“I just joined the Alliance, even before I took up my duties, I made such a major event. Do you think it is appropriate to give our top inspector a credit?”

Indigo Plateau Alliance Headquarters In the Conference Hall, Agatha Old Lady, the veteran of the Alliance and one of the Elite Four, smiled and looked around gracefully in the Conference Hall.



“Officer Jenny, the four Team Rocket terrorists have already broken the law, the rest is up to you Now.”

Walking to the police car with two Pokémon, Liang Ren said to Jenny nodded with a smile.


Jenny has a solemn expression, and brings the police behind him to salute the young man in front of him.

And this solemn scene was also presented in the eyes of Viridian citizens by the live camera footage.

“The Mumu Inspector is mighty!!!” Viridian citizens and residents in front of TV sets in other Kanto cities cheered for Liang Ren from the heart.

Celadon City North City No. 8 Feeding Street Fengzhu intersection called “Meile Melody Nursing and Health Care House” in a small shop.

Ryoko and Mu Mu Yiren, who were worried at first because their children were involved in the bomb attack, finally sighed in relief at this moment.

“Ryoko, the inspector of your family Mumu will go home today, can I wait for him in the store to ask for a signature?” a friendly customer in the store asked.

“I really envy Liangzi, two sons and one daughter, each of whom is so promising, especially the second child Liang Ren, who has just been entrusted by the Alliance to make such a major event.”< /p>

“In the future, I might really be like the rumors on the Internet. I can sit on the champion of our Kanto Alliance and become the representative of our Kanto Region.” A fat woman complimented.

“Zhuangzhuang mother, where is this’maybe’.”

“Liang Ren is so outstanding in strength, appearance, and morality, he will become our Kanto in the future. The Champion of the Region is almost a certainty.” A woman with an oval face and a white shirt and flower skirt said full of smiles.

“That’s right, Tutu’s mother said well, Liang Ren will definitely become the champion of our Kanto Region in the future.” The regular customers in the store said happily.

Kanto Alliance is the only Alliance without a champion among all Alliances. If the first champion trainer can come from their Celadon City.

Moreover, they are the sons of acquaintances they know, and they will feel very honored.

“Where and where, this child will not have a family all day long, and often does things that worry our family.”

“Where will the position of the Alliance champion get him?

This kid can do his duty to do the job of the ombudsman right now, and live up to the trust of Alliance and our Kanto people. We are satisfied when we are father and mother.”

The son was praised by customers, Mu Mu Yiren scratched his head honestly, just stood chuckled on the side.

Only Liangzi has a delicate mind, and hurriedly waved his hands to the regular customers in the store, not at all at all proud.

Of course, he glanced at the TV, his second son who was being saluted by Jenny and a group of police officers.

Liangzi’s brows, eyes, and heart are full of pride and pride.

As a parent, what can make them more happy than their children’s talents? If so, then all three children must be promising.

——Saffron City ——

In Saffron Middle School, the school was doing normal classes. Didn’t expect the Director of Academic Affairs and Principal to broadcast together.

Stop every class in each classroom, and switch the multimedia equipment in the classroom to the live screen of Viridian TV Station.

The Viridian police was racing to chase the enemy. Liang Ren scolded the four Team Rocket terrorists, spirit willpower, collapsed and gave up the whole process of resisting. All the students in Saffron Middle School saw the whole body refiner master. .

In the school broadcasting room, Principal Fujimori sat on the chair in front of the broadcasting microphone with sorrow and moved towards the teachers and students of the school through the radio and said:

“Classmates, Saffron Middle School As the talent training base of Kanto Alliance, you can be admitted to this institution. All of you are very innate talent children.

“In the future, as long as everyone has this willingness, I believe that after entering the Alliance, there will be something that belongs to you What he did. “

“As your teacher, I would like to give you a message here: For the trainer, be like Mumu Liang Ren.

Do not use the power of Pokemon in your hands to fight fiercely, but use it on the right path, using the power we have at your disposal to punish crime and protect the safety of citizens.

As young students in the new era, as a new generation of Kanto trainers, you are born at the right time.

I hope no matter the graduates who are about to leave the campus or the current students.

I earnestly hope that all of you will be ambitious, down-to-earth, not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and bravely shoulder the mission of the times.

Integrate the pursuit of personal ideals into the careers of Alliance and Region, and make more contributions to Alliance, Region and the people. “

“Mu Mu Liang Ren is your best role model. I hope you all can learn from him. “

“He is a very outstanding student in our school, and a student who makes our teachers and teachers proud, but I believe that there are not only students like Mumu Liang Ren in our school, but also many more. . “

“It may be the penultimate male classmate who is looking at the sky by the window in the second row of the classroom one (six). “

“It is also possible that it is the male student who is painting eye makeup on the left-hand corner of the first row of the second (fourth) classroom. Meng Te is still painting. I am talking about you…”< /p>

[Boy’s Apartment·215 Bedroom]

Privilege class has no mandatory curriculum arrangement, and the four semester tasks have been basically completed.

Just set aside one day today. Time to rest.

Didn’t expect a terrorist bomb attack occurred in Viridian City, and my roommate, my good brother, turned out to be another hero in Viridian City.

“Gan -Bull beer. “Kida Shinyi waved his fist excitedly, as if he was the one who subdued the gangster on TV.

“Liang Ren, this batch of goods, is simply a monster. We both got the initial Pokémon on the same day. .

Especially, my Charizard is only LV.40, and this kid’s Pidgeot has reached the Elite level. “

Grabbing a handful of potato chips from the bag in Shinichi Kida’s hand, Daisuke Grudge said fullly.

The head of the shook the head who was reading a magazine on the sofa next to him: “In other words, you still regard Liang Ren as a target for competition to catch up. Anyway, I gave up long ago. “

If Daisuke didn’t care about the wooden shirts, each minding their own business watched the live broadcast on the laptop and chattered: “Ermuko, even the second-tier Lucario level of strength My main force. “

“Hey…it’s so shocking, and Lucario has mastered mega evolution now. “Daisuke showed a look of being hit.



[Girls’ Apartment·314 Bedroom]


In the living room of the bedroom, four beautiful girls wearing cute plush pajamas, holding a doll and sitting cross-legged in front of a pink laptop.

Looking at the Viridian TV Station In the live news broadcast, the four girls were filled with deep admiration for the teenager who was greatly showing divine might.

Yuan Shizuka said: “The squad leader is really getting stronger. “

Rei Abe said: “As expected of Liang Ren, unconsciously Lucario has mastered the power of Mega evolution. It seems that next year’s P1world Fighting Championship will shine. “

The admiration and admiration of Shizuka and Rei Abe are different. Weiyo Shimamura on the side looked towards the young man’s eyes are a bit complicated, but Casey’s eyes are all love.

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