“Since you dare not press the detonator, I will do it for you.” Liang Ren said, playing with the four detonators in his hand that are like remote controls.

“Now I ask you, you said I detonated the bomb between your legs, or the one in your mouth, or the two sticking to your head.”

Liang Ren calmed down, so he asked the mountain pass in a flat tone.

“Ah!!! Don’t kill me, I don’t want to die~ I don’t want to die…” Yamaguchi looked at the boy in front of him with panic and beseeching eyes.

After joining Team Rocket for so many years, Yamaguchi felt the fear of Alliance for the first time.

And everything is because of this young man who is not acting like Alliance and the police.

Yamaguchi is really scared…

Looking at the three Team Rockets who were scolded by Liang Ren and had collapsed, and the mental state in front of him was under bomb and death threats. Terrorists who are approaching collapse.

Jenny, a group of police officers not far behind him, and the citizens of Viridian who watched the live broadcast in front of the TV, sighed.

They both felt happy for the bomb gangster suffered Punishment, and they also felt sincere admiration for Liang Ren’s iron-blooded methods.

Of course, whether it is the police, the citizens of Viridian, the trainer watching live TV, or the senior power of the Alliance far away at the headquarters of the Indigo Plateau Alliance.

They are most interested in Liang Ren, who is in a rage, how he will deal with the mob next.

“This youngster is really sturdy, but he won’t be really angry and detonate the four gangsters to death~”

Alliance Headquarters Conference In the Hall, a congressman asked worriedly.

Alliance laws are loose and strict inside. Many criminals with serious crimes are not punished very lightly as Liang Ren said after being arrested.

Only some crimes with a normal level can be released on bail and commuted sentences. For other serious crimes, although there is no death penalty, life imprisonment cannot be run.

The four Team Rocket thugs in front of them carried out a bomb terrorist attack in a subway station. Such a serious crime is die without regret. Even after being tried by the Supreme Court of Alliance, they are still in prison for life imprisonment.

However, Liang Ren detonated the bomb and killed the four gangsters, which is a bit of lynching.

Even if he is valued by Alliance and appointed as the top inspector of the Pokémon Supervisory Bureau, he will eventually be punishment by the law for the use of lynching and intentional homicide.

Thinking of this, a group of high-level powers in the headquarters of Indigo Plateau Alliance also watched with anxiety at the teenager holding a bomb detonator on the live TV.

What Liang Ren didn’t know was that Alliance’s value and expectations of him were higher than he thought.

If they can, they don’t want Liang Ren to leave any stains on his resume, because this will affect his position in Kanto Alliance… in the future.


In sky, the Viridian TV Station News Reporter, which is live broadcast, is no longer making a sound at this moment, just let the camera lens focus on Liang Ren Here.

Looking at the young man holding the detonator, everyone wondered if he would press it down.

Liang Ren didn’t hesitate at all, looking down at the mountain pass where his spirit was about to collapse, Liang Ren gave his answer directly with action.

“Farewell~Team Rocket!!!” Liang Ren’s eyes were cold. In Yamaguchi’s horrified expression, Liang Ren stood in front of him and pressed a bomb detonator in his hand.

Looking at the red button being pressed, Yamaguchi’s pupils were infinitely enlarged, amidst the sharp pain and explosions that his brain had imagined.

As soon as the urethral sphincter was loosened, a turbid yellow, smelly, warm urine gushed out, flowing into the crotch.

As the person’s mountain pass, Liang Ren has already fainted in shock at this moment.


“How come the bomb didn’t explode.” In the Conference Hall of the Indigo Plateau Alliance headquarters, the congressman who was worried just now asked.

“You ask me, who do I ask?” The person next to him rolled his eyes and said.

On the main seat at one end of the long Conference Hall, there is a hair grey-white Old Lady nodded with a smile wearing a purple shawl.

“It seems that our supreme inspector not only has super courage and iron-blooded hands, but also has an extraordinary sense of wisdom and sense of proportion.”

“It is true. , With just one word, four vicious Team Rocket terrorists were told that spirit willpower collapse.

I’m afraid that even the chief of our highest police station can’t do this~ haha ​​……”

“What you said, people are not Very Ugly People, how could they scare the gangsters to tears~”

In the Conference Hall, Jenny, Director of the Alliance Supreme Police Department Said with a soft smile.

“I said, should I transfer Liang Ren little brother to our Alliance police station, this force and method is simply a natural policeman.”

Jenny Rou, Let the Director of the Alliance Supervision Bureau, Joy · Male Liu, who was sitting next to her jump.

“I can’t control digging the corner, but don’t stick the hoe to the root of the wall of my supervision bureau, or don’t blame the elder sister. I’m welcome.”

Although I am very upset Alliance arranged for a man to enter her supervision bureau, but Joy · male used the strength of oneself to subdue the Team Rocket terrorists on the live TV screen.

The direct subordinates who are about to come to Alliance to take up their posts are very satisfied.

“I said male sister, before we arranged Liang Ren little brother into the supervision bureau, are you not reluctant? Now why the conversation has changed~”

Jenny squeezed softly He squeezed his chest and put his fragrant cheek in one hand, and said charmingly and moved towards the man next to him.

“hmph ~Your elder sister, I have never said reluctance, this is just your own words.” The Joy man said coldly.

This cold and arrogant aura, if seen by a trainer outside, he will definitely be unable to help but doubt:

“This is really gentle and sweet Nurse Joy? In addition, the officer Jenny, how can you be so playful and charming, how about your police’s strong and capable, and your whip and handcuffs?”



In the Conference Hall at the headquarters of the Indigo Plateau Alliance, when a group of power executives were discussing with ease.

On the highway out of the city north of Viridian, Liang Ren finally collapsed after seeing the last Team Rocket. Liang Ren didn’t tease him anymore.

Liang Ren turned and walked in the direction of Jenny and the police officer, looking at the four bomb detonators in his hand.

“Stupid~” Liang Ren yelled, Slowpoke knew instantly, Confusion grabbed four bombs and threw them towards sky high.


Liang Ren pressed down the bomb detonator, and the four bombs that were thrown towards the sky exploded immediately, and then spewed out a scorching tongue of fire. Deafening screams.

A burst of strong and turbulent explosion made the canopies of the sidewalk trees on both sides of the road below shook frantically.

I just wanted to scare Yamaguchi, so Slowpoke used a mental blade to destroy the circuit of the detonator in his hand.

At this moment, what he pressed is the detonator in good condition.

Four bombs were detonated in the sky, and the dazzling flames and scorching tongues of flames have all become Liang Ren’s background board.

In sky, the Reporter of the TV Station in Viridian city in the helicopter madly asked his colleagues around him to take close-up shots and video captures of Liang Ren.

The Zipp car that fell to the ground, the four gangsters who have collapsed, the boundless flame and smoke waves formed by the explosion.

Under a natural background full of visual shock.

A young man wearing a baseball uniform and casual sportswear but not losing his masculinity, a heroic and handsome Lucario, and Levitate Slowpoke next to the young man.

At this moment, Liang Ren and the two Pokémon around him are deeply remembered by the citizens of Viridian and other cities in Kanto who are watching live TV as heroes.

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