
In addition, Liang Ren was appointed by Kanto Alliance as the top inspector of the Pokémon Inspection Bureau.

Specially responsible for regular visits and investigations of Gym’s work, supervising and assessing Pokémon Gym, a subsidiary of Alliance.

As a gym trainer, Brock feels a little bit more unconsciously afraid of this friend of his younger brother.

Of course Liang Ren’s strength is only part of the reason, and more of his position and authority.

Know that he is not an ordinary Alliance Ombudsman, but the highest Ombudsman. His position and powers are second only to the Director of the Alliance Ombudsman.

For Brock’s subtle change in his attitude, Liang Ren also laughed and said that he was just an idle job.

Moreover, he will have a clear distinction between public and private when he performs his duties.

He said that he would not relax his assessment on Pewter Gym just because he had a good personal relationship with Brock and his family, but he would not make things difficult.

Hearing Liang Ren say this, Brock heaved a sigh of relief, and the relationship between the two returned to the usual ease.


See this apron with a pink strawberry pattern, leading a few younger brother younger sisters and personally sending him to the sewn-eyed youth at the door of Pewter Gym.

Liang Ren rode on Pidgeot’s back, waved to him and said, “Brother Brock, I’ll go first, and I’ll come back when I have time.”

As the protagonist Ash in the original book, Walked through several regions, as long as there are no beautiful girls around, he will be a more stable and reliable man than anyone else.

Liang Ren’s attitude towards Brock has always been three-point love and seven-point respect. In the first half of the year, he took time off to go to the Viridian Forest to experience Pewter City.

Liang Ren was invited by Wu Forrest to visit Pewter Gym. Brock gave him a lot of enlightenment to his junior trainer.

Not only did he agree to his request, he showed him the Mega evolution of Steelix, and he also presented his notes about breed Pokémon to him when he left.

Liang Ren attaches great importance to the friendship with Brock, and does not want to become alienated from each other because of his identity as the Supreme Inspector.

Fortunately, after Liang Ren’s candid explanation, Brock’s restraint against him that he didn’t even noticed also quietly faded away.

“Okay, be careful on the road.” Brock waved his spoon and told Liang Ren.

At nine o’clock in the morning, on the road leading to the mine outside the city, large trucks rolled in and out.

Recently, due to Yunhai training, strength disputes, and Kanto Alliance’s personnel appointment, Liang Ren’s popularity in Kanto has reached a terrifying level.

Some time ago, my family called him every day to urge him to go home, and stop staying in Mt. Moon’s veins for training, so as not to worry about the family.

Now Father Mother has stopped calling him, because the family is too busy now.

Because of his fame, Liang Ren Mother is at the corner of Fengzhu Street, Feeding Street, No. 8 North City, Celadon City.

The “Meile Meile Nursing and Health Care House” opened has become a popular online celebrity shop for a while.

The business in the store is so good, and the couple is too busy to rush him. Of course, Liang Ren also said that he would go back today.

I do go back today, but when I go to the Indigo Plateau, the headquarters of the Alliance, I will go home again.

“But it’s a business to take up the post. I believe Father and Mother will understand.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

In order not to be recognized, Liang Ren wore a baseball cap.

Pidgeot took off from Pewter Gym, one person and five pets quickly left Pewter City, and then headed south to Viridian City.

Pass through a corner of the Viridian forest on the way.

I have stayed in the barren and barren Mt. Moon for a long time. Looking at the lush vegetation, Liang Ren has a kind of inexplicable joy in his heart.

There are two Elite-level Pokémons beside him.

When flying over the Viridian forest, the two pets let out a little breath, and no Wild Pokémon blocked the way and dared to attack their party.

I arrived in Viridian city without incident.

Liang Ren first went to the hairdresser to take care of his hair, then took a Scald shower in an empty room in the Pokémon center and changed his clothes.

Looking at the full-length mirror in front of you, I am wearing ash-gray cotton casual sports trousers…

A cotton baseball jacket with black and white and bright yellow accents has a pullover inside A handsome and sunny boy with a sweater and light-colored casual sneakers.

Cloyster and Qingteng Snake standing behind couldn’t help but be nodded. They have always been very confident about the appearance and clothing of their trainers.

“Let’s go, accompany me to the Kanto Alliance headquarters.” Liang Ren glanced at the four Pokémon behind him and said.

“ao 嗷——” Lucario sitting on the edge of the bed put away the PSP game console, stood up nodded and said.



Although you can ride Pidgeot directly to the Indigo Plateau Alliance headquarters, Liang Ren has not yet entered the job market. A series of procedures for registration.

Ride Pidgeot rashly into the Alliance headquarters area, in order not to cause security guards and a series of unnecessary trouble.

Liang Ren also took the Alliance staff train to Indigo Plateau as suggested by Shiba.

And the Alliance staff train is not far away, in the subway station under the Cultural Plaza outside Pokémon Center in Viridian.

“ao wailing–a lot of people, are they all employees in the Alliance system like the big brother of the master?”

Take the elevator down to the subway station and watch The crowd, Lucario, who was standing with Liang Ren, asked in a low voice.

“Of course not, although the Alliance staff train is here, but more of it is the normal railway line.”

“A small part of these people may be Alliance staff, but Most of them are ordinary citizens.” Liang Ren explained as he searched the entrance of the special train for Alliance staff.

However, at this moment Liang Ren found a thin, black man with a peaked cap pulled low on his head, and a man wearing a mask came out of the elevator.

This man is also carrying a Black backpack.

Although it is dressed in black, it is not the cool feeling of fashionable youth.

This skinny man doesn’t walk with his head tall, nor does he have the self-confident temperament.

Instead, he gave Liang Ren a feeling of being nervous, afraid of being noticed, and Liang Ren also found that he tightly closed his backpack from time to time.

Liang Ren thought there was something very precious in his backpack for fear of being lost, but Liang Ren caught a deep sense of fear from the tension when the man touched the backpack.

It seems that there is no treasure in the backpack like Liang Ren thought, but it is like a bomb that will explode at any time.

When Liang Ren found this strange man, he was in a dilapidated house in the old town of Viridian.

A group of people are observing the situation in the subway station through the pinhole camera on the cap of the skinny man.

“Your wife and children are in our hands, don’t want to play any tricks.”

In the shabby house, sitting in front of the computer wearing silver white with the red letter’R’ on the chest ‘The shadowy man in uniform threatened the man on the other end through the headset.

“The Alliance staff train has 5 minutes to arrive at the station. Now you can walk me closer to the designated station.”

“The one who leaves the station will come out soon. Just pounce on the crowd for me, I will blow them up…jié jié.”

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