No passengers approached the crowd, they just stood and looked at it from a distance.

The staff train has not arrived yet, and the black clothed man under the command of the other person in the headset did not immediately launch a terrorist attack at night.

Seeing the teenager talking with the police officer Jenny with a smile on his face, the black clothed man and the person on the other side of the headset who are commanding and controlling are also slightly disarmed.

“Okay, I understand.” The police officer Jenny took out the walkie-talkie and learned to be like Liang Ren, with a smile on his face, pretending to call the Viridian City Police Station for police reinforcements easily.

“Are you okay?” Liang Ren asked with a gentle smile.

“Reinforced police can arrive in at most five minutes.” Jenny nodded.

“Inspector Mumu, how about we drag the mobs and other reinforcements before we act.”

“Will the action be too dangerous for you? “Jenny was a little worried in some words.

“When I came over, it was estimated that the mob and his accomplices were noticed and alert. Any further delay will only become more dangerous.”

“The mob is my left hand against the wall behind me The man wearing black clothes at the fire hydrant, don’t look around.”

“Slowpoke, Lucario and Officer Jenny, I will count one, two and three and we will act together.”

” One…two…three, action!!!”


In a remote house in the old town of Viridian.

Looking at the screen on the computer before them, several men in silver white uniforms with the red capital letter R printed on their chests suddenly stood up from their chairs.

“Yamaguchi, what’s the matter?” asked a companion next to him in confusion. It was obvious that there was also some fear on his face.

Although they are loyal to Team Rocket, they were sent by General Proton to carry out this suicide terrorist attack. Several Team Rockets were still full of fear of death.

Fortunately, they are familiar with the environment of Viridian.

After a period of incubation, I received news that Agatha, stationed at Viridian Gym, is leaving Viridian City today.

Return to Alliance headquarters to participate in the ceremony of the appointment of the Supreme Inspector Mumu Liang Ren of the Pokémon Inspection Bureau newly appointed by Alliance.

At the same time, they also found a surrogate to attack the subway station where the Alliance staff train was located with a bomb on their back.

“I haven’t reacted just now, now I know who this kid is.” said the Team Rocket member who just got up from the position in front of the computer.

“Who is it?” several companions next to the man asked curiously.

“You forgot what the old woman Agatha is going to do when she returns to Indigo Plateau today?”

“This kid is Mumu Liang Ren. Some time ago, the whole network became popular. Recently, Appointed by Kanto Alliance as the Supreme Inspector of the Pokémon Inspectorate.”

The Team Rocket in front of the computer pointed to the casually dressed boy wearing a baseball cap on the computer screen and said.

There are not many people owned by Lucario, the precious Pokémon of Mega, and only Liang Ren is known in the Kanto Region trainer circle.

And holding a Slowpoke in his arms anytime, anywhere, this has become Mu Mu Liang Ren’s identity tag.

Some time ago, there were many comic shows where Coser came to COS him with Slowpoke in his arms.

“Wow~ It’s really Mumu Liang Ren.” Several Team Rockets said in surprise.

“Everyone, think about it if we kill the popular Celebrity trainer and the Supreme Inspector just appointed by the Alliance with much fanfare, would you say that General Proton will give us a lot of credit.”

< p>The Team Rocket member in front of the computer said with ecstasy.

He seemed to have seen General Proton not only didn’t blame them for not performing the attack mission personally, but he remembered the scene of a great achievement for him.

However, when he heard the proposal of Team Rocket named Yamaguchi, several of his companions hesitated.

“Abandon the attack on the staff of Alliance’s special train, and turn to attack Mumu Liang Ren?”

“It is said on the Internet that his team already possesses Pokémon with Elite strength, we… “

The man hadn’t finished speaking, he was interrupted directly, “Fourth, you are really getting less courageous, and you can believe the rumors on the Internet?”

“And no matter how strong he is, only Pokémon is strong. The trainer is still a fleshy body.”

“Even if this kid really has an Elite-level Pokémon, which one can you guess?” Team called Yamaguchi Rocket asked rhetorically.

“Pidgeot, after all, Pidgeot is Mumu Liang Ren and his initial Pokémon~

Previously, he showed the ability of Mega evolution at the strongest Mega Evolution tournament in Mauville City.” Said Team Rocket, who is called Sibu.

Hearing what his companion said, Yamaguchi suddenly showed a bright smile on his face and continued to ask: “Then you see which two Pokémon he is putting outside now.”

This one was on, and the team Rockets next to them finally reacted.

Don’t say that the opponent does not have an Elite Pokémon in his hand, but he has an Elite Pokémon in his hand, but it is in the treasure ball.

Faced with a bomb attack, I believe that no matter how fast the bomb explodes, Pidgeot is not a Pokémon type skilled in defense.

Thinking of this, several Team Rocket members decisively agreed to Yamaguchi’s plan and gave up attacking other small fish and shrimps, instead choosing to fried Mumu Liang Ren, the big fish.

“Did you figure it out? Let’s start when we figure it out.” Yamaguchi grinned with a grin.

“Well, listen to you, just blow up this kid.”


“…” Several Team Rocket nodded said.

“Hey kid, the plan has changed. Now I want you to attack the kid who talks to the police officer Jenny and wears a hat.”

“Ah—” I heard a message from the headset. With the new instructions, the black clothed man under the subway station was taken aback.

“Don’t, as long as you can hold that kid and blow him up.

Your gambling debt will be wiped out. We will release your wife and children, and give them A large amount of resettlement fees is enough for the two of them to worry about food and clothing for the rest of their lives.” Yamaguchi said through a headset.

“Really?” The black clothed man heard the plan change, from attacking a group of people to attacking one person, he still had these reluctances in his heart.

After all, he was buried by a person, and there is no group of people to bury him with value, but hearing the words from Team Rocket over the earphones, the black clothed man suddenly became very happy.

“Of course, how can an organization like our Team Rocket lie to you.” Yamaguchi’s face showed a mocking and disdainful smile.

However, his smile froze before it lasted even a second.

“You idiot, that kid and Jenny found you…” Hearing the flustered and exasperated sound from the headphones, the black clothed man didn’t even react.

He only felt a lightness on his shoulders, and the bomb bag he carried on his back for the attack had disappeared.

Turning around, I saw that the blue Pokémon, who was standing beside the boy just now, turned into a light and shadow and charged towards him.


A straight fist hit his face, followed by a shoulder fall. The black clothed man and the passengers in the subway station did not react.

“Boom——!!!” There was a deafening explosion in the sky outside the subway station.

In order to make this terrorist attack cause greater casualties and destruction.

Team Rocket prepared the most potent bomb, enough to blow up the entire subway station and bury everyone in the ground.

“Bzz Bzz…” At this moment, although the bomb was transferred to the sky outside by Slowpoke and exploded using Teleport, everyone still felt that the platform was shaking, and dust fell from the gap in the ceiling above.


“What happened, is Earthquake?”

“What is the sound outside, how does it feel like a bomb exploded .”



The bomb exploded at the cultural square Sky outside the subway, and the passengers in the subway station below suddenly burst out Shouted Growl in horror.

The black clothed man was immediately overpowered by Lucario after the bomb bag was removed.

However, there is chaos in the subway station at the moment, and passengers have no other concerns.

The formidable power of this bomb was too big. After it was detonated in the sky, the glass door and window in the center of Pokémon immediately burst to the ground.

Even citizens of the entire Viridian city heard the explosion that resounded across the sky.

The cars in the parking spaces on the surrounding roads screamed frantically.



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