The black clothed man lifts the head looked towards Liang Ren and asked: “My lord, am I guilty and meritorious?”

“If you follow the clue you provided, I can find Team Rocket. People, then you are doing meritorious service.”

Liang Ren put on the coat on the back of the chair, put on his hat and walked out of the interrogation room.

“Officer Jenny, take this guy, let’s go to the old city Xinyuan Pharmaceutical Factory Abandoned Site.” Out of the interrogation room, Liang Ren turned towards Jenny instructed.

In the state, Liang Ren looked very imposing and imposing manner.

“Yes!!” After Jenny saluted and answered complied, he also moved quickly.

In less than one minute, several police cars roared towards the old town of Viridian City.


On the other side, in the old city of Viridian, “Xinyuan Pharmaceutical Factory Abandoned Site”

Backed by the Viridian Forest, a large resource Treasure house, Viridian City has developed a lot of medicine ingredients collection, breeding and pharmaceutical companies in the early years.

After a period of brutal growth, many medicine ingredients companies also went bankrupt under the fierce market competition.

The original Xinyuan Pharmaceutical Factory in the center of the old city is in a building that has been abandoned for many years.

Several Team Rocket wearing silver white with the red letter R printed on their chests are fleeing hurriedly with a laptop and remote-controlled detonator equipment.


The four people got into the Zipp car parked at the entrance of the factory, and started with flame hair. The car carried four Team Rocket moved towards the Viridian forest in the northwest. Escape.

“Damn kid, I knew I wouldn’t attack him~”

“The attack mission is not completed. General Proton will not let us go. What should I do now?”< /p>

“Now let’s escape into the Viridian forest to hide. When the limelight passes, we will come out again. When the time comes, we will find a way to complete the bomb attack task assigned by General Proton.”

” ……”


Less than ten minutes after the Zipp car left the Abandoned Site of Xinyuan Pharmaceutical Factory, Liang Ren and Jenny arrived.

“There is no who!!” A police officer said.

“I remember not at all wrong, I was brought here by Team Rocket people last time.” The black clothed man in handcuffs said affirmatively.

“Look at these fast food lunch boxes and footprints. Someone has been active here recently.”

“Has Team Rocket been transferred?” Jenny’s eyebrows frowned, and after a few seconds he pondered Said.

“It should have just been left, Officer Jenny, now you contact the traffic police brigade to check the road monitoring towards the Viridian forest.”

“We also follow the Viridian forest here. Follow the direction.” Liang Ren, who received feedback from Slowpoke and Lucario, said quickly.

“Okay~” did not ask Liang Ren why he thought Team Rocket would escape towards the Viridian Forest. Jenny contacted the traffic police brigade according to his instructions without the slightest hesitation.

While contacting the traffic police brigade, everyone also withdrew from the old factory site.

“Lucario, it’s up to you next.” Liang Ren said to Lucario.

“ao 嗷—” Seeing Liang Ren and the others in the police car, Lucario nodded and called.

“Arcanine, come out too.” Jenny sitting in the main driving position also threw a Poké Ball out the window.

Poké Ball opened with a’bang’.

A large dog Pokémon with tiger-like black and orange stripes and fluffy fluffy mane on the neck appeared in front of the police car.

“Arcanine, use the smell detective.” Jenny started the police car while calling Arcanine.

Liang Ren didn’t hesitate, and immediately issued an action command to Lucario: “Lucario, use Aura to track.”

“ao 嗷——”


Each of them received instructions from the trainer. The two big dogs, red and blue, looked at each other and then used methods to start tracking the escaped Team Rocket.

Arcanine is tracking based on smell, while Lucario is using Aura that escapes and remains in the air for detection.

Although the methods are different, the two Pokémon have demonstrated superb tracking and investigation skills.

“ao 嗷——”

“Woo 嗷——”

Two Pokémons turned back and howled at the police car almost at the same time, and then at the same time The road ahead rushed out.

“Arcanine and Lucario tracked the smell of Team Rocket with Aura, we are about to follow.”

“Hululu——” No need to say Liang Ren, acting on two Pokémon At the time, Jenny in the main driving position had already slammed on the accelerator to catch up.

Previous Pokemon fans made a ranking of various professional racing skills in Pokémon world.

Ranked 1st is researcher Pokemon, and the representative is Hoenn’s Oda scroll.

Ranked 2nd is the policeman, representing Jenny in various cities, and among Jenny, the Jenny that Ash met in the city of Viridian on his first trip has the best car skills.

Like the legendary runaway locomotives and motorcycle racers, I don’t know how many streets they have been dumped out, and they can’t even compare to Nurse Joy who drives an ambulance in the ranking of the car skills list.

Looking at that list, Liang Ren once lamented that the more decent the Pokémon world profession is, the more honest people usually get up and down.

Liang Ren sitting on the co-pilot of the police car at this moment is very fortunate to witness this.

Arcanine and Lucario opened the road ahead, and the traffic police brigade voiced guidance. The police car Jenny drove was as fast as a bolt of lightning, whether it was a red or a green light.

The city drag scene in the police and gangster movie is actually being staged in Viridian.



“Dear viewers in front of the TV, this is the Viridian TV Station No. 7 aerial helicopter. We are Let’s do a live broadcast of the follow-up incident of the bomb terrorist attack.”

“After interrogating the bomb gangster, the police who obtained clues first went to the Abandoned Site building of the Xinyuan Pharmaceutical Factory in the old city.”

“But when the police arrived at the Xinyuan Pharmaceutical Factory Abandoned Site, the rest of the bomber’s accomplices had already escaped the police one step before the police.”

“But the police did not at all just give up. Although they not at all captured the gangsters at the Xinyuan Pharmaceutical Factory Abandoned Site, they also got very favorable clues.”

“Now the four police cars sent by the police are moving very clearly. Go towards Beicheng, is it possible that the bomber’s accomplices are hiding in Beicheng District of our city?”

“If so, please take care of the citizens of Beicheng District. If you find suspicious people around, please protect Get in touch with the police if you are safe.”

“Four police cars can now be seen turning from Qianshan Street to Bishan Street. The ones that opened the way for the police cars are two mighty out of the ordinary Pokémon. .”

“The two Pokémon are running very fast. The red silhouette you see in the camera is the Arcanine of our Viridian City Police Chief Officer Jenny.”

“As Officer Jenny’s killer, Arcanine not only has the speed of a blast, but also has a keen sense of smell that can track the smell of targets outside of Norman.”

“And the blue silhouette on the right hand side This is the first time to detect and eliminate the bomb crisis. With strength of oneself, the Supreme Inspector Mu Mu Liang Ren’s Pokémon: Lucario !!!”



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