——[Quartz Town]——

The headquarters of Indigo Plateau Kanto Alliance is located, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and in front of it is an open, flat terrain like an Airport.

Except for a wind and snow train that shuttles between the Snow Mountain Tunnel, connecting Viridian City and Indigo Plateau.

Alliance staff can also choose to ride Flying Type Pokémon to the Indigo Plateau, and the landing place is on the flat open ground outside the town.

However, those who choose this method to come to the headquarters of Indigo Plateau Alliance must be employees within the Alliance system.

The Flying Pokémon they are riding have also been registered with Alliance, otherwise they will be intercepted by the security forces of the Alliance headquarters before they get close.

Although you can pass through with your identity, Liang Ren doesn’t like the trouble, so he chose to take the staff train connected to Alliance headquarters in Viridian.

Still in the Alliance staff train is a super-high-speed maglev train. It doesn’t take a lot of time on the way, and it also allowed him to take a nap.

The wind and snow train traveled through Snow Mountain and Tunnel for more than ten minutes and arrived at Indigo Plateau.

Then Liang Ren sat for two more stops according to the reminder of the female staff member. He didn’t get off the bus until the car broadcasted the reminder to reach the Parliament building.

The news that Liang Ren came to the headquarters of the Indigo Plateau Alliance was transmitted back to the headquarters of the Alliance immediately after he pitted in the station in Viridian and took the Alliance staff train.

In order to show importance, Agatha, the veteran of the Alliance and one of the Elite Four, stationed in Viridian.

And the ice queen Kona, who was on a business trip to Cerulean City, are staying at Alliance headquarters today to participate in the ceremony of Liang Ren’s appointment. I want to take a look at the supreme ombudsman of the Alliance with outstanding talent.

It can be said that Liang Ren is the most eye-catching protagonist in the headquarters of Indigo Plateau Alliance today.

Getting off the staff train, the cold wind hit his face, and Liang Ren gathered his clothes.

At this moment, a female staff member wearing a professional skirt looked at him twice, and walked over to him quickly with joy.

“Mumu Ombudsman~” The female staff came forward and said respectfully.

“Excuse me, are you?” Liang Ren asked politely with a suspicious face.

“Hello Mumu, I am Bai Yi in the reception office. Today, I am your full-time receptionist and guide.” The female staff member vomited white steam when she spoke.

It’s still late autumn in the plain area, and it’s already freezing winter on the Indigo Plateau. It’s no wonder that an Alliance staff member who also took a car from Viridian just now carried a winter coat.

I have been exercising for a long time in Liang Ren. I am strong and physically strong, and are much colder than others.

“Inspector Mumu, all members have been waiting for you in the Conference Hall for a long time, or after you have attended the ceremony first, I will take you to familiarize yourself with the town. What do you think?” Female staff Asked.

“Okay—” Liang Ren nodded, led by the female staff member, walked into the parliament building next to him, and then took the elevator to the Conference room on the ninth floor.

At the 9th floor of the parliament building, the Conference Hall is usually full only when a meeting is held to vote on major event items. There is no meeting at this moment but it is also full.

And all of you present here are the senior powers of Alliance, Agatha and Kona, the two of the four elites, the Director of the Alliance Supervision Bureau, the Director of the Alliance Supreme Police Department, the President of the Alliance Supreme Court…

“It’s coming soon.” A wine-red hair on the main seat, with hands wrapped around his chest, asked a gray-haired Old Lady in the cold, mixed with intellectual and elegant women.

“Well~it’s already here, I should go upstairs soon.” Old Lady nodded replied with a smile.

As an Alliance Ghost Type Elite, Agatha does not have the slightest gloomy aura on his body, but the whole person is as elegant and noble as a violet.

The inaugural meeting was originally held at 9 o’clock in the morning, because the Viridian city tú tú sent a Team Rocket terrorist bomb attack.

This inaugural meeting has also been forcibly delayed until now. If it is a while, it is estimated that it will be lunch.

But while waiting, the 36 Alliance Top Rank councillors in the Conference Hall and other Alliance power leaders are not waiting and doing nothing.

Everyone in the Conference Hall first discussed how many merits should be granted to Liang Ren, who eliminated the bomb crisis and arrested five bomb terrorists.

After the conclusion of the discussion, everyone watched the interrogation of four Team Rocket thugs from the Viridian City Police Station through video.

Before Liang Ren broke the heart defense, and now facing Jenny’s interrogation, the four Team Rocket did not put up a desperate struggle and recruited everything.

Part of Team Rocket collapsed. Among the four Great Generals, Archer and Ariana, who are absolutely loyal to Giovanni, are dedicated to finding the missing Giovanni.

Petrel has a vacillating attitude, leaving most of the time to remain neutral.

The most ambitious of the four generals is Proton, and it is also the only force in the disintegrating Team Rocket that is just and honorable against Alliance.

The four Team Rocket members who made the bomb terrorist attack in Viridian are the subordinates of Proton, one of the four generals.

After Liang Ren helped the police and Alliance successfully capture the four Team Rockets, the four Team Rocket members also contributed a very critical clue to the Alliance.

Proton, one of the four generals of Team Rocket, is entrenched in the Kanto southwest part of Fuchsia City.

At first, after discussion, it was decided to grant Liang Ren the second-class ribbon.

Finally, because of this clue that provided great help to the Alliance’s efforts to eliminate the remnants of Team Rocket, the second-class merit was directly promoted to the first-class merit.

However, Liang Ren did not know this at the moment. Under the leadership of a female staff member named Bai Yi in the reception office, Liang Ren came to the 9th floor Conference Hall of the parliament building.


I heard the Conference Hall door being pushed open, and all the Alliance power executives in the Conference Hall turned their heads and looked towards the door.

At the age of 13, he has mastered the Mega genius of Elite Pokémon, a native of Kanto who has a strong roots.

I was born in the Alliance talent incubation base of Saffron Middle School, and he has repeatedly established wonderful achievements during this period.

Even on the way to the Alliance headquarters to take up his post today, he resolved a bomb terrorist attack and helped the Alliance arrest four Team Rocket terrorists.

Mega genius and Alliance new star. Compared with these two titles, the Alliance executives and councillors in the Conference Hall are more willing to call the young people in front of them as their “fortunate”

Isn’t that right? Alliance has been around the remnants of Team Rocket for a long time. At first, they also like a hot knife through butter to drive Team Rocket like a street mouse.

But when Team Rocket slowly hides, Alliance can’t do anything about the other side for a while.

Just after Alliance dispatched high-level battle strengths to station in major cities, they were ready to fight a protracted battle.

Didn’t expect Liang Ren to directly Help Alliance find out the entrenchment of the four generals of Team Rocket Proton, he is not a blessing and what is it.

At this moment, looking at Slowpoke in his arms, a Lucario boy walked into the Conference Hall beside him, and the faces of all the Alliance seniors showed kind aunts smile.

“Hello everyone~” Liang Ren couldn’t help feeling nervous when he was stared at with such smiles by a group of Alliance power seniors.

He also feels once for you that sometimes smiling faces will bring a lot of pressure to people.


“He is here, he is here~”

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