“Wait!!! My mother is a shepherd outside Oludrang…” Liang Ren said, suddenly he was stunned.

Liang Ren He is not stupid. Looking at the crown in his hand, thinking of his mother’s description of her family life, he suddenly found a lot of doubts.


through childhood, he has never seen any relatives on his mother’s side, including grandfather and grandmother.

According to mother’s description, she came from a shepherd family outside of Oludlang. When she was young, she met a father who came to Oludlang to work with her fellow villagers.

Father’s fellow villagers, including Nobunaga Katsuda and Casey’s father Fukuda Dahe, found a job in Oludrang City.

Father, Mu Mu, a righteous person, a foolish man, no skills but a handful of strength, and finally worked as a long-time worker in the ranch of Mother’s family outside the city.

The following story is very simple. It was a heavy rain that dispersed the Mareep flock, and the mother who ran the sheep followed the flock into the valley and lost his way.

At the most critical moment, the father who was working long-term on the ranch braved the heavy rain into the valley and found the lost lamb and girl.

After this incident, the beautiful shepherdess of first awakening of love fell in love with the long-term workers with strong physique and honest and honest character.

Unfortunately, the long-term worker’s family is poor. The shepherdess’ father and mother did not approve of this marriage, and even dismissed the long-term worker.

However, how can the beautiful shepherdess who have fallen in love and fallen in love be separated from her beloved long-term worker?

Finally, under the help of fellow Chang Gong workers (Katsuta Nobunaga and Fukuda Yamato), I eloped with the beautiful shepherdess.

Of course, Nobunaga Katsuta and Yamato Fukuda, who worked in the city, did not forget to help them abduct a wife from the main house.

So in reality, three poor boys from the countryside went to work in the city together.

Although the three did not make any money in the end, each of them eloped with a beautiful and innocent girl in the end.

This is what Liang Ren learned from her mother, about her family background and the story of her first acquaintance and love with father.

Liang Ren once believed in this story, and even sighed in his heart that his silly critics are stupid.

Now it seems that there is a big problem with the problem that the mother told him, and there is definitely something to hide.

About the grandfather and grandmother, Liang Ren asked his father and righteous person before.

After all, I heard from my father that he gave birth to his eldest brother in Mother before, and when the eldest brother was three or four years old, he took his eldest brother Momoya back to Ourudran City.

Father Hanhan said: “I thought you would cook mature rice with your mother and give your grandfather and grandmother a fat grandson, and they would accept me.”

“I didn’t expect that time I went, I was almost beaten to death by your grandfather with a stick.”

When I said this, my father’s righteous expression was full of grievance and bitterness. I wanted to come here. It should be the worst deed in his life.

After that, Liang Ren asked his eldest brother Momoa again.

After all, this impulsive and impulsive big brother, once in order to highlight that his brain is smarter than his Odoudou.

He said that he not only remembered what happened when he was three or four years old! !

I even remember that when I was just born, I heard that my father was so excited to learn Dodrio to sing children outside the delivery room because the doctor said that the mother and child were safe.

Liang Ren used this as his eldest brother Momoa who threatened to force him. In order to escape the Revenge sexual beating of father, he still remembered that his elder brother knelt on his knees.

Holding his thighs while crying with a runny nose, he racked his brains to remember what happened when he was taken to his grandfather and grandmother’s house when he was three or four years old.

According to the dictation of his elder brother Momoa, he especially liked runny nose when he was three or four years old.

Because of this reason, the grandfather and grandmother were extremely disgusted with him after they met, and they were even reluctant to hold him.

My eldest brother recalled at the time: “Although time has passed for a long time, this memory has been a little fuzzy, but I will never forget it.”

“I can’t forget my grandmother was holding a handkerchief. Holding the orchid and saying that I am a dirty thing, let father hold me away.”

At the time, when my eldest brother Momoa talked about the experience, Liang Ren remembered that he was smiling. Roll around.

Of course, after that, Liang Ren had no interest in meeting the grandfather and grandmother who had never met.

He figured out that his father in this life is a farmer, and his mother is just a shepherdess. He came from an ordinary or even poor family.

So after that, Liang Ren worked very hard in his studies.

After all, knowledge changes fate, even if one’s soul wears the familiar Pokémon world.


Originally, everything about my background and background was “conclusive”. I didn’t expect myself to be said by the old man that he had the purest bloodline of the Saint-Jard Empire royal family.

Liang Ren was stunned. He was obviously the child of a farmer and a shepherdess. Okay, how come he suddenly became the royal family of the ancient feudal empire.

“It seems that there is really a problem with my life experience. Father is a farmer in Mu Village, Celadon City, Xiabian, no problem. Mother is probably not as simple as a shepherd family outside Oludran.”< /p>

“After all, the bloodline of the royal family of St. Jades within the body is not very thin. According to the words of the old man in front of me, it is very pure and very rich.”

“It seems that when I return home from this experience, I will find my mother to find out.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

“Benefactor~Benefactor…” The old man was stunned when he saw Liang Ren talking.

The old man couldn’t help letting go of the mulberry cane, freed a hand, and shook it before his eyes.

“ahhhh……sorry, I suddenly thought things were a bit distracted.” Liang Ren came back to his senses twice.

“That’s it~” The old man was a little suspicious.

Liang Ren also saw the old man’s expression and thought about it for a while to explain:

“Lao Zhang, you don’t have to worry about it. Before I touched the crown, I didn’t know that I was a saint. The bloodline of the royal family of the Garde Empire.”

“I met Xiaotao and helped you Peach Origin Village rescue the villagers who were abducted by the golden treasure. Everything is a coincidence that’s all.”

< p>“I did not contact you with any purpose, or any conspiracy and Malice.”

“In the future, I will never let other who disturb your peaceful and peaceful life because of this crown. “

Liang Ren is afraid that his bloodline will cause suspicion and misunderstanding of the elderly.

After all, the villagers were very simple and respected and grateful to him, so he quickly explained.

“The benefactor does not need to explain, the little old man is not too concerned. The St. Jader Empire has been destroyed for hundreds of years. The bloodline of the former royal family is very different from the bloodline of the common people today.”< /p>

“Our Peach Origin Village is just an ordinary small mountain village. It used to be the present and the future. The St. Jader Empire has nothing to do with us.” The old man sighed said.

“Of course, after Alliance builds a resettlement village for you on the Horse Racing Plain, you will all live a new and stable life.”

Liang Ren took the words of the old man, nodded said.

Put the crown back into the wooden box of carved agarwood, and tie the dark yellow cloth.

In Liang Ren’s surprised eyes, Liang Ren took the package directly into the system warehouse for storage.

In the future, unless he takes the initiative to expose it, no one else will find this crown from him.

“This is…” The old man opened his mouth wide and looked at Liang Ren’s empty hand.

“My Psychic, a little trick that’s all.” Liang Ren didn’t talk much about this topic.

“It is worthy of being a benefactor, so out of the ordinary.” The old man sighed with his beard.

“The village chief~the village chief!!!” At this moment, a young man inside the ancestral hall screamed.


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