
A Tauros was driven by Slowpoke alone to stand up, watching the villagers approaching him with a handful of tender grass in his hand, Tauros threatened Growl with a moo.

Although it is not as full of offensive as Pokémon like Arbor, Tauros is also Wild Pokémon after all.

Although they were subdued, they were in awe and succumbed to the strength of Liang Ren, but this did not mean that they would obey the will of the villagers.

“Don’t be afraid, with me, it won’t hurt you.” Liang Ren said to the villager who stopped.

“Yes~” The villagers replied complied, swallowed saliva and said nervously, holding the tender grass in their hands and continued to approach Tauros.

“Moo…” Seeing the villagers continue to approach, Tauros stomp Ground anxiously.

If Liang Ren wasn’t on the sidelines, I’m afraid she would have already buried her head and used a sharp corner to push towards the villagers.

“Don’t be afraid, stare firmly at Tauros.

“Imagine that he will be your lifelong friend, partner and partner, and Rototiller will accompany you on farm work in the field. , And fight side by side when encountering danger. “

” Pass your sincere and passionate emotions to Tauros through your eyes, I believe he will recognize you. “

Liang Ren encouraged the villagers while secretly winking at Slowpoke, let it use Psychic to gently control Tauros, and then use mental transfer to resolve its alertness and anxiety.

” Duo–“Slowpoke nodded, eyes filled with Psychic and turned pink.

Tauros, who keeps hoofs on the Stomp Ground, gradually calms down, calmly watching the villagers holding a handful of grass close to him.

< p>“The gesture gently handed the grass to Tauros’s mouth. “Liang Ren continued to instruct.

“Yes~” The villager was nodded. Seeing Tauros put down his guard, this man became boldly bold.

“Moo–“Tauros Called.

The nostrils sniffed the grass passed by the villagers. The fresh and juicy smell of the grass was very attractive, which stimulated Tauros to secrete a lot of saliva.

Wild Pokémon’s life is simple. Territory, food, and mating. Compared with other Wild Pokémon, Tauros has one more rush.

In the face of Captivate of food, Tauros completely put down his guard.

When the cow tongue is rolled, the fresh green grass in the hands of the man is directly rolled into his mouth and chewed. The two wide-eyed bull eyes are now bent into a happy meniscus.

” , Now you move gently to extend the hand and touch Tauros’ head. “Seeing that the whole process was very fluent, Liang Ren continued.

“Hmm—” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, the man cautiously extended the hand and touched Tauros who was chewing grass.

Seeing that Tauros was very docile and did not resist at all, this twenty-thirty-year-old blue robust man had a slight red on his cheeks for a while, and I didn’t know if he was too excited or shy.

The strange expression of the man made the housewives standing on the Tianba behind him whisper and laugh.

“Sister-in-law, look at the cautiously, nervous and excited expression and actions of my fourth brother just now. Doesn’t it look like when your fourth brother touched your melon in bed the night you got married. “

“Yeah! ! What are you saying about this? You are ashamed, and how do you know what happened that night. “The village woman who was called the fourth sister-in-law asked in a low voice.

“The second sister-in-law asked me to pick your windows and told me to study. You didn’t blow the lamp when you did that, so you all asked me to give I saw it. “

“Yeah! ! “The woman covered her face with her hands, and her cheeks were instantly covered with red glow.

When the women were whispering and chatting with each other on Tianba, the first villager had initially obtained Tauros’ approval.


“Then usually communicate with Tauros and take him to the fields to eat grass, and soon he will fully recognize you. “

Liang Ren nodded, handing this Tauros baby ball to the villagers and said.

“Thank you, benefactor, I will treat Tauros well. “The village man stood beside Tauros and promised emotionally.

The excited expression is exactly the same as that of the young man who was 13 years old and got the initial Pokémon in the city outside the mountain.



With the first successful case of Qing Robust Man, the villagers behind are more courageous.

In the dry taro field On the Tauros side, seeing fresh and juicy grass to eat, and after knowing that they could not resist the will of this human teenager, the Tauros seemed to have accepted their fate.

The villagers fed a handful of fresh and tender grass. The grass, and then touched his head, even if both parties have initially completed the recognition Master ceremony.

With Liang Ren guided by, the villagers’ actions not only did not arouse Tauros’ displeasure, but they were able to poke each other every time. G point.

The whole process went very smoothly. Not at all, Tauros went mad and attacked the villagers.

Fifty-eight households finally successfully owned a fat-bodied Tauros.

“Next, you all will lead Tauros to eat some grass in the fields to exchange feelings. “

“Pokémon is a very pure life, you just have to treat them sincerely. “

“I believe they will become your best farming helpers and combat partners in the future. “Liang Ren nodded, warned repeatedly like Teacher.

“Thank you, benefactor, we will treat Tauros well. “The guys grinned with white teeth, and said excitedly.

“Okay, all of you go. “Liang Ren was nodded with satisfaction.

The folk customs of Peach Origin Village are simple, and the villagers are very simple and kind. Liang Ren believes that they will get along with Tauros very harmoniously.

” Oh—”

The villagers replied complied and ruthlessly’abandoned’ their own mother-in-law standing on the dam, leading Tauros like a’lover’ to the field of hope.



Tauros was conquered by him, not by the villagers. Although the recognition Master ceremony was initially completed.

But Liang Ren In order to avoid the tragedy of Tauros attacking the villagers without heeding instructions, Liang Ren stayed in the village until dark.


Until dinner, the itinerary After delaying Liang Ren, he finally left the villagers.

“I have also written to everyone about Tauros’ breeding experience and skills, as well as my contact information and address. “

“It’s up to you all, everyone, let me go~” Liang Ren rolled over and rode on Pidgeot’s back in the village entrance, looking at the villagers who came to see him.

“Thank you benefactor for everything you have done for our village and for all of us. The little old man is nothing in return. Please accept me. “

In the forefront of the crowd, the village head Putian crouched and let go of the crutches he was pestering with both hands, and then kneeled down.

The old man’s movements seemed to have caused a chain reaction. The villagers who came to see off all kneel down.

“Thank you for everything you have done for us and for our village! ! ! “



“Lao Zhang, what are you doing? Get up quickly, everyone. “Seeing the movements of the villagers, Liang Ren who had been riding on Pidgeot’s back hurriedly jumped down and solemnly helped the old man up. Slowpoke next to him also used Psychic and stood on his knees. Get up.

“There is no permanent banquet in the world. This parting is for the next reunion. Everyone, we’ll meet again some day~”

Help the villagers up Later, Liang Ren rolled over and rode onto Pidgeot’s back.

Pidgeot flapped its wings and rose in the wind, Liang Ren’s voice came from the night sky leisurely.

Looking at Liang Ren rode on Pidgeot and disappeared into the distant night sky. The villagers who came to see off at the entrance of the village stared at the direction Liang Ren had left, and did not want to turn around for a long time.

“Hey, the benefactor’s great kindness to us, It is heavier than the most majestic mountains in the Higori mountain range. “

“Yes, the benefactor is really the best man in the world. “



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