It’s near winter, and the night is very foggy. After sitting quietly all night, Liang Ren’s hair, eyebrows and eyelashes are covered with dew.

The four pets who are in charge of the night watch at night are anxiously surrounding one person and one pet who have not yet awakened.

“Brother Bird, are the master and Xiaodai really comprehending? How come the night has passed and they still haven’t woken up.

“You didn’t only use the breakthrough Elite for half an hour before ? “Cloyster asked worriedly.

“I don’t know this either. In my sense of bondage, the boss and the fat guy are indeed comprehending the breakthrough Elite level. “

“Let’s continue to wait. “Pidgeot said solemnly.

“Okay. “Cloyster nodded, she didn’t pay attention at this time.

However, as the four pets were talking, Slowpoke, who had been sitting cross-legged on the picnic mat all night, suddenly shook her body.

The holy crown that was worn on the top of the head slipped quietly.

The four pets heard the noise and turned their heads to look. The one pet who was sitting cross-legged on the picnic mat suddenly floated off the ground.

Following a’shoo’, it turns into a stream of light like a sky monkey and rushes straight to the sky.

“ao 嗷——Master big brother and Daida brother are flying to the sky. “Lucario mouth opened wide.

“Brother Bird, this is…” Cloyster looked at Pidgeot suspiciously.

“Can’t be wrong, the breath just now, Fatty, it is It’s time to breakthrough Elite. “Pidgeot said with joy and certainty.

“Xiaobei, Xiaoqing and Xiaolu, the three of you help the boss take good care of this crown. I will help the fat man protect the law. “


After Pidgeot finished speaking, he slammed his wings, which were wet by the dew from the night watch and became heavy.

“Li! ! ! “

The golden flames within the body gush out, and Pidgeot turns into a Divine Bird, chasing Slowpoke and flying towards the sky.

Leaving Cloyster, Ivy Snake and Lucario in the arms The holy crown looks up.


Look at Liang Ren and Slowpoke again.

One person, one pet, under Psychic’s support Soaring into the sky, in the blink of an eye, they came to the sea of ​​clouds.

Liang Ren and Slowpoke have emerged from the Emperor Qi cloud sea in the crown, and the spirit of one person and one pet has separated into a strange starry sky.

Liang Ren’s spiritual consciousness turned into a torrent to break away from Slowpoke’s spiritual body, and recondensed into his own body.

“Have you realized it? This is not Emperor Qi Yunhai Space, where is it? “Liang Ren who recovered his consciousness looked around.

When Slowpoke realized before, Liang Ren pulled his consciousness away and turned his body into a pure soul source to enhance Slowpoke’s Mental Force.

< p>How long has passed and what Slowpoke has learned, Liang Ren has no idea about it.

However, I looked at the Universe Starry Sky and the dazzling Star River under his feet, and saw that Slowpoke hadn’t regained consciousness yet, Liang. Ren didn’t bother it either.

Slowpoke quietly looking at Calm Mind, who is still closing his eyes, compared to the time when he entered the Emperor Qi cloud space.

The spirit of Slowpoke now The body is as solid as an entity, and the body is like Gold Jade Sootopolis, shining and strong.

On top of Slowpoke’s head, there is also a crown that is very Contest with jewels.

“Not the shape of the holy crown. “Liang Ren looked curiously at the unseen crown on Slowpoke’s head.

Finally, he was sure that this was not what the Holy Crown looked like.

“But now Slowpoke is the soul The spiritual body, the spiritual body is actually wearing a crown like a real thing. “

Liang Ren smashed his mouth and said in surprise.

He didn’t let him wait any longer. Soon within the week, the Universe Starry Sky and the dazzling Star River were all like Bubble Mirage. disappeared.

“ka-cha ——! ! ! “

Consciousness returned to reality, Liang Ren just heard a crisp cracking sound.

He was not unfamiliar with the sound of this thing cracking Liang Ren, because it was in half. He had also heard of Pidgeot a month ago.

“The Elite bottleneck breakthrough. “Liang Ren thought with surprise in his heart.

As expected, Slowpoke’s consciousness sound transmission sounded in the next moment Liang Ren’s heart.

“Ya Duo——(◔◡◔ิ)Liang Ren , I have a breakthrough Elite level. “Slowpoke loudly shouted happily.

“Hmm! ! I heard the broken voice of bottleneck, now you keep your mind and guide power within the body into the core of the power pump to complete the transformation. “

“Okay——” Slowpoke replied complied and quickly followed Liang Ren’s instructions to act.

I have witnessed Pidgeot’s breakthrough before, and Liang Ren was in the quasi-Elite breakthrough Elite level. There is still experience in this matter.

Under the bond link, Liang Ren shared the senses of Slowpoke, keeping his mind and watching the changes of Slowpoke quietly.

Under Psychic’s inner view , Slowpoke’s body has turned into a translucent state, within the body one after another, the meridians like a tree diagram are highlighted.


In Liang Under Ren’s observation, the Psychic flowing in the Slowpoke within the body meridian boiled, and then moved towards the trunk contraction and flow against the tree-like meridian.

Slowpoke is a Psychic Type special attack towards Pokémon, its power pump The core is in the brain.

Pink, like a viscous liquid Psychic, flows along the meridian network into the backbone of the spine meridian, and then injects it up into the brain.

Liang Ren His consciousness followed the flowing Psychic into Slowpoke’s brain.

He was surprised to find that he had entered the universe of Universe Starry Sky and the dazzling Star River.

Slowpoke was like Levitate, the spiritual body like Gold Jade Sootopolis, is in the air with a crown on his head, giving him a profound mystery full of wisdom.

“hua hua ……”

Liang Ren control The spiritual body came and stood beside Slowpoke. He heard the sound of tidal surging and water hua hua.

“This is! ! “Liang Ren followed the prestige, the Universe Starry Sky all around was flashing continuously, and a pink power emerged from the dazzling Star River under his feet.

“Ya Duo——” Slowpoke raised wearing a crown Hand and beckoned, the pink Psychic gurgling rushes towards it instantly.

Then, a pink liquid Energy Ball is condensed one meter in front of it, and it flows with the bright Star River below The Psychic of Psychic keeps increasing.

The Energy Ball of the Rapid Spin that was moved by Slowpoke is also rapidly expanding, from the size of a volleyball to a large Energy Ball with a diameter of three meters in the blink of an eye.

Feeling that the Psychic in the body has all gathered in Soul Space, Slowpoke moves again.

“Condensation! ! “Slowpoke, wearing a crown of wisdom, seems to be the king of this universe.

The pink Psychic ball in front of you is like a star about to explode.

It alternates between rapid expansion and rapid collapse.



Liang Ren has such an interesting expression, quietly Standing on the Crown Slowpoke and watching.

Slowpoke’s breakthrough is very different from Pidgeot’s previous breakthrough.

Pidgeot’s previous breakthrough was to challenge the strong wind and sound waves in the Yangjiaofeng valley. Breakthrough when exhaustion is close to the limit.

Liang Ren ordered Pidgeot to return to the starting point, Pidgeot’s exhausted body.

A new wave emerged from muscles and skeletons. Yes, it is many times stronger than before.

After the new power is generated, the 1st Step is to help Pidgeot to wash the tendons and cut the marrow.

Then the power flows into the spine. It flows into the brain and completes the transformation of power and the concentration of energy nuclei with the assistance of spirit willpower.

The process of Pidgeot breakthrough originally thought by Liang Ren can be used as an empirical reference for Slowpoke breakthrough.

However, He found that Slowpoke’s breakthrough is different from Pidgeot’s 1st Step.


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