
Hearing the voice from the miniature headset, the black clothed thin man who was secretly observed by Liang Ren in the subway station replied complied with a trembling voice.

Under the Black mask, the man’s nose is already slightly sweaty.

But remembering that his wife and children are being controlled by this group of people, even if the black clothed man has all kinds of fear in his heart, he still has to do what the other party requires.

“Although I will die, but only if they can release my wife and children and relieve me of the huge gambling debts, my life is worth it.”

“As for these people, take it as a funeral for my fate.” The black clothed man thought about it and suddenly stopped being afraid.

looked towards the subway station in front of me hurriedly commuting to and from get off work, full of self-confidence, as if this World and the people with good lives.

The black clothed man lowered his head on the face covered by the peaked cap, revealing a spite cruel and extremely hideous expression.

The skinny man closed his backpack tightly with a bomb inside, a powerful bomb that would kill him and also kill all passengers in the subway station.

Originally when he was found at first Team Rocket.

Because of the huge gambling debts and the life of his wife and children as a threat, he had to agree to the terrorist plan to attack the subway station.

Now when his life is about to reach the end, he looks away. Why these people are living so happily but they are living so hard.

This World is so filthy and dark that it is desperate, why these people are full of enthusiasm like chicken blood all day long.

“Follow me to die. I am saving you. I will save you idiots from the Sea of ​​Bitterness of life. When you die, you will be truly free.”

Under the pulled-down peaked cap, the skinny man made a low and sly smile like a cough like a tuberculosis.

The whole person pretended to inadvertently approach a special passage of the subway station, and Liang Ren looked in the direction of the black clothed man.

“”Indigo Plateau” saw the name of the station written on the signboard of the passageway, Liang Ren flashed a clear comprehension in his eyes.

“It turns out that this is the entry and exit of Alliance staff. Station gate, but this black clothed man wants to…”

Liang Ren slightly frowned looked towards backpack black clothed The man pretended to inadvertently approach the entrance and exit of the Alliance staff train.

“Daida, Xiaolu, you two use Psychic and Aura to check the man over there in black with a big backpack on his back. “

Liang Ren, who feels that things are not simple, said to the two pets with a bond link.


“ao Ow–“

When I heard Liang Ren’s words, Slowpoke and Lucario remained silent, but they were secretly vigilant.

Liang Ren usually puts them outside anytime and anywhere.< /p>

In addition to their relatively small size, there is another reason for the task of guarding and protecting Liang Ren.

Liang Ren said just now, it is obvious that he found the danger before letting them both Detected.

Because this subway station is in the city center and close to Pokémon Center, there is a lot of traffic.

Liang Ren in order not to cause black clothed men Be alert, and walk to a mobile phone Charge pile with two Pokémon pretending to be.

Slowpoke, who is held in Liang Ren’s arms, and Lucario following him, releases Psychic and Aura to Liang Ren’s Said black clothed man to investigate.

Psychic can easily see the contents of the backpack through the black backpack.

Lucario then Aura feels lightly bulging, moved towards all directions let out an unchecked wind of Aura to check the black clothed man.

I don’t know if I check it, I’m surprised when I check it.

“Ya Duo——Liang Ren, this man’s backpack is full of powerful bombs that can be controlled remotely. “

Looking at the contents of the black clothed person’s backpack, Slowpoke sent a shocked tone to Liang Ren’s consciousness sound transmission.

Lucario also had a discovery over there. Aura’s wind feedback, It can perceive that the black clothed man is exuding Malice’s Aura like Black tentacles.

“ao 嗷——Master big brother, the person you are talking about is exuding Malice’s Aura all over his body. “

“He is not only aimed at you, he even filled everyone in the subway station with a strong Malice indiscriminately. “

Lucario used his consciousness to sound transmission and said to Liang Ren in shock.

After reporting the results to Liang Ren, Slowpoke and Lucario exchanged glances, and both felt guilty for their negligence. .

Looking such a horrible source of danger close to Liang Ren, the two of them didn’t even notice it.

“Let’s watch me wink and act. “

Liang Ren took the phone off the charge pile, and while sound transmission to the two pets, he walked towards Jenny, the officer at the entrance and exit of the Alliance staff train.

“Indigo Plateau The station is only open during the Alliance Conference, and only Alliance staff can take this special train during normal hours. “

“The trainer, please stay away from here. Seeing Liang Ren approaching with two Pokémons, the police officer Jenny decisively stopped him and warned.

“I am Mumu Liang Ren, the newly appointed Supreme Inspector of the Pokémon Inspectorate by Alliance, I Now I need to go to the Alliance headquarters to go to work. “

“This is my trainer ID card. “Liang Ren handed over the ID card, and at the same time slightly lifted the baseball cap he was wearing and said.

“…” Jenny did not speak, took the ID card he handed over and looked at it carefully. Take a look at Liang Ren’s face.

After the identity verification was correct, Jenny stood up straight and saluted Liang Ren: “I’m very sorry, Inspector Mu Mu, I didn’t recognize you just now, so I took you Stopped. “

“It doesn’t matter, no need to apologize, I haven’t registered for employment after all, and Alliance hasn’t issued me a work certificate. “Liang Ren waved his hand.

Then his expression suddenly became serious, “Now I want to say something very serious and dangerous. After listening to what I said, I hope you will not show a panic expression. Don’t look around showing your feet. “

“Okay, Ombudsman Mumu, please tell me. “Jenny expression replied.

The danger is approaching, and it is related to the lives of hundreds of passengers in the subway station. Liang Ren dare not delay, and straight to the point said:

” A thug is now in the subway station. His backpack is full of powerful bombs that can be controlled remotely. “

“My Lucario sensed Aura full of Malice and offensive from him. “


Sure enough, after hearing what Liang Ren said, there was shock and fear in Jenny’s eyes.

“Don’t panic now, Don’t look around either. “Liang Ren stared at Jenny’s eyes calmly.

“Next, I need you to cooperate with me. My Slowpoke will immediately use Teleport to transfer the bomb on the back of the mob to the outside. “

“My Lucario will immediately rush up to control the mob. “

“But from the remote control type of the bomb, we can know that this was an organized and premeditated terrorist attack. This mob must have accomplices. “

“I want you to secretly contact the Viridian City Police Station for reinforcements now. After I act for a while, I also need you to maintain order on the scene. “

Liang Ren looked at the officer Jenny who was half a head taller than him, and said in a relaxed tone with a smile.

There is no who outside the staff train entrance and exit, Liang Ren took The approach of the two Pokémon has attracted the attention of black clothed men and many passengers.

When I saw Jenny solemnly salute Liang Ren.

Black clothed men and attention Passengers who have arrived here are all interested in Liang Ren’s identity.

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