“This is…”

When he saw what was in the Oak box of dark-grained agarwood carved, Liang Ren opened his mouth in shock.

This is a crown made of gold hollow carved, with a dazzling golden red gem in the center of the crown.

Except for the huge extravagant gem in the middle of the crown.

There are also many diamonds inlaid on the crown, each of which is crystal clear and translucent, as glamorous and pleasant as the brightest star in the sky.

The crown is a hat given by ancient emperors and represents a kind of authority.

The crown blooming in the wooden box in front of him is extremely luxurious and noble in Liang Ren’s eyes. It is an extremely beautiful handicraft.

Simply adding pure diamonds to the pure gold material of the crown, and a large piece of gold red gemstones in the middle, this crown equivalent to Alliance coins is estimated to be invaluable.

And if you regard this crown as a Chinese artifact and a handicraft.

Thousands of years of history + luxurious and beautiful hollow carvings, it is estimated that even the rich and rich in Kanto Region cannot afford the price.

If you add the label of the royal power token of the low inheritance of the St. Jader Empire for thousands of years.

The symbolic meaning alone, this crown can be said to be priceless.

“Yes, this crown was when our ancestors left the city of Oludran.

The royal heritage of St. Jader’s empire inheritance for thousands of years was taken from the palace: “Holy The Crown”! ! “

Seeing Liang Ren’s shocked speechless appearance, the man was nodded and gave a very positive explanation.

“Although the holy crown is only a symbol of the Saint Garde Empire A token of the throne, but because of its inheritance for thousands of years, it has condensed the imperial aura of the thousands of reigning emperors of the St. Jader Empire. “

“I heard that some fierce beasts in the hands of animal trainers can evolve to a higher Life Level with the help of item making a breakthrough that contains the aura of the emperor. “

“Benefactor, you are also an animal trainer, I think this crown will be more or less useful to the benefactor. “The old man held up the wooden box and solemnly handed it to Liang Ren.

“Lao Zhang…This is too expensive, I can’t accept it. “Liang Ren swallowed saliva and said, suppressing his greed that grows like weeds and refuses.

The old man may not know the value of this crown, but Liang Ren does not know it.


This crown alone is a treasure of inestimable value, not to mention the emperor’s gas condensed in it.

Something the old man said can help Pokémon break through and evolve to more The high-level item is called “Kings Rock” in the trainer circle.

Most of it is an old and broken Relic Crown, buried in the ground for hundreds of years, among which the king’s aura has been very weak.

Moreover, the Kings Rock on the market was mostly worn by the kings of some small kingdoms, kingdoms, and duchy in ancient times, and rarely worn by the monarchs of the empire.

And under normal circumstances, the ancient kings will have several or even a dozen crowns in their lives, and the succession of the new king will create a new crown.

It is human nature to like the new and dislike the old, which is more prominent in the ancient emperors.

One was worn by ordinary kings in ancient times, and it was only contaminated with the breath of the emperor. After the collapse of the kingdom, it was buried in the ground for hundreds of thousands of years and then dug out as an antique cultural relic.

Such a “Kings Rock” is enough for a Pokémon to evolve. What about the crown in front of you?

The royal token of St. Jader’s Empire has been inherited from St. Jader I. It has not changed a few years ago and has been worn by thousands of living emperors.

Furthermore, after the fall of the empire, it was not buried deep underground like broken rubble, but was preserved intact.

And it has been placed in an ancestral hall for centuries by descendants of the royal family of the St. Garde Empire.

Such a crown is not comparable to the “cheap garbage” Kings Rock on the market.

The ordinary Kings Rock is only contaminated with the breath of the king, but the crown in front of you is condensed with the aura of the king of thousands of St. Jades.

The former is only inferior one-time consumables, so the crown of the holy in front of you is…

“A powerful Kings Rock enhancement that can be used almost infinitely. Version of “The Emperor’s Certificate”! ! ! “

Looking at the crown handed by the old man, when Liang Ren said he refused, his eyes were faintly red with divine light.

This thing is too expensive. , Liang Ren, who is so precious that he values ​​interests, dare not accept it for a while.

However, the old man didn’t care, his expression and tone were still very relaxed.

“The benefactor does not need to refuse. , This crown used to be the royal token of St. Jader Empire, and it really made many royal family members crazy. “

“But the St. Jader Empire has long since collapsed. This is at best a precious ornament. “

“As for the animal trainer, it is very valuable, but there is no animal trainer in our village, so it is worthless to the little old man. “

The old man held the wooden box and did not put it down, shook the head continued.

“In two months, Lao Zhang, your village will move to the horse racing plain outside the mountain. , When the time comes, register as a legal citizen of Alliance. “

“Your village will gradually have trainers. When the time comes, you will also need this crown. You are…”

“cough cough ! ! “The old man coughed violently and interrupted Liang Ren’s words.

“Benefactor, this crown may be very valuable in your eyes, but it is a heavy one for the little old man and the village. The shackles of history. “

“I have made up my mind to let go of the past and lead the villagers out of the mountains to start a new life outside the world. “

“This crown will not only have no effect if it remains in the hands of the little old man, but it may also cause trouble, so please accept it, please. “

“And benefactor, you rescued the 32 young men who were abducted in our village from the hands of Jin Daqi. This is great kindness to our Peach Origin Village. “

“Compared with human life, a crown that has no practical effect is nothing. “The old man pushed the wooden box he was holding into Liang Ren’s arms and said.


“Benefactor, please stop turning away. If you don’t Take it, little old man, I will long kneeling cannot rise. “Seeing that Liang Ren is still waiting to refuse, the old man will kneel when he loosens his crutches.

“Oh! ! Lao Zhang, what are you doing, you can’t make it, get up quickly. “Liang Ren was shocked by the old man’s actions, and hurriedly supported the old man who was about to kneel.

“Do you accept the benefactor? “Because of a violent cough just now, the old man’s complexion is a little red at this moment, but the expression looked towards Liang Ren is still stubborn.

“I…I will accept it, Lao Zhang, you hurry up. “Looking at this stubborn old man who is over seventy years old, Liang Ren couldn’t help but sighed his answer.

“That’s right. “The old man stroked the long silver beard on his chin and stood up happily.

Seeing that Liang Ren accepted the Present he sent, the old man was very satisfied, and at the same time the whole person was a lot easier. .

As he said, this crown is invaluable to others, but for him it is a heavy historical yoke on him.

If Without this burden, the old man red light across the whole face, suddenly seemed to be several years younger, even his rickety back straightened a bit.

“Don’t worry, my husband, I I won’t tell others about the background of the Holy Crown and Peach Origin Village, and no one will disturb your lives in the future. “

“Good~good…” The old man said with a smile, stroking his beard.

After making a guarantee, Liang Ren focused his attention on the crown of the box.

There seemed to be a strange spiritual summon power coming from within, Liang Ren took out the crown subconsciously and put it on his head.

“weng!! ! “The crown blasted the joyous vibration of Bzz Bzz, and it was bright for a while. The old man who saw this scene opened his mouth in shock.

“This is…”

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