“There is only so much I can do. I hope you can live a safe and prosperous life after you come out of the mountain.”

Pidgeot turned his head and glanced on his face and stood at the entrance of the village and did not leave. Villagers, sighed said.

These days, you are so good to others, and others treat you as a fool, regardless of words or heart.

But just like this, the villagers’ gratitude for him will become precious, and Liang Ren will care about them so close.

I don’t know whether the dark blue night rises from the earth or descends from the deep starry sky, fusing the stars, mountains, and ridges all together.

The night is dark and the earth is silent.

Pidgeot carried Liang Ren towards the Yangjiaofeng River Valley Camp.

Until Liang Ren can’t see the villagers who are standing at the entrance of the village who are reluctant to leave, the villagers can no longer see the departure of Liang Ren and Pidgeot in the distant sky.


The moon is white and the wind is clear, and the Yangjiaofeng has stood at the end of the valley for thousands of years, overlooking the barren and barren river valley.

In the night sky, a huge bird descended spirally and landed on the open space in front of the mud Yellow camouflage tent covered by the dim night in the valley.

This is Liang Ren and his party who just returned from Peach Origin Village.

“Lucario, Cloyster, Ivy Snake, everyone, come out.” Upon returning to the camp, Liang Ren released all the Pokémons.

Turn on the lamp hanging on the top of the tent, take out the picnic mat and spread it out, and put another lamp on the dining table.

The black and black Yangjiaofeng Valley finally has a warm light that pierces the night.

“Ah duo——(͒˶´⚇`˵)͒Liang Ren, show me the crown that the old man gave you at noon.”

On the picnic mat, Slowpoke He rolled his tail and rolled around and said.

“Ticket–I want to see it too, haven’t I seen the crown yet?” Cloyster also agreed excitedly.

When he got the crown from Putian at noon today, Liang Ren was carrying only the Slowpoke Pokémon by his side.

Although I heard Slowpoke talk about it when I had a dam feast at noon.

But for the crown Liang Ren got, Cloyster, Ivy Snake and Lucario are all very curious.

At the same time, they were surprised by Liang Ren’s life experience. They didn’t expect Liang Ren from a civilian family to be descended from the royal family of the St. Jades Empire hundreds of years ago.

“Okay, it looks okay, but remember not to break it~” Liang Ren’s consciousness communication system warehouse took out a bag wrapped in dark yellow cloth and said.

“٩(-^〇^-)۶ Yaduo!!” Confusion was beckoned, and the package in Liang Ren’s hand flew towards Slowpoke.

Pidgeot, Cloyster, Lucario, and Green Snake Pokémon are clustered by Slowpoke.

Watching Slowpoke untied the baggage and opened the wooden box, the luxurious crown revealed.

Several Pokémon opened their mouths wide, all showing expressions of admiration.

“Wow, if this crown is worn on the head of the boss, it would be so domineering.” Pidgeot sighed, opening his beak.

“Xiaoqing, look at this gem, it is too big, and there are so many diamonds, bulingbuling~”

Looking at the jeweled crown , Cloyster’s eyes are shining.

“Well, wearing this crown, the owner is even more Prince than Prince in the idol drama.” Qingteng Snake replied a bit.

Compared with the stinky Pidgeot and two girls who like gems, Lucario is much calmer.

After a glance, I satisfied my curiosity, and then I got out and went to find Liang Ren who was washing his face.

“(-^〇^-)My dear, let me put it on for you.”

Slowpoke put the crown on top of Cloyster’s head, and the white body with gold hollow The carved golden crown looks a bit nondescript.

Looking at the photos Slowpoke took with his mobile phone, Cloyster suddenly felt very dissatisfied.

“(¬_¬”) is about to be picked up for me, I don’t look good at all. “Cloyster said.

“(-^〇^-)How come, my dear, you look good on everything. “Slowpoke helped Cloyster take off the crown while sending a rainbow ass.

The crown Slowpoke that was removed was not put in the box, but was worn on his head.

The look of your head and your head makes Cloyster amused immediately.

“(¬_¬) You look like a simple and hanky. “Cloyster murmured, but there was love between his eyebrows.

However, after Cloyster finished speaking, Slowpoke not at all any reaction, I was completely stunned.

” Melon, what’s wrong with you? “Cloyster asked tentatively, but Slowpoke still didn’t respond at all. Cloyster suddenly panicked.

They were sure that the relationship had been in love for a long time, and Slowpoke never ignored her.

At the moment she asked Slowpoke twice in a row, but there was no answer. Cloyster suddenly felt that things were not simple.

“Ticket—Master, I will wear the crown you just took out. After that, he suddenly stopped moving. “

Cloyster lose one’s head out of fear, turning his head towards Liang Ren who is washing his face.

“Slowpoke puts on the crown and then stops moving? “Hearing what Cloyster said, Liang Ren who was washing his face was stunned and couldn’t help turning his head to look.

Sure enough, as Cloyster said, Slowpoke wears a crown on his head and sits on the picnic mat as if in a daze. With motionless.

The state of Slowpoke reminds Liang Ren of what happened after he put the crown on his head at noon.

His consciousness was drawn into the crown a certain Mysterious space, he perceives the clouds of emperor’s gas condensed in the crown.

At that time, his consciousness quickly escaped from the crown, so when he saw Slowpoke at the moment, Liang Ren didn’t feel too much. Worry.

Liang Ren comforted to Cloyster: “Don’t worry, it’s fine. “

“Oh—” Seeing Liang Ren’s expression, Cloyster continued to twist the towel to wash his face easily. It turned to look towards Slowpoke and his gaze was still full of worries.

However, this time the situation was different. It was a bit unexpected by Liang Ren. When he and Lucario came back from the shower, Slowpoke still kept the appearance of motionless.

“Ticket—Master, Xiaodai hasn’t woken up, it won’t What’s the matter? “Cloyster asked very anxiously.

Faced with this question, Liang Ren did not dare to answer easily and comfortably.

“I can feel safe after entering the crown at noon. According to the old man, I came out because I have the bloodline of the royal family of St. Jader. “

“At that time, the holy crown recognized me, so I could realize that after entering the crown, I could return to reality unharmed. “

“But Slowpoke is not at all the bloodline of the royal family of St. Jader, if spirit will power enter the crown.

Will it inspire some prohibitions in the crown similar to defense invasion, and then attract group attacks from the will of the emperors of the past? “

Liang Ren looked at Slowpoke sitting on the picnic mat with his brows, Liang Ren suddenly couldn’t sit still.

“Don’t worry, Xiaobei, I’ll use the bondage Link to check Xiaodai’s situation. Please be careful not to let other’people’ disturb us. “

After talking Liang Ren put down the basin, walked to Slowpoke and sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, then released the Mental Force towards Slowpoke.

Use Mental Force to perceive Slowpoke is relaxed physically and mentally in a lazily state of relaxation.

One person and one pet have long-term fetters and links, so the Mental Force extended by Liang Ren is unimpeded by Slowpoke’s Mental Force. Blending.


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