Slowpoke breakthrough, within the body not at all, a stronger Psychic was born, and there was no washing of tendons and marrow.

It is the Psychic in the meridians of the whole body that flows into the Soul Space of the Slowpoke brain, which is the vast Star Sea in front of you.

The power transformation afterwards will not be completed on its own with Pidgeot’s fixed patterns and inherent processes.

The pink Energy Ball that gathers all the Psychic in the flesh is actually controlled by the’Crown Slowpoke’ to transform.

From the perspective of the process, Pidgeot’s breakthrough is undoubtedly more complicated, and Slowpoke’s is more streamlined.

But I don’t know how, Liang Ren always feels that in the breakthrough process of Slowpoke, this kind of active control and the ease of having the words at hand require a lot of Top Rank.

“Ding! !!!”

Suddenly, Liang Ren was a little surprised comparing Slowpoke and Pidgeot.

The pink Energy Ball with a diameter of three meters in front of you has collapsed into a fist sized golden spherical energy nucleus.

“Complete the transformation of power from liquid to solid, is the condense energy nucleus?” Liang Ren muttered to himself.

Looking carefully at the energy nucleus of Slowpoke, Liang Ren found that it is quite different from the condensation of Pidgeot breakthrough Elite.

First of all, the color. The energy crystal nucleus of Pidgeot condense turns into light azure. In the center of the crystal nucleus, there is a cluster of golden rootless flames burning in a curl.

And the energy nucleus of the Slowpoke condense in front of us is pure golden, but this golden is not the golden kind of golden.

It’s like the crystal clear and near-transparent brilliant lights and vibrant colors of Gold Jade Sootopolis Normal. Observing carefully, there seems to be a nebula vortex slowly rotating in the crystal core.

The second difference is the shape. The energy nucleus of the Pidgeot condense is in the shape of a diamond.

The energy crystal nucleus of Slowpoke is a perfectly round sphere.

But compared to the color and shape, the biggest difference is the size of the two energy crystal nuclei.

“Hiss!!! Although it is not clear what this means, the difference in size is too big.

“Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level, the energy nucleus of the concentration Only the size of a green date, the energy crystal core of Slowpoke is actually the size of a fist. “

“And this is not a small punch like a girl, but a big casserole like an adult muscular robust man. “Liang Ren opened his eyes and contrasted.


Just when Liang Ren compared the energy crystal core of Pidgeot, next to the’Crown Slowpoke’ raised hand and beckoned.

The round sphere like Gold Jade Sootopolis floats directly towards Slowpoke, and then floats and is supported by its hands.

“Bzz Bzz…”

Slowpoke held the crystal core ball over his head, the crystal core ball immediately vibrated and made a Bzz Bzz sound, and at the same time it released ten thousand zhang rays of light like a small sun.

rays of light illuminates the Universe Starry Sky and penetrates the shining Star River under your feet……

Outside the sea of ​​clouds, Slowpoke within the body at the end of the intertwined root-shaped meridians, which is at first pink Psychic inflow The place to go in.

A more majestic and powerful Gold Jade Sootopolis color Psychic spews out.


The dry meridian instantly Filled with this powerful Gold Jade Sootopolis color Psychic.

The original’small’ meridians have been expanded and nourished to become stronger tenacious.

There is no place where the meridians are distributed in the original body, After Psychic flows through, it spreads from the main meridian branch and spreads out one after another branch of the meridian.

Although this Gold Jade Sootopolis color Psychic is strong, it does not cause any damage and damage to Slowpoke’s body.

Psychic flows in the meridians, and a part of the power penetrates the body muscles and skeleton through the walls of the meridians.

Pokémon breakthrough Elite level will experience a cleansing of the muscles. The process.

This process may be late, but it will never be absent. This is the case with Slowpoke right now.

The 1st Step at Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level is to cleanse the muscles, did not ‘t expect Slowpoke to cleanse the tendons and cut the marrow until the end.

But you can think about it carefully. Understandably, Pidgeot’s power comes from the body.

So when new power is sprouted from the muscle skeleton at the breakthrough Elite level, the 1st Step is to travel all over the body to wash the muscles and cut the marrow.

And’Slowpoke’ as a pure Psychic Type Pokemon, it within the body Psychic is essentially a Mental Force quantity.

So the breakthrough Elite level just now is to gather the whole body Psychic back into the spiritual space, and when the transformation is completed, a new Elite power is born from the spiritual space.

This power flows out of the spiritual space again, and the spirit of the breakthrough strengthens the physical power.

Although the order of the two is different, after Pidgeot and Slowpoke breakthrough Elite, both the body and the spirit are strengthened, but it is the same.

Outside, Liang Ren and Slowpoke are sitting cross-legged in the white clouds.



“Hey, why are you calling so early~”

One from Unova Castelia On the plane from City to Kanto Saffron City, there is a window next to the right hand.

Not long after the day lighted up, the charming girl was woken up by her boyfriend’s phone call before she woke up.

“Baby, I am not worried about you, are you coming to Saffron City?” A young man’s caring voice came from the other side of the phone.

“Not yet, I have just passed Indigo Plateau now, are you passing Mt. Moon pulse?”

The charming girl put her mobile phone on the small table to support it.

The flight attendant sent a wet towel to wipe his face, then took out the box from the small bag and started to put on the makeup simply.


“…Okay, baby, remember to call me back when you get there, or I will be worried that I can’t sleep in the library. “

“Ahhhhhh, OK! OK!, Rory, wow, hung up~” The charming girl took a picture with her makeup mirror after applying lipstick.

Seeing that the boyfriend on the other end of the phone was still chatty, the charming girl frowned unhappily, said the closing words and then hung up the phone.

After finishing herself beautifully, the charming girl took out her mobile phone and clicked on the live broadcast software to start the live broadcast.

This plane is a relatively common high-speed internet plane at Unova in recent years. The plane is equipped with wifi for use.

“Hello~Good morning, big brothers, now I am live broadcast for you on flight H5305 from Unova Castelia City to Kanto Saffron City.”

“Half of the plane is left You can go to Saffron City in just a few hours. I wonder if there is any big brother asking Yaoyao to have breakfast today?” The charming girl’s voice was sweet and authentic.

Faced with the request of such a pure girl, the men in the live broadcast room immediately initiated the invitation enthusiastically.

“Little elder sister, I’m in Saffron City, how about I go to the Airport to pick you up?” The man with the ID named Yaoyao sent two rockets and invited him.

“10 rockets are delivered, I want to have lunch with Yaoyao.”

“Yaoyao, are you on flight H5305? Why didn’t I see you? I was on a business trip today. Back to Kanto is also on this flight.”

There are constant news about meal appointments on the phone screen, but the charming girl named Yaoyao immediately saw the message sent by her own funder.

“Brother Wang, you are in first class. I am in business class. You must not see me.”

“Brother Wang, breakfast in business class is terrible. ~” The charming girl moved towards the mobile phone camera and complained, as if she was not playing a live broadcast, but was videoing with her alone.

“Yaoyao thinks the breakfast in the business class is unpalatable, then come here to eat at Brother Wang.” The man called Brother Wang invited in the studio.

“Okay, then I can come~” the charming girl shouted sweetly.

“Big brothers, Yaoyao, go to have breakfast first, then get off the plane and start broadcasting.”

The girl turned off the live broadcast skillfully, despite the wailing in the live broadcast room. Then, like the Small Fox who stole the chicken, moved towards the first class cabin of the plane.


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