“Don’t come over, we’ll detonate the bomb again.” The four Team Rockets who climbed out of the Zipp car held the bomb in one hand and the detonator in the other.

“Okay, then you can explode the bomb, I just want to see if your group of social cancers will be blown up by the bomb.”

Liang Ren no Stopped, still carrying two Pokémons and approached the four bandits step by step.

“You—” Liang Ren’s answer was completely beyond the expectations of the four Team Rocket members.

I originally thought that the other party would care about the lives of the four of them, but didn’t expect the other party to be completely indifferent.

This is not subject to the law, the behavior style of the Alliance system personnel and the police.

“Hurry up and detonate the bomb. Why don’t you detonate the bomb? I want to see what your head will look like after being blown up by the bomb?” Liang Ren said again.

“Aren’t you outlaws? Are you not the evil Team Rocket who dare to carry bombs to carry out suicide attacks?”

“What are you doing now, are you scared?” Liang Ren continued Press hard, while still not forgetting to use words to provoke.

Liang Ren’s behavior at the moment not only scared the four Team Rocket souls and retreats, the citizens watching the live broadcast in front of the TV were also scared by Liang Ren’s courage.

In the face of four desperate bandits holding bombs, Liang Ren not only did not a strategic withdrawal, but instead pressed on and verbally continuously provoked.

What kind of courage and courage is needed to do such a thing.


As Liang Ren kept approaching the desperate bandit, Jenny finally arrived with a group of police officers.

But looking at step by step moved towards Liang Ren where the gangster walked away.

Jenny and other police officers also covered their hearts, standing in the distance did not dare to make any noises, let alone approach them.

“Why don’t you detonate the bomb yet, is Team Rocket a scam like you?” Liang Ren taunted disdainfully.

As soon as Liang Ren spoke, the four Team Rockets were furious, as if the things they worshiped were greatly insulted.

“Boy, you shut up!!!” Team Rocket angrily roared called Yamaguchi.

“Oh~I’m angry, did I say something wrong?” Liang Ren stopped his approaching footsteps, and asked with a puzzled face.

“You dare to go to the subway station and launch a bomb attack on the passengers and the Alliance staff entering and exiting the station, treating the lives of other people as mere grass.”

“Why not now Dare to hold a bomb and blow yourself to death? It turns out that your fearlessness of death is only for people who are irrelevant to other people.”

“Then you are not a gangster, what is your society? Malignant tumor, the enemy of all the law-abiding citizens, I order you to detonate the bomb.”

“Blast your cruel and vicious hearts and your idiot-like heads in front of me. Smash.”

“You don’t have to doubt, I will not have pity on you, and the citizens of Viridian will only cheer and applaud.

All the citizens of the Alliance who are law-abiding are Celebrate to rejoice because of your death.

They will bake a big apple pie, open a bottle of sweet sparkling wine at dinner, and Celebrate your dregs to pass away.”

“The only people who will not clap Celebrate are your parents and close relatives. They will only feel ashamed and angry, because you are ashamed of the whole family.”

“When your ashes are sent home , Your mother will open the urn and blow a nose inside, and your father will spit a sputum inside.”

“Then angrily dump your ashes into the sewer and rush into the gutter, like you Sons are the most shameful thing in their lives.”

“In the future, your neighbors will refuse to be close to all your family members.

Because they are not sure to be like you Is it true that the families of terrorist children are born with the dangerous genes of terrorists.”

“Because of your crimes, your family will be ashamed and your parents will always live in deep guilt for the rest of their lives In.”

“They regret why you didn’t fall to death when you were born.

So you will not join the evil organization like Team Rocket when you grow up. To launch a bomb terrorist attack to endanger the society.”

“Why don’t you die? How can you, the cancerous social scum of your society have a face to live in this world.”

“Quickly Detonate the bomb, do you want me to help you!!!” Liang Ren opened his eyes angrily roared.

Looking at the four Team Rockets holding bombs in front of them, Liang Ren was so angry for the first time.

If you watch the original anime, you may be amused by the jokes of the Team Rocket trio.

But in real life, Pokémon is used for biochemical experiments. Pokemon of the Snatch trainer is committed to be the enemy of Alliance and intends to dominate the world.

One aspect of such an organization is crazy, evil and extreme, while the other is an idiot in Liang Ren’s eyes.

I still dominate the world, why not be like the slogan of the idiot trio.

In order to prevent the destruction of the world and to protect the peace of the world.

Consolidate the power of Team Rocket to build a rocket and then travel through the galaxy, and finally plunge into a black hole to destroy itself.

This group of crazy extreme but mindless scum like idiots! ! !

Today’s Team Rocket just launched a terrorist attack at the Viridian subway station.

If it was in Celadon City, did the bomb attack be launched near your store on No. 8 Feeding Street in North City?

Liang Ren couldn’t imagine what he would do if something like that happened.

“Perhaps I will let this group of scum that endanger the safety of my family completely disappear without waiting for the police to come.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

But listening to Liang Ren’s scolding, the four Team Rocket terrorists with bombs were scared to face pale.

Especially when Liang Ren mentioned that they were ashamed of their family, and when their ashes were returned home after death, the mother who had loved and doted on them since childhood opened the urn and blew a nose inside.

Except for the mountain pass that was brainwashed by Team Rocket from Orphanage.

The other three Team Rocket members have been told by Liang Ren that they are leaning against the Zipp car, their noses and tears streaming down their faces.

“Little devil, don’t come here, I will really detonate the bomb again.” Shankou, like a jackal hyena forced into a desperate situation, moved viciously towards Liang Ren’s fangs.

“Then you will explode, what are you still hesitating.” Liang Ren scolded loudly at the mountain pass with his eyes open.

“If you don’t do it, let me help you.”

Liang Ren moved towards the only Team Rocket who has not been broken through his will and psychological defenses by his words shows a touch of jokes Smile.

In the next second, all the bombs held by the four Team Rockets broke free.

One of the four bombs was controlled by Slowpoke’s Confusion and caught between the legs of Yamaguchi, and one was roughly stuffed into Yamaguchi’s mouth.

The other two Levitate are attached to the temples on both sides of Yamaguchi’s head.

The real touch made the resisting mountain pass scared to face pale, and a drop of cold sweat slipped quietly from his forehead.


At this moment, the vicious Yamaguchi was also leaning against the Zipp car like the other three companions, with fear on his face.

When the bomb detonator in his hand was taken away by Slowpoke with Confusion, Yamaguchi’s eyes widened and exclaimed: “Ah!!!”

“Since you dare not press Detonator, then I will do it for you.” Liang Ren said, playing with the four detonators in his hand that are like remote controls.

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