“This is…”

Looking at the shock of Bzz Bzz after being put on his head by Liang Ren, and the crown that Huaguang put on, the old man opened his mouth in shock.

The “Holy Crown” is the inheritance token of the royal power of St. Jader, because it contains the spirit willpower of St. Jader I and the emperors of the past.

The holy crown will only react to the orthodox royal family of the St. Jader Empire and those who are approved by the will of it.

Although it has been hundreds of years, the old man still understands through the books and materials kept in the clan.

The natural phenomenon that appeared in the holy crown in front of us was the proof that the royal family members of the holy empire were recognized by the will in the crown and obtained the qualification to succeed to the throne.

“Why can the Keenren get the recognition of the Holy Crown? He is obviously not…”

“Wait!!! Could it be.” The old man suddenly thought of a possibility, lifts the The head looked towards Liang Ren and his expression became very exciting.

On Liang Ren’s side, at this moment, he only feels that his spiritual consciousness has come to a world full of endless golden yellow clouds.

Every Saffron cloud gives him a different feeling.

Some are benevolent and compassionate, some are brutal and fierce, some are fearless and dauntless, some are weak and cowardly, some are hardworking, some are quiet and inactive…

Normally he is not less Accompanying Slowpoke up to the sea of ​​clouds to watch Yunjuanyunshu, he admitted that the clouds are so beautiful.

Sometimes clouds will change into the appearance of human beings under the airflow, but how can he not believe that a cloud will exude a normal temperament similar to a human?

“Could it be…” Liang Ren was taken aback for a moment, as if he suddenly understood something.

“Here is the inside of the Holy Crown. These golden yellow clouds are the imperial aura condensed by the successive emperors of the Saint Jard Empire!!!”

“But this is too much Well, such a vast sea of ​​clouds, definitely more than a thousand Emperor Qi golden clouds, I am afraid there are tens of thousands.”

Liang Ren looked at the endless golden clouds in the spiritual consciousness with a shocking face.

Compared with the wonders of the sea of ​​clouds in nature, the clouds condensed by the imperial aura of the successive emperors of the St. Jader Empire are more shocking.

Staring at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him, Liang Ren’s spirit unconsciously fell into it, until I don’t know how long it has passed.

Liang Ren finally came back to his senses, looking at the golden sea of ​​clouds deep in him, with a trace of doubt on his face.

“However, how come my spiritual consciousness has entered the crown of the holy.”

Liang Ren asked softly like a dream, and suddenly a sea of ​​clouds blew up. He just felt that the sky was spinning in his sight.

When he came back to his senses, his consciousness had returned to his body, his eyes opened, and he was still in the ancestral hall of Peach Origin Village.

“What’s the matter?” Liang Ren took off the holy crown cast on him by ghosts and gods for some reason.

Looking at the old man who was shocked and confused, and looked at him worriedly, Liang Ren asked somewhat sorry.

The holy crown is the treasure of the old man’s ancestors and a token of the royal power of the St. Jader Empire.

Although the St. Jader Empire has been destroyed, the old man gave him this crown.

But suddenly wearing it on his head in front of the other person, this is somewhat offensive and impolite to the old man in front of him and the ancestors of the villagers enshrined in the ancestral hall.

However, the old man was not angry at Liang Ren’s sudden behavior, but rather urgently asked him:

“Benefactor, what is your identity? Why do you cause the Holy Crown? Resonance.” The old man’s eyes were full of curiosity.

“Why does Lao Zhang ask like this?” Liang Ren was puzzled.

“Because, like the sword in the stone, this holy crown is an inheritance token of the royal power of the St. Jard Empire. It will only resonate with people who have the bloodline of the St. Jard Empire’s royal family.”


When he said this, the old man opened his eyes wide and kept looking up and down Liang Ren with his scrutiny eyes.

“It will only react to the possession of the royal bloodline of the Saint Jard Empire.” After hearing the words of the old man, Liang Ren’s brain fell into a freeze for a while.

“Yes, the holy crown will only react to people who have the bloodline of the royal family of St. Jades.”

The old man stretched out a finger like a dry mulberry branch I touched the crown, and as expected, the crown shimmered and flickered.

“Hundreds of years have passed since the collapse of the Saint-Jard Empire. The bloodline of the Saint-Jard Empire within the body has become very thin.”

“So contact the crown There will only be a very slight reaction, and the crown was put on your head by the benefactor just now. It was bright and bright.”

“This means that the benefactor you within the body is flowing with a very pure bloodline of the royal family of St. , And from the vibration of the Holy Crown Bzz Bzz just now, it means a natural phenomenon of joy.”

“It is the benefactor that you have been recognized by the Holy Crown and have the qualifications to inherit the throne of the Holy Crown. “

The more the old man talked, the more emotional he became. In the end, he even opened his eyes and became extremely excited.

He has lived such a long time, and the loess is buried in his neck. However, looking back on his life, he has never been so excited as before.

“I have a pure bloodline of the royal family of the Saint-Jard Empire, and I have just been recognized by Saint-Jard in the Holy Crown and have the right to inherit the throne of the Saint-Jard Empire!!!”

Liang Ren opened his mouth and eyes wide, the news was too great for him.

Even when the old man said just now that everyone in their Peach Origin Village was the last descendant of the royal family of St.Jade Empire, he was not surprised at this moment.

Because according to the meaning of the old man in front of him, he also has the bloodline of the royal family of St. Jader, and even the bloodline is purer than the opponent.

“That means, I am a certain Prince of the Saint-Jard Empire? What Prince…you have no melons in the rain?” Liang Ren muttered to himself.

Hearing Liang Ren’s words, the old man before him shook the head with an extraordinary incident and corrected it:

“If the benefactor you lived hundreds of years ago when the St. Jader Empire had not been destroyed In this era, you will not be a Prince, but the True King of the Saint Jard Empire.”

“Am I the King of the Saint Jard Empire?” Liang Ren looked at the old man in front of him.

“Yes, if your benefactor lived in the age of St. Jader’s empire hundreds of years ago, you who are recognized by the holy crown will inherit the throne of the empire.”

” Of course, in today’s society, it is not.” The old man shook the head with a smile.

Excluding the meaningless feeling in his heart, the old man became more and more curious about the identity of the young man in front of him.

After all, the opponent has the bloodline of the royal family of St. Jader, and its inheritance is even more pure than him.

Be aware that their ancestors have lived in this valley for generations. Apart from the pair of guards at the beginning, they did not at all marry outsiders.

He would not be too surprised if Liang Ren had the same bloodline of the Saint-Jard Empire royal family as him.

After all, the former royal family of the Saint-Jard Empire was very huge. Like Prince Arthur, who destroyed the Saint-Jard Empire, all possessed the bloodline of the royal family of the Saint-Jard Empire.

But Liang Ren within the body royal bloodline is more pure and rich than him, the old man can’t understand this.

“Is the benefactor also a descendant of the royal family of the Saint Gard Empire?” the old man asked.

“No.” Liang Ren shook the head, “My father is a farmer for generations, and my mother is said to be just a shepherd family outside of Oludrang.”

“Wait!!! My mother is a shepherd outside Oludrang…” Liang Ren said, suddenly he was stunned.

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