

Slowpoke used Teleport to transfer the bomb to the outside, Lucario uniformed the black clothed man.

Although the incident happened suddenly, because Liang Ren communicated with the police officer Jenny in advance, after Liang Ren directed the Pokémon operation.

The policeman Jenny also stood up immediately to appease the panicked passengers and maintain order in the subway station.

Originally an organized and premeditated bomb terrorist attack.

However, under Liang Ren’s calm and decisive response, the casualties and property damage were minimized.

4 minutes ’56 seconds”, the reinforced Viridian Jenny arrived on a police motorcycle.

“Let you wait a long time, where is the mob now? “Looking at the bomb-damaged Cultural Square, Jenny without the slightest hesitation leads people down to the subway station.

“The mob has been subdued by my Pokémon, but I suspect this is an organized and premeditated attempt. Terrorist attack. “

“This mob was carrying a remotely controlled bomb, obviously he still has his own accomplices outside. “

“So next, I have to trouble Officer Jenny. You will find out all the gangsters to prevent such bomb terrorist attacks from happening again. “

Looking at Jenny who led a team of police officers down to the subway station, Liang Ren stood up and said.

Before Jenny arrived, Liang Ren had covered the police officer Jenny and took the passengers The organization was evacuated outside and the subway operation was also stopped.

The terrorist bomb attack was detected by Liang Ren in advance and dealt with in time.

In the end, it only caused the subway station. The panic and riots of the passengers and the trainers in the Pokémon Center behind the square.

not at all casualties and large public property losses.

However, Liang Ren not at all relaxes because of this. To the effect, this bomb attack was accidentally broken by him.

But the black clothed person deliberately approached the entrance and exit of the Alliance staff train, and the bomb in the black clothed thug’s backpack was a remote controlled bomb. .

Liang Ren is obviously an organized and premeditated terrorist attack without using his brain. This mob must also have accomplices outside.

Although he has already The black clothed man was uniformed, but if the other accomplices of the mob were not arrested and brought to justice as soon as possible.

Liang Ren could not guarantee that such bomb terrorist attacks would continue to occur in other places in Viridian.< /p>

“Who are you? “Jenny casts a curious look at Liang Ren.

From her look, she has faintly guessed the identity of Liang Ren based on Slowpoke and Lucario, but she is not sure.


The police officer Jenny standing next to Liang Ren answered this question for him.

“This is Mr. Mumu Liang Ren, the newly appointed Supreme Inspector of the Pokémon Inspectorate by Alliance. “

“Just now, the Inspector Mumu noticed the existence of the mob in advance, and then it was the Inspector Mumu who commanded Pokémon to eliminate the bomb threat and subdued the mob. “Said Jenny, the police officer.

After hearing the explanation of her cousin’s cousin in front of him, Jenny’s expression was solemn, and he solemnly saluted Liang Ren and said:

“Thank you Mu Inspector Mu made a timely move to subdue the bomb rioters and protect the safety of passengers and citizens in the subway station. “

“Here, on behalf of the Viridian City Police Department, I would like to extend my highest respect to Inspector Mumu. “

A team of police officers behind Jenny saluted Liang Ren in a row, and Liang Ren waved his hand quickly.

“As a member of the Alliance, Regardless of their status or position, punishing crimes and protecting the safety of citizens are our unshirkable responsibilities. “

“The immediate task is to find a way as soon as possible to find out the other accomplices of the mob, otherwise when the time comes, the whole city of Viridian will make people were alarmed. “

Winked at Lucario, then handed the black clothed man to the police officer to handcuff him in handcuffs.

“Of course, we will arrange the interrogation of the mob immediately. Strive to find the criminal’s remaining accomplices in the shortest possible time. “

“In addition, in order to arrest the unpunished thugs as soon as possible, I plead with Inspector Mumu to temporarily assist our Viridian City Police Department. “

Turning his head to let his subordinates escort the black clothed man back to the police station for interrogation, Jenny turned his head and looked towards Liang Ren and asked sincerely.

Although the bomb gangster was arrested right now, How many accomplices outside is unknown.

At this time, if there is a powerful battle strength like Liang Ren to assist, whether it is to trace the criminal’s hiding place or the final arrest, she will have more Sure.

Of course, Jenny also knows that Liang Ren is going to the Alliance headquarters to take up the post, so after making this request, she feels a little sorry.

Liang Ren seems to be Detecting Jenny’s thoughts before him, a bright smile appeared on his face.

“The appointment of ceremony can be delayed later, but it is an urgent matter to protect the lives and property of citizens, so I will do my best next Cooperate with your actions. “

Jenny was overjoyed when he heard Liang Ren’s words. Outsiders were just vague guesses about the strength of the young man in front of him.

However, as one of the two Alliance Mega families: a member of the Jenny family At the same time, she is the sergeant of Alliance’s police station in Viridian.

