match the footsteps, whether it’s Nidoqueen’s Ice Punch or Nidoking’s Thunder Punch.

Lucario seemed embarrassed, but every time he was able to resolve the opponent’s attack by accident.

Look carefully, as if Lucario is deliberately practicing with the opponent.



Regardless of the strength of this region, as long as it is Wild Pokémon with a strong offensive, it will always be Was beaten by Lucario.

The Nidoking in front of me is the first existence that Liang Ren encountered when he was in the wild after he came to the Yangjiaofeng Valley. The level exceeded LV.30.

At that time, the other party failed to woo Nidoqueen and was very angry.

After discovering the Liang Ren squad that suddenly appeared, he took the initiative to attack without even waiting for Slowpoke to provocation with Flute.

Of course, there is no doubt about the final result. Nidoking was approached by Lucario, relying on the powerful Fighting technique cultivation base to beat the opponent.

Afterwards, Lucario beat the Nidoqueen who had refused Nidoking’s courtship by chance.

Then it was because of the same experience and the same enemy Lucario.

Nidoqueen, who had already rejected Nidoking’s courtship, actually got mountain road twists around each new peak and got together with Nidoking.

Liang Ren brought Lucario developed by Aura in the First Rank stage to the actual combat experience, and he happened to meet this revengeful Nido couple.

Once the battle started, it lasted for more than 20 minutes, during which time Nidoking and Nidoqueen attacked.

And Lucario, who deliberately tested his four tricks to use Aura enchantment to enhance the ability defensive effect after being promoted, so he will only defend but not attack.

“Bang!!” Lucario crossed his arms back to the defense, blocking Nidoqueen’s heavy Hammer Arm.

Nidoqueen pressed his fist desperately, forcing Lucario to open the door open, but he couldn’t withdraw his hand.

“roar roar!!!” Nidoqueen gazes across Lucario’s shoulder and yells to remind him moved towards Nidoking.

Nidoking smiled madly, not slow at all, lowered his head with a murderous aura. The awe-inspiring Drill Run slammed into Lucario’s back.

The situation was extremely severe for a time because of the enemy’s back.

But Lucario not at all panicked, his body shook, and the Aura Force within the body burst out.

“ao 嗷——”

“weng! !!!”

The four-sided hexagonal arc energy crystal shield suddenly appeared in the body all around, Nidoking Head down to use Drill Run and hit, immediately blocked.

“Lucario, it’s almost done, get rid of them.” At this time, Liang Ren’s voice sounded in Lucario’s heart.

The battle was deadlocked for more than half an hour, and the double attack of Nidoking and Nidoqueen at first was indeed fierce.

However, after Lucario slowly adapted to the opponent’s attacking rhythm, he became more and more proficient with the defense capabilities of Quick Guard and Invisible Shield.

The attack of the Nido couple can no longer bring pressure to Lucario.

“Go on, Lucario, Mega Evolution!!!”

On the sky, Liang Ren sitting cross-legged on Pidgeot’s back raised his hand to hold up a Mega Evolution wave Energy Ball Crush Grip’bang’.

“ao wu!!!”

In the valley below, Lucario raised his head and howled, and a terrifying imposing manner erupted with a burst of Aura wind.

Nidoking and Nidoqueen, who were attacking Lucario, were caught off guard, and were thrown off.

“peng peng…”

The two Pokémon looked up and looked towards Lucario enveloped in the light of evolution with their heads up and their faces in disbelief.

The imposing manner that Lucario burst out just now directly shocked the two of them. After playing together for a long time, the other party turned out to hide their strength.

“ao~” alloy claws tore open the cocoon, Lucario, who completed the Mega evolution, looked down proudly at the two Pokémon in front of him.

Six long Aura sensations floated unconsciously behind the head, and MegaLucario slowly walked towards Nidoking and Nidoqueen.

The light but powerful step, accompanied by the wind of Aura moved towards all directions.

Every time MegaLucario takes a step forward, the bodies of Nidoking and Nidoqueen tremble suddenly.

As if Lucario is stepping on their hearts, aura is very shocking.

“Let the other party see your strongest attack.” Liang Ren continued to give instructions.


Lucario nodded, and then gave Nidoking and Nidoqueen a dangerous smile.

It seems to be saying: “I won’t fight back and let the two of you fight for half an hour, and you are courteous, and now you guys also taste my power.”

“roar roar!!! !” The two Nidos who felt the danger obviously didn’t plan to be slaughtered like this, they could continue to fight.

Gazed at each other, Nidoking and Nidoqueen did not get up from the ground, but directly supported the ground with both hands and lay down on the ground.


The dark golden energy with a strong destruction aura condenses in the mouths of two Pokémon.

Everyday all Seeing Pidgeot exercising this ability, Lucario will naturally not understand how powerful this attack is.

Without any hesitation, two spiral Aura Spheres condensed directly in the palm of his hand.


In an explosive step, MegaLucario launched a charge towards Nidoking and Nidoqueen, and the spiral Aura Sphere in his hand was also continuously growing.

“Boom boom——!!!”

The two Hyper Beams completed by Stockpile were blasted out of Nidoking and Nidoqueen.

However, MegaLucario did not back down and directly held two volleyball-sized spiral Aura Spheres to greet him.

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