
To establish a bond link with spirit, Liang Ren followed Slowpoke’s senses to instantly discover its consciousness.

As soon as he turned his eyes, Liang Ren appeared again in the sea of ​​clouds of Emperor Qi of Jin Yellow like noon.

Looking up, Slowpoke has also entered the Emperor Qi cloud sea.

The only thing that differs from Liang Ren’s expectations is that Slowpoke not at all was attacked by Emperor Qi’s will in the clouds.

“Are these clouds just dead things, which will not at all, can anyone else’s consciousness except me come here casually?” Liang Ren couldn’t help but wonder.

But this time he thought wrong.

To know the situation when his consciousness entered the crown at noon, Putian said that he was recognized by the holy crown. In ancient times, he had the qualification to inherit the throne of the Saint Jade Empire.

Therefore, although having the royal bloodline can resonate with the holy crown, the consciousness must enter the crown to gain the approval of the holy crown.

It’s not like anyone can do as he said, after all, there were two impossible kings in the St. Jader Empire at the same time.

The reason why Slowpoke consciousness can enter the crown, spiritual consciousness has not been attacked by the emperor’s will in the crown.

The fundamental reason is the long-term fetters, and Slowpoke has his Spirit, Soul and Qi breath on his body, so he can enter the crown and be safe.

“But Slowpoke seems to be comprehending something now.” Liang Ren looked at Slowpoke floating in a golden cloud Sky with some surprise.

“In this case, I will help you.” After that, Liang Ren sat down cross-legged.

Consciousness drifts outside the sky, giving up control of the spiritual body in the Emperor Qi space and the physical body in the outer reality.


When Liang Ren gave up his dominant control over the spiritual body, the golden sea of ​​clouds suddenly made waves.

A gust of wind blew Liang Ren’s body and instantly disintegrated into a cloud of energy stars.

Then it turned into a golden torrent and was sucked into the abdomen by the Slowpoke who was Calm Mind sudden enlightenment.

In a flash, the fur of Slowpoke pink was coated with a layer of golden.

Emperor Qi Yunhai’s review of its identity was finally completely removed, and there was no more dodge and concealment.

The comprehension that was originally caught in the quagmire and became stagnant, suddenly returned to fluency, and it was not the normal fluency, but the fluency of twice the results for half the effort.

The golden Emperor Qi cloud beneath it, feeling its needs, took the initiative to cooperate with Slowpoke’s understanding.

Emperor Qi cloud is divided into three, which are transformed into the essence of the king’s way, the will of the king, and the power of the Emperor Qi.

The three clusters of small clouds that have been differentiated each draw out an energy link to Slowpoke.

1. The essence of the kingship generated, forged, and refined from the character and experience of the living emperor is transformed into various knowledge and experience and absorbed by Slowpoke.

Second, the purest energy in the Emperor Qi cloud is poured into Slowpoke’s body to temper this spiritual body.

3. In the Emperor Qi cloud under Slowpoke, the royal will condensed by the living emperor throughout his life is condensed into a crown on the top of the spiritual body of Slowpoke.


This crown is not the same as the holy crown. The holy crown is a token of the royal power of the Saint Jard Empire and will only be used when the new king succeeds. wore.

In most cases, you wear a crown that belongs to you.

At this moment, the crown formed by the will of the king on Slowpoke’s head is the crown that belongs to the king represented by the Emperor Qi cloud.

This crown is still just a Dao Void shadow at the moment.

However, with the amount of Willpower poured in from the kingly way below, the crown on the top of Slowpoke’s head has become more and more clear and solid.

There is no doubt that when the power of the kingly will cloud below is all poured in, this crown will completely turn into an entity.

Of course, judging from the current progress, it will obviously take some time.

But at this moment Liang Ren, whose consciousness of’giving up control of the body’ has drifted away from the sky, and Slowpoke, who is trapped in sudden enlightenment, do not know this.

But outside Pidgeot, Cloyster, Lucario, Qingteng Snake are already worried to death.

“Ticket—the master and Xiao Da will be fine, right.” Looking at Liang Ren who was also in a daze.

Cloyster, who is usually calm, is now like Durant who fell to Volcano’s mouth, constantly spinning and worrying.

“ao 嗷——The big brother and Aura of Daida are very stable, not like something is going on.” Lucario felt it with Aura.

“si si-don’t worry, sister Bei, master and brother Xiaodai are so powerful, they will definitely be fine.” Qingteng snake is also comfortable.

Seeing that a few partners lost their sense in a panic because Liang Ren and Slowpoke suddenly remained silent. In the end, Pidgeot stood up and calmly said:

“Okay, Beckham, you Can’t you see that the boss and the fat man are now in deep comprehended?”

“Now you should not worry about the fat man, but yourself. The three of us followed the boss at about the same time. “

“I’m already breakthrough Elite, and now the fat guy has entered the breakthrough sudden enlightenment. You have to feel a little urgency.”

Pidgeot looked around Liang Ren and Slowpoke for a while , Finally turned to Cloyster and said.

“Brother Bird, you mean…” Hearing Pidgeot’s words, Cloyster’s expression of worry disappeared, and a feeling of joy emerged in his heart.

“Well, if I read it right, the fat guy should have entered the sudden enlightenment of the breakthrough Elite level, and the boss is now using the bond link to Help it.”

Pidgeot smash it He said with a sigh of relief.

I had a hard time breaking through the Elite level. It took only half a month to install it. Didn’t expect this batch of goods to catch up.

Thinking of this, Pidgeot felt joyful for his companion breakthrough while feeling depressed in his heart.

“Wearing the ancient Saint-Jade empire’s token “Holy Crown” and falling into a sudden enlightenment, I want to use Fatty’s innate talent, and the spirit willpower I’ve realized now is probably no worse than mine. . “

“If this eagle does not have Mega Evolution, I am afraid that when this fellow breaks through Elite, I guess I will have to be overwhelmed by it again. “

Looking at Slowpoke sitting on a picnic mat sitting cross-legged in sudden enlightenment, Pidgeot’s mood was very complicated for a while.

But he was not jealous either, although they usually like to grab snacks from each other. Fight with each other, but the relationship between the two is also very strong.

“Bei Bei, Xiaoqing, you two are here to guard, Xiaolu, you and I go outside to guard. “


“si si ——”

“ao 嗷——”

After listening to Pidgeot The arrangement of the three Pokémon nodded, each acted.

It seems that they decided to wait all night in order to prevent Liang Ren and Slowpoke from being disturbed.



Late autumn, late night.

In the sky of Walan, there are only countless stars, blinking mysterious eyes.

Pidgeot pushes himself to others, thinking Slowpoke’s comprehension is the same as his own. It doesn’t take much time.

However, after the whole night, the few cold stars in the sky gradually disappeared in the dawn, Liang Ren and Slowpoke still did not wake up .

“Guck! ! ! “

A grey dawn appeared in Heaven and Earth in the east. Dodrio, who lives on the mountain, cleared his throat and made a loud crowing.

The sound was in the mountains. Reverberating among them, from time to time, other new Dodrios will be added to the wake up ceremony of the mountains.


It’s dawn!!!

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