The sound of the wind in the Yangjiaofeng River Valley is still the same. Originally, they said goodbye to the villagers of Peach Origin Village. Liang Ren, who was about to leave on his return journey, was due to the Slowpoke breakthrough.

The plan has changed. One person and five pets stayed again, and life returned to the usual peace.

But Liang Ren’s life here is very peaceful, but the outside world is very lively.

For a long time not in the arena, some people are gradually forgotten by the arena, but for some people.

Even if they haven’t appeared in public for a long time, there will always be legends about them.

Liang Ren did not realize this, but in fact he is such a person with a hot topic.

From the C20 Sea Territory of Cinnabar Island, he encountered the seabed Volcano cluster eruption. Everyone thought he was killed, but he was almost alive again.

After that, Lilycove City Contest Conference was invited by Ever Grande Alliance veteran Elite to participate in the 3v3 exhibition match. He shined in the competition that night.

Then Hoenn was recognized as the hometown of Mega evolution by academia, and the “Mega Evolution of the Strongest Mega Evolution” tournament was held in Mauville City.

Liang Ren leaned on a MegaPidgeot and reached the finals with a complete victory.

Together with the Mermaid of the Storm-Misty, and Sand Waterfall-Airo, they tied for the championship and won the only championship honorary title “Angel of the Sky”.

After that, I rescued the H9536 flight in distress, made product endorsements for the “Three Chinchillas” company, and detected the Peach Origin Village’s huge population trafficking case…

Liang Ren entered the Mt. Moon pulse It has been more than two months. However, whether it is in real life or online, the topic of him has always been hot.


This morning, Saffron City TV Station screened a piece of “Genius Trainer ×××× is such a cultivation” news.

Lant Mumu Liang Ren’s name is not only hotly discussed in Kanto, Johto, Orange Islands and Hoenn.

The video in this news was uploaded to the Internet, and then continuously forwarded by the majority of netizens.

Even people in Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, and Galar Region know that there is a talented trainer named Mumu Liang Ren in Kanto Region.

The video attached to the news is said to be when a traveler who was on a business trip to Unova Castelia City returned to Kanto at 7 o’clock this morning.

It was accidentally captured when the plane was flying over the Indigo Plateau and passing Mt. Moon Sky.

A young man and a Slowpoke sat cross-legged on the sea of ​​clouds.

The time of video shooting was around 7:00 in the morning. The sun had not yet risen above the sea of ​​clouds, and the light was slightly dim.

The light gets brighter as the video goes to the back, the lens is zoomed in, and the teenager’s hair, eyebrows and eyelashes are covered with dew drops.

If at first see the teenager and his Pokémon sitting on Calm Mind training on the sea of ​​misty clouds, people watching the video will feel very curious.

But when I saw the dew on the young man’s hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes, the impression of an ascetic who was unavoidable all night was conveyed.

Those who watched the video suddenly felt a sense of awe.

Like the Kanto netizen commented below, this teenager named Mu Mu Liang Ren turned out to be a very famous trainer genius in Kanto.

The emotional impact and shock of the audience has become more intense.

‘Some people are not only more talented than you, but they also work harder than you.’ This sentence is often quoted in chicken soup articles.

However, this video of a young man named Mu Mu Liang Ren training with Pokémon really explains what is called the effort of genius.

[Why geniuses are called geniuses, because they can go to heaven. ]

[You can’t go to heaven, you are also worthy of being called a genius]

[You are so capable, why don’t you go to heaven like Mumu Liang Ren! ]

[There are many kinds of geniuses, among which the best beer is called Mu Mu Liang Ren]

[Genius trainer Mu Mu Liang Ren, Feitian Huashou recruits students online. ]

[Coach, I want to learn this]

[Who else can’t fly? ]



Whether there is a kind of genius called Mumu Liang Ren, or Mumu Liang Ren, a flying flower hand, or praise or ghost .

This video quickly became one of the most viewed videos on the Pokémon world’s major Region networks.

At the end of the video, a round of golden morning sun rises from the end of the sea of ​​clouds behind the boy, and the misty sea of ​​clouds is instantly illuminated with a bright and bright light.

Under the rays of light ten thousand zhang’s morning sun, the young man sitting cross-legged in the clouds, his whole person is also shining.

All the people who watched this video were shocked, not just because of this scene, this composition, and this picture.

There is also something unspeakable that shocked and infected people who watched the video.

It’s not enough to watch it over and over again. Many people even download this video from cache, or even burn it into a CD for permanent collection.

Many sand sculpture netizens on the Internet also stated that they have already put the video of “Liang Ren Ascension…” on their children’s funerals as the last column of their life plans.

No matter what, because this video secretly shot from the flight suddenly became popular all over the Internet, the name Mu Mu Liang Ren is also deeply printed in everyone’s heart.

The happiest thing is the Indigo Alliance. After all, Liang Ren and them are his own, followed by the Three Chinchilla Company.

The spokesperson of his own company has become popular throughout the Internet. Not only has the sales of products in the Kanto market increased sharply, but the sales of other Region products have also been affected and increased.

The most unhappy thing is Liang Ren’s parents. They saw the video of their son’s ascension in the morning news in the morning.

She almost fainted without being scared.

I slept for a night, and my son suddenly ascended to heaven. It was really exciting~

But the only pity is that this video has been popular all over the Internet. The name Mumu Liang Ren Become a phenomenon-level hot word on the Internet.

But a week later, the protagonist Mumu Liang Ren in the video never showed up.

This has disappointed many media who came to Pewter City and Tetsu City for interviews with Liang Ren, but they did not at all leave.

Compared to the time when many official media were still hesitant to search for Liang Ren in the mountains, and then get the first-hand interview information.

With the help of many self-media without professional ethics on the Internet, as well as some caring people, a message began to spread on the Internet.

The genius Mu Mu Liang Ren and his Slowpoke were photographed from the plane because…

Mu Mu Liang Ren is helping his Slowpoke breakthrough Elite ! ! !

As soon as the news came out, netizens didn’t care whether it was true or not. The discussion about Mumu Liang Ren’s current strength suddenly raised a whole new level.

Some people don’t believe it because Liang Ren is only 13 years old~

Some people believe in the news because before Liang Ren leaves school in September.

He has obtained the Gold rank in Hunter’s Guild, respectively, and has been promoted to become a professional three-star trainer in Stadium in Saffron City.

Before this, the elite leaders in many professional three-star trainers on the Mauville City Mega Evolution Tournament were easily defeated by Liang Ren.

After that, with strength of oneself, he rescued the H9536 flight that rushed into the cloud group of super currents in distress.

Various rumors and discussions were launched on the Internet, and they did not wait for the subject of Liang Ren.

But I waited for the Indigo Alliance’s appointment letter to Liang Ren, the content is as follows:



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