“Village Chief~Village Chief!!!” At this moment, a teenager shouted out of the ancestral hall.

“What’s the matter? Clay eggs.” Hearing the voice of a young man outside, Putian inside the ancestral hall complied.

“Aunt Tian and the others have set up a banquet in Tianba, let me come over and call the village chief you and Liang Ren big brother to have dinner.”

Children called Mudaner , Standing barefoot on the steps outside the ancestral hall with a bare head moved towards the ancestral hall and shouted.

“I know, we will come right away.” After the old man complied, he turned to Liang Ren and said, “Benefactor, please come with me to the banquet.”

“Okay, old man Please~” Liang Ren nodded politely.



Nine 9th layer Yang, golden osmanthus fragrance.

Because Liang Ren rescued 32 abducted youths, the autumn harvest in the village ended very quickly this year.

The withered yellow straws are planted into grass and trees in the fields, and Saffron’s grain piles are piled in the dam in front of every house.

The entire Peach Origin Village is filled with the joy of Celebrate’s harvest, but compared to previous years, this year’s festival atmosphere is more intense.

Not only did Celebrate harvest the harvest and worship the Celestic ancestors of the farm valley, but also Celebrate’s abducted villagers returned safely to the village.

At the same time, to thank Liang Ren for his inexhaustible kindness to everyone in Peach Origin Village, and to leave the Higori mountain range tomorrow to end his experience.

Celebrate is not as grand as the Saffron City Psychic Sacrificial Ceremony, nor is it as grand and grand as the Divine Bird Festival of Fortree City bird trainers.

The harvest festival at Peach Origin Village is very simple in comparison, where the hostess of every household cooks some special dishes.

Then every household came to the center of Tianba and put together a banquet for Shilai Table Ba Ba.


When the banquet was opened, Putian, the village chief, gave a few words. First, on behalf of Peach Origin Village, he thanked Liang Ren for all people, and then there was no different festival offerings.

As a guest of honor at Peach Origin Village today, Liang Ren was also invited by the village chief Putian and a group of villagers to speak a few words.

Liang Ren didn’t say much about his rescue of the abducted villagers from the black mine of Jindaqi. It can be said that he didn’t mention it at all.

In the simple and warm eyes of the villagers.

In the seat where Putian, the head of the central village of Tianba, and the other big-faced figures in the village were sitting, Liang Ren, who was invited to sit next to Putian, stood up.

Looking around the villagers, Liang Ren first celebrated the harvest in the village this year and prayed to the god of agriculture and the ancestors of the villagers.

After the village relocates to the mountain range to live in, the village will still be able to bless the village with abundance of grains, the prosperity of six animals, the children and grandchildren, and the homes are safe.

“…At the same time, I am here, and on behalf of myself, I extend my sincere and sincere wishes to everyone who is about to move to a new house and start a new life.”

“I I wish you all, moving to a new house, good luck, entering the golden nest, lucky stars, everything goes well, a good mood, peace, laugh all day long, beautiful days, less troubles, healthy, happy and happy.”

” Moving on auspicious days, everything goes well!!!”

Liang Ren looked at these simple, kind, hospitable villagers in front of him.

Think of their status as the last descendants of the royal family of the St. Garde Empire, their relatives and blood, and the dark and cruel experiences they have suffered in the past three years.

I remember that they will soon move to the plains beyond the mountains, they will get rid of the identity of the marginalized people of the world, and live a new and peaceful life.

Under emotional mobilization, Liang Ren kept sending blessings to the villagers.

“Okay, bang bang bang bang~”

“Thank you, benefactor!!”

“many thanks, benefactor’s blessing, after we moved out of the mountain, I will definitely work hard to build a new home and start a new life.”



Liang Ren will feel his heart in one breath All the blessings I want to say are sent out.

Looking at Liang Ren’s sincere expression, the simple villagers were moved to tears.

An old Putian didn’t even hold back his emotions, two lines of excited old tears flowed from his eyes.

“pēng pēng pēng pēng ……”

Looking at this joyful atmosphere, floating on the side of Liang Ren Slowpoke.

Raise your hand with a series of shadow balls, the moon bursts into the air, and control the formidable power, like a festive fire like bang bang.

Bright blue, shining purple, bright red, peach pink…

With the sound of the explosion, the dazzling energy stars drifted around, and the festive atmosphere was suddenly enhanced.

“Thanks to the benefactor for the ardent blessings, I think we will live a good life after moving to the new house.”

“Today we are not just Celebrate harvest and worship the farm God, at the same time, bid farewell to the benefactor.

“I hope that the benefactor will have a safe journey. At the same time, the little old man also wishes the benefactor a success in his studies and bravely rise to the top in the professional field of animal trainers. “


“Okay, let’s have a banquet. “The village chief tremblingly fragrant Liang Ren sent some blessings, and then he announced the opening of the banquet.

There are no delicacies of the mountains and seas at the banquet. This is not a full-fledged banquet, but some very simple but simple. Food.

However, Liang Ren ate very happily, because compared to the standard dishes of many restaurants, the food in front of them is the specialty of the hostess of the farm.

This is Food with soul, emotion, harvest joy and gratitude.

Even if it’s just a sip of new rice, Liang Ren can taste a kind of joy from the heart when he digs into his mouth.


The 32 abducted villagers from Qingzhuang brought their families to the central table of Tianba with a bowl of rice wine, and expressed their sincere gratitude to Liang Ren.


After one round, if it were not for the low rice wine content and his Psychic body, he would have to be toasted by the enthusiastic villagers.

Fortunately, he didn’t. By making such a shameful act and drank so much wine boldly, the honest villagers respected and worshiped him and felt more intimacy.

Two banquets on Tianba were held. It took many hours to finish, watching the village women packing the dishes and tables.

After Liang Ren greeted Putian, the village chief, he hugged Slowpoke directly and let it use Teleport to take himself out of the village.

He didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye, but before he left, he was going to give the villagers the last Present.

After all, there is a gift from Putian. He just received a gift from Putian at noon. A great gift, plus knowing that everyone in Peach Origin Village is related to him.

So Liang Ren must give this gift in return.

“Beep Diao——”Eat and drink enough, Pidgeot is flying in the sky, and the whole person looks full of Essence, Qi, and Spirit.

“Ya Duo——(´◔‸◔`)Liang Ren, you are really holy A member of the royal family of the Garder Empire? “

With no other people around, Slowpoke finally has the opportunity to ask questions in my mind.

As a Pokémon who loves to learn very often.

About Pokémon world history Slowpoke Although the research is not very deep, it is clear which dynasties are simple.

The Saint-Jard Empire is the most glorious feudal empire in the history of Kanto Johto mainland, and it is also the longest-lived empire.

I, a trainer from a civilian family, suddenly became the last descendant of the Saint Gard Empire.

When I heard the news from Putian, the mayor of Peach Origin Village, Slowpoke also I was shocked to bite my tail.

“I don’t know, my father is an ordinary farmer for generations. There is no doubt about this.

“My mother is from the city of Oludran, although she said she was born in a shepherd family.

But since I have been detected as a pure and rich royal family of St. Jades bloodline, then she obviously concealed something from me.”

“After I go home a few days later, I will ask her to verify it.” Liang Ren shook the head did not struggle in his own life .


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