Pidgeot didn’t say anything, turned his body and dived down vertically, and volleyed to a sudden stop when he was 20 meters away from the rushing Tauros group.


Two wings slammed, a violent wind wall directly suppressed, and the Tauros group that was running wildly was struck by Hurricane. Staggered.

“Stupefied, use mental interference.” Liang Ren continued to give instructions.

“Ya duo——(´・ω・`) received.” Slowpoke extend the hand arm, small claws moved towards a false catch of the panicked Tauros group.




The violent Psychic of Quasi Elite Peak is displayed.

Thirty-odd Tauros, huge and full of tendons, were directly caught and lifted by Slowpoke’s Psychic, kicking and kicking their legs in despair.

Without rushing to toss the ball, let Pidgeot land and let Tauros see who attacked him.

Let them Struggle for a while, and after exhausting their brute force, Liang Ren threw the baby ball to conquer it.

This way of conquering, Mewtwo, who was in confusion after being brainwashed by Giovanni in the original work, is how Help Team Rocket captured Wild Pokémon.

“37, and 11 still need to be taken.” Liang Ren clicked on the number of baby balls and said.

He is not very keen on receiving pets, so he doesn’t usually carry many spare Poké Balls.

In order to help the 58 households of Peach Origin Village receive one Tauros per household, Liang Ren went to Tetsu to buy 58 red and white Poké Balls.

There are also 11 Poké Ball it’s empty. Liang Ren let Pidgeot fly to the sky and searched it with Eagle Eye.

Then I found another Tauros group on the horse racing plain and filled the remaining 11 Poké Balls.


Peach Origin Village

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Liang Ren returned to the village after receiving pets on the horse racing plain.

In the puzzled expression of the village head Putian, all the villagers were gathered to Tianba by Liang Ren. For a while, Tianba became as lively as having a dam banquet at noon.

“I brought you all here. In addition to wanting to say goodbye to everyone, I also prepared a housewarming gift for everyone.”

Looking at the noisy and discussing Liang Ren gathered them to the villagers who had something to do, Liang Ren slightly smiled said.

“Benefactor, do you want to leave now? Don’t stay a little longer. I will leave tomorrow after dinner and rest.”

“Yes, yes, Let’s go until tomorrow.”



I heard Liang Ren going, the village head Putian and a group of villagers , One after another reluctantly kept the road, the expressions were extremely sincere.

The focus is not on Liang Ren’s gift at all, which makes Liang Ren closer to these bloodline relatives.

However, his intention to leave has been decided, so it is naturally impossible to continue to stay, and Present is to be sent out.

“Thank you for your kindness, but are you not curious about what Present I prepared for you all?” Liang Ren changed the subject.

“The benefactor is so kind to our village and to all of us, why should the benefactor continue to work hard to prepare the Present for us?”

“Yes, yes, you are the benefactor Too polite, if you stay in the village a little longer, it will be the best Present for us.”



The villagers continued to persevere in the road. Liang Ren was very moved by this simple feeling.

“You don’t have to stay anymore. The time for this experience is really long enough. I have to go back as soon as possible. After you move out of the mountain, I will come to see you all when I have time. .”

“Now let’s take a look at the housewarming gift I prepared for you all.”

“peng peng peng peng……”

No When the villagers answered, Liang Ren waved his hand and opened 58 red and white Poké Balls.




In the dry taro field that has been dug beside the dam , 58 Tauros with fat body appeared instantly.

“This is~”

The villagers who originally wanted to keep Liang Ren, were instantly attracted by Tauros who appeared in Tanaka.

“The housewarming gift mentioned by the benefactor turned out to be these unseen beasts. Is he planning to give these beasts to us? Can we become noble beast trainers?”



Looking at the Tauros group in the dry taro field, the young people in the village, one by one, became short of breath. Get excited.

“There are 58 households in the village. I have accepted a Tauros for each of your households.”

“How is it, do you feel satisfied with this Present?” Liang Ren smiled and asked the excited villager.

“Benefactor…This Present is too expensive, we can’t accept it.” Village Mayor Putian said tremblingly.

“Lao Zhang, compared to the Present you gave me, my Present is simply insignificant.” Liang Ren shook the head.

Other villagers whispered about Liang Ren’s “Present you gave me” just now, with some doubts on their expressions.

But Putian, the village head, knows what Liang Ren is talking about, but in his opinion Liang Ren’s Present is more valuable.

A crown that is useless to him, and may attract trouble, is not worth the high value of so many Pokémons in front of him.

Before that, Liang Ren also rescued the abducted young man from the village, and went to cities outside the mountain to buy crop seeds and precious refined salt for them…

“Okay , Lao Zhang, don’t refuse.” Liang Ren shook the head interrupted.

“The Pokémon that I have won for you all, is a kind of inhabiting horse racing plains.

It not only has the quality of bearing hardships and stand hard work, it can not only assist everyone in agricultural production, but also can carry on The fighting bully Pokémon Tauros!!!”

“After you all move to the horse racing plains, the natural dangers of the mountain range like the village all around are gone. We must protect the safety of the village from Wild Pokémon’s Intrusion.”

“After being tamed, these Pokémon will be everyone’s help, and not only to resist Wild Pokémon, like the usual Rototiller, heavy objects, riding.

Or maybe again When encountering evildoers like Jin Daqi, everyone has a certain combat capability.”

“After moving out, the children in the village will also be sent to Alliance’s Pokémon Primary Rank school for learning. After the child turns 13 years old, if Alliance does not assign the initial Pokémon.”

“You adults can also rely on the Tauros that I conquered for you to help the children at home to receive the initial Pokémon. If your child wants to become a Pokémon Trainer’s words.”

Looking at the stubborn old man, Liang Ren persuaded earnestly.

“This…” is related to the development of the village, and the old man suddenly couldn’t say anything to refuse.

Finally, I thought about it and accepted Liang Ren’s kindness with a brazen face, “many thanks, the benefactor considered and arranged for us so thoughtfully.”

“many thanks, the benefactor~”


“Thank you for your benefactor~”



The villagers moved towards Liang Ren sincerely with infiltrating eyes Thank you.

They are just a group of mountain people who have been forgotten by the world.

Although they are looking forward to life after moving out of Dashan, they don’t know many things about the outside world, even if they don’t know many common sense.

Fortunately, all the benefactors helped Zhang Luo arrange, and thought about everything in every possible way.

“Well, now the chief laborer of every household has come out, one person picks up a handful of tender grass, and walks over to Tauros as I said.”

Liang Ren’s hand With a wave, a bunch of fresh and juicy grass appeared in the middle of the dam.




The villagers have 100% trust in Liang Ren, I heard His words, the young and strong masters of every household acted according to his words.

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