
Outside the interrogation room, after seeing Liang Ren entering the door, he hadn’t even formally interrogated him, he directly punched the black clothed man.

Jenny is also standing in front of the one-way glass window next to him. She is curious to see this one who eliminated the bomb crisis by strength of oneself——-

The Supreme Supervisor of Alliance who subdued the mob The police officers who conducted the interrogation were also shocked by Liang Ren’s actions.

Jenny, who was in charge of the interrogation of the prisoner just now, opened his mouth so wide that he could fit an egg.

“Inspector Mumu looks so close and kind, didn’t expect it will be so fierce when you start.”

“Wow, inspector Mumu is a military force value. It’s amazing.”



I passed by briefly in surprise, watching a piece of paper being drawn in the interrogation room , A handsome boy who helps criminals to wipe blood stains in his mouth and nose in a gentle and easy-going manner.

A group of male police officers outside the interrogation room, with bright eyes, looked at Liang Ren in the interrogation room with admiration and said.

Hearing the comments from the subordinates, Jenny, who was still immersed in shock, couldn’t help but glance at Liang Ren’s thick, strong arm with clear muscles.

“You…you hit someone!!” Compared to Jenny and the police quickly accepting Liang Ren’s approach, the hard-talked black clothed man was shocked beyond words.

lifts the head staring wide-eyed at the smiling boy in front of him, as if his world outlook and values ​​have been subverted.

“Name?” Throwing the blood-stained paper ball into the wastebasket, Liang Ren sat down and turned his mouth to ask calmly.

“This is a violent interrogation. You have violated the Alliance law by doing so. I will definitely complain and report you.”

The black clothed man spitefully looked at it three points and seven points. Shouted Liang Ren.

“Bang—” Liang Ren didn’t answer him, but got up and hit the black clothed man fiercely with another punch.

After exercising with Pokémon for a long time, Liang Ren’s military force value has already surpassed that of a normal adult.

After receiving a heavy fist from Liang Ren, the black clothed man’s face seemed to be blooming, his nose and mouth were constantly bubbling with bright red blood.

“Alliance law only protects compliant Alliance citizens. Criminals like you who carry bombs with intent to carry out terrorist attacks are not Alliance citizens.”

“You are an Alliance. The enemy of all, the enemies of all law-abiding citizens, are the enemies of this harmonious and stable society.”

“A thug like you is not even a person in my eyes, so you say why should I You are kind to the scum of society like you.”

“When you disregard the Alliance law and the right to life of others, you are no longer protected by the Alliance law. Do you think you have committed such a serious crime? Can you go out safely?”

“Perhaps in the past, you would think that Alliance’s laws are very lax. Even if you commit a crime, you won’t get too serious Punishment.”

“But I have to be sorry to tell you that from the moment I joined Kanto Alliance, Alliance Law will no longer be tolerant of trash like you.”

Looking at the dumbfounded black clothed man. , Liang Ren said with a faint smile: “So next you say it yourself, or I will let Pokémon hypnotize you and then you will say it.”

“I…I said.” Knowing that the person in front of you is not Jenny was as pedantic and moderate as other police officers, and the black clothed man finally dared not hide it.

“It’s Team Rocket, it’s all Team Rocket threatening me to do.” The black clothed man was too frightened, and his whole body was shaking violently like a chaff.

“Oh, is there really a shadow of Team Rocket behind this bomb attack?” Liang Ren thought to himself.

When he encountered Shiba in the Yangjiaofeng Valley, he learned from Shiba.

Team Rocket leader Giovanni has not appeared since his disappearance, and Giovanni’s only heir, Giovanni Silver, has also been fully protected by the Alliance.

Team Rocket, without Giovanni in charge of the overall situation, fell apart.

Proton, one of the four generals, has always wanted to use Giovanni silver to reintegrate the plan of Team Rocket forces.

The previous Saffron City Donghushan Park Mayor’s daughter-in-law kidnapping case was disrupted by Liang Ren and temporarily declared bankrupt.

Block the border, unite with Johto Mt. Silver Alliance and the newly established Orange Alliance to encircle and suppress.

Now that the remnant forces of Team Rocket are continuously being consumed, Team Rocket can be said to have been driven to an end.

In order to prevent the extremists in Team Rocket from jumping over the wall, the four elites of the Alliance and the search team were dispatched to major cities.

Viridian is a city guarded by Elite Four Agatha, but today is to hold an inauguration ceremony for Liang Ren.

In order to show importance, Agatha, the veteran of the Alliance, also rushed back to the headquarters of Alliance Indigo Plateau.

Originally, this was done in secret, and it was delayed for half a day at most.

Didn’t expect Team Rocket unexpectedly received news and seized this empty window to launch a suicide bombing terrorist attack in Viridian.

“In this way, the occurrence of this bomb terrorist attack has something to do with me.” Liang Ren thought to himself.



Have two punches from Liang Ren. The black clothed man who used to be very hard-mouthed at first, now looks like a bamboo tube Pour the beans and tell the details of the matter.

Although Team Rocket is an underground evil force, there are many legal industries on the surface as a cover.

As an important sub-base of Team Rocket, Viridian also has many of Team Rocket’s properties, and this black clothed man is the bartender of a disco under Team Rocket.

After Team Rocket lost power, the black clothed men lost their jobs and owed huge gambling debts because of gambling.

Who knows that all of this is a trap of Team Rocket. Afterwards, Team Rocket forced debts and took away his wife and daughter.

Then he was asked to carry out a suicide bombing attack this time based on the safety of his wife and children and his gambling debts.

“…Who knew I was hit by you, my lord, now I don’t know where the people from Team Rocket are.” The black clothed man said with his head down.

“If you think about it carefully, if you can help us arrest Team Rocket and bring it to justice, you can be considered a crime~”

“when the time comes, I believe that the court will also You will be given a lighter sentence or a reduced sentence. In addition, your gambling debts will be exempted. The police and I will try our best to rescue your wife and children.”

See the black clothed man saying that he doesn’t know where Team Rocket is. Liang Ren didn’t feel embarrassed at all, but calmly looked at the black clothed man and said.

“My lord, is what you said is true? As long as I am guilty and meritorious, the court will reduce my sentence.” The black clothed man’s gloomy eyes were filled with hope.

“Of course, the premise is that you can help the police catch the people of Team Rocket.” Liang Ren smiled nodded.

Seeing the reaction of the black clothed man, he already knew that the matter was basically stable.

After the bomb attack is solved, Team Rocket will definitely move immediately.

However, the black clothed men have more contact with this group of Team Rockets, and the clues they have must not be comparable to him and the police.

“Well, I will definitely try my best.” The black clothed man nodded heavily.

After experiencing this bomb attack, the black clothed man realized that no matter how difficult life is, there is always hope as long as he lives.

If you can live well, don’t think about dying.


“After the loss of Team Rocket, there are not many remaining old parts of Viridian, most of them are in the old city.”

” Although I was caught with my head covered, I am a native of Viridian. I used to live in the old city for many years. According to the sounds I heard nearby.”

“Although I don’t know where Team Rocket has moved to now, but I know the last time I was taken to the Abandoned Site of the Xinyuan Pharmaceutical Factory in the old city.”

“If your lord, where are you going, maybe I might find some clues.” The black clothed man lifts the head looked towards Liang Ren, “My lord, am I guilty and meritorious?”


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