It is not a secret to her that the teenager has an Elite Pokémon in her hands. This is also the biggest request for Liang Ren’s assistance. The reason.

After all, even an organized and premeditated bomb terrorist attack can be keenly detected and controlled in the shortest time.

If With the assistance of Liang Ren, the subsequent hunting down of the criminal accomplices of the bomb gangsters will be more efficient.

“Now we will return to the police station to arrange interrogations of the criminals, and the rest will stay to maintain order and keep the subway Smooth and normal operation of the line. “


Recover Lucario into the baby ball, Liang Ren holding Slowpoke and sitting on Jenny’s police motorcycle toward the Viridian City Police Station.




“Good morning, friends in front of the TV. “

“On November 3, at 10:16 this morning, a vicious bomb terrorist attack occurred at the Pokémon Central Cultural Square subway station in our city. “

“The Municipal Police Office issued a notice stating that at the time of the incident, a man wearing black cloth carrying a powerful bomb sneaked close to the entrance and exit of the Alliance staff train with the intention of carrying out a bomb attack. “

“However, within 3 minutes before the Alliance staff train arrived, the black clothed man was about to detonate the powerful bomb hidden in his backpack to launch an attack. “

“The black clothed man’s intent to attack was detected by Mu Mu Liang Ren, who was going to the Alliance headquarters to participate in the ceremony of the Supreme Inspector of the Inspectorate in the subway station. “

“Inspector Mumu was assisted by the police in the station.

Pokémon Slowpoke immediately transferred the bomb hidden in the mob’s backpack to outside the subway station using Teleport. “

“This black clothed man who wanted to launch a suicide bomb attack was also subdued in time by Pokémon Lucario under the command of the Mumu Inspector. “

“After the bomb was detonated, no one was killed or injured except for the cultural square sculpture and the glass cup on the outer wall of the Pokémon Center building next to it. “

“Although the bomber has been arrested, the Inspector Mu Mu said that the criminal has his accomplices running outside. Now he is fully cooperating with the police to search for the criminals’ accomplices. “

“At the same time, the police also issued a notice asking citizens to reduce their outings as much as possible before the bomber’s associates are arrested. “



After the bomb attack, although there were no casualties, the terrorist attack was also in Viridian. The city and even the Kanto Region caused great panic.

At the moment, in the Viridian City Police Station, the interrogation of the bomber is underway.

After the black clothed man attack failed. The whole person fell into a state of mental despair and numbness. Faced with Jenny’s interrogation, the black clothed man did not respond at all.

“What can I do? “Jenny was a bit difficult for a while, the Alliance law protects citizens’ personal rights very highly.

Don’t say that suicide bombers like black clothed men are evil organizations with a worse nature. After the members are arrested by criminal detention, they can all be suspended or released on bail.

Things like lynching and violent interrogations are simply not allowed. During the interrogation, Jenny verbally threatened a few words when he was most emotional.

But in exchange, it was a sneer from the black clothed man grinning.

If it weren’t for the kid sitting next to Jenny, he’d been watching calmly with cold eyes full of murderous aura. With him, the black clothed man even wanted to play with the police girl in front of him in a yellow tone.

“What should I do? All methods have been tried, and the criminal just kept silent. “Jenny walked out of the interrogation room, raised the confession that he didn’t write down any information, and said helplessly to Liang Ren.

“Officer Jenny, you are too kind and gentle to the criminals, Alliance. The law is too lax~”

Liang Ren shook the head said with a smile, he was not surprised by this result.

“I know, but…”

“How about let me try? “Through the one-way glass, Liang Ren glanced at a black clothed man in the interrogation room who was sure that Jenny wouldn’t dare to treat him.

Liang Ren interrupted what Jenny wanted to continue.

“Okay, but you just need to record the confession in the interrogation, but you can’t do it~” Jenny said.

“If the criminal associates are not arrested as soon as possible, like today’s bomb terrorist attacks Cases can happen at any time. “

“If you are so polite to such stubborn criminals, this is not to uphold the dignity of Alliance law, but to be irresponsible for the personal safety of citizens. “

“For special people, special events, special times, we also have to use some special methods, and then just leave it to me. “

Liang Ren took the confession from Jenny’s hand, walked into the interrogation room alone with Slowpoke in his arms and then closed the door.

“oh la la…” is bowing his head The black clothed man with handcuffs lifts the head and looks at the boy in front of him mockingly.

“pa~” Liang Ren didn’t speak, and threw the confession on the table, removing the one he was wearing. The baseball cap then took off his jacket and put it on the back of the seat next to him.

The black clothed man looked at Liang Ren’s movements with a funny expression, but what happened in the next second made him stunned. .


The knuckles squeezed, and the palms formed into fists. The next second Liang Ren’s fist hit fiercely like a hammer. black clothed man’s face.

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