“…You travel from Pewter City to Viridian, and then take an Alliance staff train to the headquarters of Indigo Plateau in Viridian.”

“Although Alliance did not arrange mandatory tasks for you, but You still have to go to work first.

Familiarize yourself with the situation in the Alliance headquarters, and at the same time learn about some work processes and work content issues with your immediate boss.”

On the phone, Shiba warned repeatedly.

“Brother, I have been outside for more than two months, so why don’t you let me go back home so soon?” Liang Ren complained.

“Okay, it’s just that many senior executives in the Alliance are very interested in you as a Mega genius, so they are eager to see you.”

“Of course, your immediate boss strongly requested, Said that I want to contact you as a subordinate,” Xiba said with a smile and comfortingly.

“It won’t take much time if you don’t come over. It can take half a day to more than a day,” Shiba said.

“Well, if my boss is a man or a woman, how about his personality?” Liang Ren moved towards Shiba curiously.

The Pokémon Inspectorate is a very important functional department in Alliance, and the director of the Inspectorate is already considered as the highest authority in Alliance.

Although it is valued by the Alliance and then entrusted with important tasks, it is also a relatively idle position, but Liang Ren, who has the intention to climb up, is naturally impossible to mix and eat salted fish.

He hopes that his boss is a person who can communicate and get along well with each other, so that it will be conducive to the development of future work.

Hearing Liang Ren’s question, Shiba couldn’t help showing a weird smile on his face.

“Pokémon Director of the Inspectorate, your immediate boss, first of all, she is a woman.”

“But her personality and her swift and decisive style of doing things, But all the male colleagues in Alliance are afraid of three points.”

“So after you meet, and after you officially start your work, I believe your relationship will be very interesting.” On the other end of the phone, Shiba revealed A bad smile.

“Is a woman, but her character is swift and decisive, and manly?” Liang Ren muttered to himself and repeated what Hiba had said.

He is not at all gender discrimination against women. As for Hiba’s’swift and decisive, masculinity’, it is not a derogatory term for Liang Ren.

Although Shiba’s tone of voice heard a hint of goodwill taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, Liang Ren’s interest in his boss has become more and more intense.

“Well, then I will ride Pidgeot directly to Viridian City.” Liang Ren said.

“Okay~” Hiba nodded on the phone, as if suddenly thinking of something.

“By the way, after you go to the Alliance headquarters to register for employment, return to Saffron City as soon as possible.

There is a guy over there but I’ve been waiting for you for a For a long time, according to his own words, he waited until his eggs were almost hatched.”

Speaking of this person who did not reveal his name, Shiba has a close relationship between his words and a few words. The meaning of ridicule.

“Is someone in Saffron City waiting for me? Who is he.” Liang Ren, who was directing Lucario to tear down the tent, asked curiously, with one hand on his waist.

“I will keep this secret first. When the time comes, you will know when you return to Saffron City.” Shiba said.


Hang up the phone, Liang Ren looked up at the Yangjiaofeng River Valley Camp that had been there for two months in a daze.

Half a month has passed since the villagers farewell to Peach Origin Village, Slowpoke absorbed an Emperor Qi cloud breakthrough Elite level in the Holy Crown.

Nowadays, in addition to the complex operations in the four tricks inheritance ability, I have not mastered the other inheritance of the wisdom king in the Emperor Qi cloud.

Level realm has been completely stabilized.

In this half a month, Pidgeot also completed the final stage of the Yangjiaofeng valley sound wave challenge, and finally reached 10,000 meters from 9,200 meters.

Pidgeot and Slowpoke have successively breakthrough Elite, which puts a lot of pressure on Cloyster.

For half a month, Cloyster trains and understands his will more seriously every day. The Elite bottleneck breakthrough progress has also increased from 43% half a month ago to 51%.

Lucario, Qingteng Snake in the River Valley Soundwave In mid-level training, although Level did not improve, but physical fitness and mental strength have made great progress.

This time I came to Mt. Moon to experience the pulse. It can be said that the strength of each Pokémon has improved far beyond Liang Ren’s expectations.

If you tell me the achievements of a few Pokémons in the past two months, I have not entered the Mt. Moon vein two months ago.

Liang Ren dare to say that he absolutely couldn’t believe it at the time because of the plan in his notebook when he asked for leave and left school.

At that time, he had no idea whether Pidgeot could break through Elite! ! !

“You can’t give up your efforts at any time, but chances are also very important if you want to succeed.” Consciousness sensed the holy crown in the system warehouse grid, and Liang Ren couldn’t help but shook the head.

According to Shiba’s request, I went to the Kanto Alliance headquarters today. After returning, Liang Ren wanted to talk to his mother about his life experience.



The cool breeze in the early morning, with the refreshing breath of the mountains, pounces on people, Liang Ren Just feel refreshed.

“Okay, guys, we are going to leave.” We packed up the things in the camp, and Liang Ren, the white plastic garbage that could not be degraded, was also packed into the system warehouse and taken away.

“Ao-I’m ready.”

“ao Ao-I’m ready too.”




The few pets followed Liang Ren to sit firmly on Pidgeot’s back.

“Go and target Viridian City.” Liang Ren raised his hand and pointed forward, loudly said high-spirited and vigorous.

“Beep Eagle——” Pidgeot bird sings back to complied, and while leaping up on the ground, the strong and powerful wings flap.

“wu wu…”

The sound of the wind in the Yangjiaofeng valley becomes louder, and the sound waves become more rapid, as if took a deep breath, drumming the cheeks and blowing the whistle to send goodbye. .

This place was regarded as an inaccessible life forbidden zone by the people of Pewter City, and it has now been conquered by Liang Ren.

One of the five pets looked back at the Yangjiao Peak, which stood at the end of the river valley, and set foot on the return journey contentedly.

Compared to the need to exercise Lucario and Qingteng Snake when I came, it took more than two weeks to walk to the Yangjiaofeng Valley.

The way back is much easier.

Before going out of the mountain, I secretly went to Peach Origin Village and saw that there was nothing in the village. Liang Ren did not disturb them, and directly rode Pidgeot out of Mt. Moon.

Going all the way south, I first went to Tetsu City to meet Shiba and throw out the garbage by the way, and then stopped at Pewter City.

Half a year ago, he barely reached the elite level. The only Golem facing his second echelon was Liang Ren, who was killed by a spike.

After half a year, his strength surpassed himself.

Except for Trump Card Steelix’s Elite level, Brock’s other Pokémon teams are still quasi-Elite.

Liang Ren has less Pokémon than Brock, but he already has two Elite Pokémons, Pidgeot and Slowpoke.

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