
While helping Lucario develop Aura, the census was implemented. Peach Origin Village has 58 households with 136 people.

Kanto Alliance contacted the villagers, and after obtaining the villagers’ consent, Alliance also specially formulated a “Peach Origin Village Relocation and Resettlement Plan”

Migrate up and down to outside Mt. Moon, the fertile plain Region lives.

Alliance has specially set up a protected area so that the villagers of Peach Origin Village will not be disturbed by outsiders, and at the same time, they can be fully protected by the Alliance.

However, some basic facilities of the resettlement village houses are still under construction, so the relocation of Peach Origin Village will have to wait a month or two before it can be fully implemented.

“Benefactor, you are here!!” Hearing Pidgeot’s voice, the village mayor Putian Chu took Sangguai to Tianba to meet him in person.

“Lao Zhang, don’t call it that way, just call your name directly.” Liang Ren jumped off Pidgeot’s back from turning over and holding Slowpoke.

It was almost noon, and the busy villagers in the fields had just finished work. Seeing Liang Ren’s arrival, all the villagers gathered on the Tianba.

“Liang Ren big brother!!!” A delicate and pretty face, a little girl in a commoner, ran towards Liang Ren excitedly.

Compared with the respect and respect of the villagers, the attitude of the villagers’ children towards him is undoubtedly much more relaxed.

“Little Tao~” Liang Ren said hello with a smile.

“Liang Ren big brother, it’s been a long time since you came to our village, Xiao Tao missed you so much.” Little girl took Liang Ren’s hand and said Charm.

“I have been busy helping Pokemon with exercise recently.” Liang Ren touched the little girl’s head.

A close and gentle glance at the villagers who gathered up to Tianba, Liang Ren finally stopped at Putian, the village chief.

“Lao Zhang, I have come to the Higori mountain range for a month and a half to experience, and a few Pokemons have also achieved the expected goals. I am going to leave the Higori mountain range.”

< p>“I came here today and made a special trip to bid farewell to you all.” Liang Ren opened the mouth and said.

Hearing Liang Ren’s words, the expressions of the village head of Putian and the villagers who gathered at Tianba suddenly changed, and they reluctantly kept saying:

“Before the benefactor took us from Jinda I was rescued from the black mines and helped me to contact Alliance to help us relocate and settle.”

“We have always wanted to find an opportunity to formally thank you. You helped Pokemon in the Chajiao Mountain River Valley a while ago. For training, we can’t come over and bother.”

“Why do you say that you are leaving today? Please stay with your benefactor for a while and let us do our best as a landlord.”


Putian, the village head, held the sangguai, because the emotions were too intense when he spoke, he couldn’t help but coughed while he was talking.

“Yes, benefactor, you can stay for a while.”

“Benefactor, you live in our village. Let us thank you very much.”< /p>



In addition to the appearance of Putian, other villagers also spoke out to keep the road.

Peach Origin Village has 58 households with 136 people. The 32 young people who were abducted by Jin Daqi come from more than half of the villagers’ families.

In the hearts of the villagers, Liang Ren is very kind to their family to Peach Origin Village.

After the black mine incident ended, the abducted villagers returned to the village. Liang Ren sometimes went to Tetsu or Pewter City to collect express delivery.

He will also buy some refined salt, fruits and vegetables, and fine grain seeds that are only available outside to bring to the villagers.

This is not a precious thing, but it is extremely precious to Peach Origin Village, who lives in isolation and a closed life.

Because of this reason, plus the abducted youths, every household in the village has more or less received Liang Ren’s favor.

The villagers in this hidden small mountain village are very simple and kind. Liang Ren is kind to them, so they also respect Liang Ren’s attitude.

Liang Ren took this affection, but he has been training in Mt. Moon for a long time, so he decided to leave.

“I have accepted your kindness, but I am a student now, and I can only come out to practice by asking for leave this time.

Now I am staying in Higori mountain range After so long, I should also go back. After all, I still have my studies to complete.” Liang Ren said apologetically to the villagers.

“But you don’t have to be too disheartened. Alliance has already built a new settlement for the village on the horse racing plain outside the Higori mountain range.”

“Wait for a while. You all move to the new location of Peach Origin Village outside the mountain. When the time comes, I will visit you all again.”

“I will leave an address and phone number for you in another while, when the time comes, you will be safe After I get down, I can come to my house when I have time.”

Looking at the villagers, Liang Ren always held 200% goodwill in his heart. Compared with the people outside the world, the villagers of Peach Origin Village The simplicity makes Liang Ren very close.

“Since the benefactor is eager to go back and finish school and insists on leaving, then we can’t keep the benefactor anymore.

But now Heaven’s Grace must stay in the village, let us Entertain your benefactor well.”



“Well then.” See village chief Putian and a group of villagers keep staying Liang Ren was so kind for a while, so he promised to stay, and he will leave tomorrow.

“Tuk Tuk…” The village chief Putian Chu held the mulberry crutches in his hand, “cough cough, everyone…”

“The autumn harvest farming has passed, and we will pick it up as usual. Celebrate harvest and sacrifice to the Celestic god of the valley will also be held.”

“Since the benefactor is leaving tomorrow in a hurry, I propose to change the Celebrate event to today.”

< p>“This year’s activities are not only to celebrate the harvest and worship the god of the valley, but also to thank the benefactor for rescuing the villagers so that we can reunite with our families.”

“It is also for us Peach Origin Village My great benefactor will leave tomorrow for a farewell, what do you think?” Putian suggested.

“Okay, this is a good idea.”



The village chief Putian suggested that the villagers They responded, and suddenly there was a festive atmosphere in the village.

One by one, the children chased each other Play Rough on the Tianba with bare feet, shouting: “Festival, have a dam feast!!”

“Lao Zhang, actually There is no need to bother because of me.” Liang Ren sighed said as the villagers left with a joyous expression and returned home to prepare for the dam banquet at noon.

“The benefactor has great kindness to our village, and we have nothing to pay for it. Only in this way can we barely express the gratitude of all of us in Peach Origin Village.”

” There is still some time for the banquet. Ask the benefactor to move and go to the village ancestral hall with the old man.”

The village head Putian bowed his waist and said with extreme respect.


Liang Ren didn’t know what the old man would do when he invited him as an outsider to the village ancestral hall, but since the other party made such an invitation, Liang Ren did not ask more.

Peach Origin Village is located in a valley surrounded by mountains. There is only a few hours of Drought every day at noon.

The fields in the village are in the middle of the valley where the terrain is flat, and it is also an area with good light and hydrological conditions.

The villagers surround the fields and build houses in the valley all around the higher places.

The ancestral hall in the village is in a cypress forest in the north of the valley. It is not exposed to direct sunlight all day, and the surrounding environment is a little dark.

Following Putian and passing through the cypress forest, Liang Ren also saw an adobe house with red paint on the regular walls.

“Benefactor, do you know the origin of our Peach Origin Village……”

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