Hyper Beam is amazing, the dark golden beam of destruction is as thick as a thigh.

However, these two terrifying attacks were directly resisted by Lucario’s spiral Aura Sphere at this moment.

“chi chi! !!!” Aura Sphere spins rapidly in Lucario’s palm.

The powerful whirling cutting force, like sawing steel bars, saw the Hyper Beam into the dark and the golden energy sparks splashed around.

“ao!!!” MegaLucario exerted force again, slammed forward, in the horrified eyes of Nidoking and Nidoqueen.

I just used the Hyper Beam to shoot two spiral Aura Spheres on Nidoking and Nidoqueen.

“hong long! !!!”

Two spiral Aura Spheres exploded together in the valley.

Liang Ren, who was sitting cross-legged on Pidgeot’s back in Sky, only felt a strong and turbulent air current, and he almost didn’t sit down for a while.

The blast of air blasted a puff of dim smoke in the valley, but there were sometimes strong winds in the valley.


As soon as the wind blew, the smoke and dust raised by the explosion dispersed instantly. At this moment, Liang Ren could also see the details of the valley below.

“ao~” Lucario turned around arrogantly and indifferently, and at the same time took the initiative to exit the Mega evolution form.

One meter behind Lucario, there are two Pokémons, Nidoking and Nidoqueen, who have fallen to the ground.

I was hit by MegaLucario’s spiral Aura Sphere from the front, and the two Pokémons had no resistance at all.

Be directly killed by spike! ! !

“bang bang bang bang…” Liang Ren landed on Pidgeot, watching Nidoking and Nidoqueen who had been defeated by Lucario in the valley, he couldn’t help clapping.

“Lucario, you did good.” Liang Ren praised with a smile.

“With the terrifying power of the spiral Aura Sphere, I believe that for a long time to come, it will be your unique ability to defeat the enemy.”

“ao 嗷…… “Lucario nodded happily.

After retiring from the Mega evolution form, without the influence of the powerful Aura Force, Lucario has returned to his usual cuteness.


“It’s almost there, let’s go.”

Let Slowpoke treat the two Nidos who have lost the combat capability, Liang Ren took a few Pokémon and left.

Preliminary fielding + high-intensity training piled up Pidgeot and Cloyster, the two who have not yet perfection, to the quasi Elite Peak.

The following three people fettered and linked. After they successfully tested with Pidgeot and Slowpoke, the three main forces began to initiate a final sprint towards the Elite level.

Slowpoke took the lead, but was later overtaken by Pidgeot.

As for Cloyster, we are following a steady route, and the speed of leveraging the bottleneck has always been steady.

The final result is that the more aggressive Pidgeot takes the lead in breaking through the Elite level, and then Pidgeot independently exercises strength control and Ability proficiency.

Liang Ren temporarily focused on Lucario’s Mega evolution experiment and the development of Aura in the First Rank segment.

The half a month passed, Slowpoke relied on water milling kungfu, and the breakthrough progress reached 99%.

Under the special care of Liang Ren, he learned “Secret Power, Nature After Power”, cooperate with Weather Ball.

Cloyster understands the will of ice and snow by analyzing and understanding the power of meteorological authority in the innate talent characteristics.

Nowadays, the progress of Cloyster’s Elite bottleneck has reached 43%.

Of course, day after day, steady and steady, high-intensity training and then go wild.

Qingteng Snake has not only mastered the Absorb series Ability and Energy Ball, but also Level has reached LV.Level 35.

Training training~, it has been a month and a half to go deep into the Mt. Moon pulse to reach the Yangjiaofeng valley.

In addition to training, there have also been cases of abduction of villagers from Peach Origin Village and mining of black ore in the Mt. Moon Geological Reserve.

Liang Ren pierced the conspiracy, punished the wicked, and promoted justice. Living in the endless mountains, but the heroic deeds are widely praised by the outside world.

Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level. Under the second invitation of Hiba, the power figure of Kanto Alliance, he accepted the olive branch thrown by Alliance and officially joined Kanto Alliance.

The appointment of personnel will not be official until he finishes his experience and returns to the outside, but this day will not be too far away.

His time to enter the Mt. Moon pulse training is not short. The original Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level has already reached his expected training goal.

It will take some time for Pidgeot to stabilize the realm later, and it will take time for Lucario to master the evolution of Mega and to develop the first rank of Aura.

Of course, he admits that he also has a little ambition in his heart, that is, he wants to stay for a while to see if Slowpoke can also break through to Elite.

Of course, the final result is that Pidgeot stabilized the realm, Lucario mastered the power of Mega evolution, and completed the first rank Aura development.

“Slowpoke breakthrough progress is stuck at 99%, after all, I failed to take that step~”

Collect Cloyster, Ivy Snake, Lucario into the baby balls to restore physical strength, Liang Ren holding Slowpoke and riding Pidgeot towards Peach Origin Village.

“It has been ten days since I got stuck at 99%. It seems that the opportunity for Slowpoke breakthrough is not in the Yangjiaofeng Valley.”

“In this case, it is time to end the experience and go home. Now.” Liang Ren said secretly sighed in his heart.

He knows that he can’t be greedy, he must know that this time he came to Mt. Moon to experience, the harvest has greatly exceeded his expectations.

Slowpoke is now at Quasi Elite Peak and has a deep understanding of spirit willpower. 99% of the breakthrough progress may be a breakthrough in the next second.

In this case, Liang Ren feels that he shouldn’t continue to consume it anymore, although the strength of a few Pokémons naturally increases every day.

“But it’s time for the Qingteng snake to enter the city Stadium to play the game.”

“After all, the pressure brought by Wild Pokémon is limited. It must evolve to the final form of the monarch snake. It is bound to gain experience in the real Pokémon competition.”

“Go to Peach Origin Village today to have a last look, and leave after lunch in the afternoon.” Liang Ren said.


The sunshine in late autumn has no longer the heat of summer.

The sun shines on the neck of his arm, Liang Ren even feels a bit of coolness.

After the breakthrough Elite level, Pidgeot’s flying speed is much faster. Liang Ren once complained on Pokémon Pokédex that Pidgeot has a speed of Mach 2 (the speed of sound).

This is simply that Pokemon researcher is editing Pokédex data with his feet. Now comparing his own Pidgeot’s flying speed, he found that Mach 2 is too underestimated.

“Beep carving!!”

A clear and high-pitched carving sound came from the distant sky.

Hearing the sound of birds, the busy villagers in Peach Origin Village stopped their work and looked up at the sky with joy.

There was a black spot on the horizon, and soon the black spot turned into a black bird shadow, and the last burly Pidgeot swooped toward the valley where Peach Origin Village was located.

“It is the benefactor, the benefactor he is here.”

“Liang Ren big brother!!!”



Seeing the handsome boy sitting cross-legged on Pidgeot’s back, the villagers in the valley below suddenly cheered.

Since the 32 villagers abducted by Jin Daqi were safely sent back to the village by Liang Ren, Peach Origin Village has been deeply grateful to him.


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