—”Personnel Appointment Letter”—

All departments of Kanto Alliance, Johto Alliance and Orange Islands allies:

After discussion and research by the Supreme Council of Alliance, it was decided to deal with Comrade Mumu Liang Ren The appointment of personnel is now announced:

The appointment of Comrade Mu Mu Liang Ren as the top inspector of the Kanto Region Indigo Alliance Pokémon Inspection Bureau is responsible for the supervision and assessment of gyms in various regions.

The above appointment decision will take effect from the date of release.

Here is an announcement!

———Kanto Alliance Indigo Plateau Headquarters

—————×× November 1st

” Brother Hiba, this appointment from Alliance is too much.

“I just joined Alliance, and there is no merit in me. Would it be inappropriate to give me such a high appointment directly? “

Although Liang Ren has gone deep into the Mt. Moon pulse, he still knows the news of the outside world.

Whether it is half a month before the Slowpoke breakthrough Elite level, in Yunhai Calm Mind’s he was photographed by a passenger on a passing plane.

The video was first released by Saffron City TV Station as a morning news, and then he became a Kanto Region in just half a day. People on hot topics have attracted much attention.

After that, things intensified. After the video was uploaded to the Internet, relying on the spread of Internet terror.

He has not only become a hot topic in the world. The character, “Mu Mu Liang Ren Genius” has also become a phenomenon-level hot word.

In order not to affect normal life, Liang Ren originally planned to leave Mt. Moon to return after Slowpoke stabilized the realm a week ago.

As a result, there was another discussion about him as an Elite-level expert on the Internet, and the topic that had been fading away became hot again.

In order to avoid the wind, Liang Ren just stayed in the Yangjiaofeng Valley for half a month.

I originally thought that Yunhai’s training videos and discussions about his strength had passed, and he could finally go out of the mountain with confidence.

Didn’t expect Alliance made another big news against him here.

Kanto Alliance Indigo Plateau’s personnel appointment letter about him once again pushed him to the forefront of public opinion.

However, after a series of hot discussions on the Internet and the whole people, Liang Ren’s psychological endurance has improved a lot.

He cares too much about the discussion not at all between Kanto citizens and the trainers in the circle. After all, he does have Elite battle strength.

His more focus is on the appointment book of Alliance.

“The highest inspector of the Pokémon Inspectorate, this is the only position with the highest decision-making and disposal power except for the director of the inspectorate.”

“In the patrol and investigation Alliance In the case of Gym’s working conditions under its jurisdiction, if it is judged to be unqualified.

“There is no need to report to Alliance. The highest inspector can terminate Gym’s Badge grant right on the spot. In serious cases, it can even be closed. Gym. “

“I’m a Rookie, is it really OK to arrange such a high position directly?” “Liang Ren moved towards Shiba Tucaodao on the other side of the phone.

Hearing what Liang Ren said, Shiba who was on a garrison mission in Tetsu City couldn’t help but shook the head with a smile.

” It was the first Pokémon breakthrough Elite in the hands of Misty of Cerulean Gym and Brock of Pewter Gym. “

“Both of them have been personally summoned by the veterans of the Alliance to give the only Mega Evolution stone and honor to the Elite Four reserve team. “

“The Alliance Council has discussed granting you the post of Supreme Inspector of the Pokémon Inspectorate.

This is already considering that you are just a Rookie when you just entered Alliance, without any qualifications and credit. “

“Otherwise, the appointment of the Alliance Council to your position will never be as simple as the highest search officer of the Inspectorate. Your position will only be higher. “

“Don’t underestimate the’Elite level expert’, the Kanto Alliance has a population of nearly 100 million people.

The registered hands have 6 elite trainers with Pokémon over LV.30 and no more than 100,000.

There are 6 Gym level trainers with a level exceeding LV.40 but more than 3000 people.

There are only more than 100 trainers with quasi-Elite level strength, such as Misty, Brock and you who have more than one but less than 6 Elite level Pokémon in their hands.

In the entire Alliance system, plus you, there are only 14 people. “

As the senior power of the Alliance, although Hiba is not directly Chief-In-Charge like Mrs. Agatha.

But how much training is available in the Alliance system? Home battle strength, high-end battle strength has geometry, he is actually very clear in his heart.

“Is there so little? “Hearing Shiba’s description, Liang Ren was also taken aback.

The Kanto Alliance has a population of nearly 100 million, and there are only 100,000 elite trainers, and only 3,000 gym-level trainers.

There are no more than 100 quasi-Elite trainers, and there are no more than 14 pseudo-Elite trainers like him in the Alliance system.

After listening to this number, Liang Ren has an opinion on Kanto Alliance. There is also a new understanding of how short of talents there are.

“With the lack of high-end talents in Kanto Alliance, it is no wonder that a Rookie who has just joined himself will be appointed to a senior position. “Liang Ren thought to himself like this.

Seeing that Liang Ren hadn’t spoken for a long time, Shiba suddenly knew that Liang Ren had some misunderstandings.

“If you want to become a trainer these days Easy, you usually participate in the city Stadium, and you know how difficult it is for the trainer to improve. “

“Kanto Region has registered more than one million trainers in the past five years, but only 100,000 people have really come out to break through to the elite level. “

“In the past ten years, Kanto Alliance has added the basic knowledge of Pokémon trainers to the compulsory education of children. “

“At the same time, Daxing school education has produced many middle-level backbone talents for Alliance, but the cultivation of high-end talents is not a day’s work. “

“With the vigorous development of professional associations such as breeders, coordinators, performers, and sommeliers. “

“Not only our Kanto Alliance lacks trainer talents, but also Alliances in other regions face the dilemma of lack of talent. “

“But it is precisely because of this that Liang Ren you brat joins the Alliance at this time, so that you can make a big difference. “

For the future development plan of the Kanto Alliance, the Kanto-Johto-Orange Islands alliance and the blueprint for coordinated development.

Heba is with him every day when he is exercising in the Yangjiaofeng Valley. In addition, Liang Ren at first has the intention to enter the Alliance development, and he has also taken the initiative to understand this.

The future development prospects of Kanto Alliance are very promising, and future positions within the Alliance will be adjusted.

Yulongdu returned to the Johto Mt. Silver Alliance, and the veteran Mrs. Elite Agatha retired again.

When the time comes Kanto Alliance Elite Four vacated two seats, the Alliance champion is vacant. This is for Liang Ren is a very good opportunity.

Now that he has joined the Alliance, in addition to improving his strength as the first priority.

He will also work hard to improve his qualifications and qualifications. Prestige, and at the same time find ways to accumulate credit while performing his duties.

I believe that when the time comes, when his strength meets the requirements, his position will rise unconsciously.

” Now, Liang Ren, you just said that you will leave Mt. Moon and go home today, right…”

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