“Mr. Inspector, everyone, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

“Sure enough, Heroes come out from the Youth, the future Alliance will have to rely on you Such a youngster is here to carry the banner.”

“I said, Liang Ren, your main task is to improve your strength. The highest inspector at the Pokémon Inspection Bureau is also a free post.

However, since it is a spare job, there is no more than one more. Are you interested in coming to our Alliance Supreme Police Station to also have a spare job.”

“youngster, come to our Alliance Executive Committee, I Let you manage the fire of the Alliance tournament torch. This job is very leisurely.”



Look at him. After stepping into the Conference Hall, he started to solicit the leaders of the Alliance departments frantically, and Liang Ren suddenly felt pressured.

In the end, it was the theme. Agatha Old Lady, who Liang Ren had met at Viridian Gym before, spoke to resolve this strange situation.

“cough cough…” Old Lady coughed and said: “Everyone, please pay attention to your identity, don’t scare Rookie.”




Hearing the words of Agatha Old Lady, a member of the House of Representatives and the leaders in various functions of the Alliance also realized that they were a little too excited just now. Can not help but smile awkwardly.

However, Liang Ren was just led by the female staff to take the seat, just as he was about to collect the baby ball with Slowpoke and Lucario.

In the main seat, sitting with Agatha Old Lady, another woman with wine-red hair and intellectual grace suddenly spoke.

“When was your Slowpoke breakthrough Elite?”

Kona’s words were like a blockbuster, causing a great uproar in the Conference Hall.

“What? This Slowpoke has Elite strength.” A congressman widened his eyes.

A Congressman on the opposite side of the long table also opened his mouth wide, his face full of incredible, “In addition to Pidgeot, there is actually a second Pokémon with Elite strength!!!”

” A Slowpoke breed reaches the Elite level. You are the only one in our Kanto Alliance record.”

“My dear, I breed Pokémon with Elite level strength at the age of 13, and there are still two.”



Before the news of Liang Ren Pidgeot breakthrough Elite was passed back to Alliance by Xiba, it was in Alliance at that time All caused a great shock.

The Alliance summit, which is held only once a year, was held as an exception to discuss what kind of appointment should be given to Liang Ren.

Only the Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level, the Alliance power executives attach more importance to Liang Ren than the two Elite reserves, Brock and Misty.

Now that Liang Ren’s Slowpoke has also broken through the Elite level, the Alliance power executives in the entire Conference Hall suddenly fell into madness.

Jenny, who was sitting next to Liang Ren in a dark blue police uniform, could not help pulling Liang Ren’s sleeve.

“Hmm~” Liang Ren turned his head and looked curiously.

“Liang Ren younger brother, do you want to come to the highest police station of elder sister’s Alliance, how about I let you be the deputy chief police officer?” Jenny winked at him softly and directly used sexual entrapment Solicitation.

In the highest police station of Alliance, the police rank is divided into Grade Five Level 13.

1, Chief Superintendent, Deputy Chief Superintendent;

2, Superintendent (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3)

3, Superintendent (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3)

4, Superintendent (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3)

5, Police Officer (Level 1, Level 2).


Jenny Rou, the chief of the Alliance’s highest police station, has the rank of Chief Inspector. Liang Ren didn’t expect the other party to directly throw the deputy chief. The position of police inspector came to recruit him.

But Liang Ren not at all agreed.

After all, he now serves as the top inspector of the Pokémon Inspectorate, which is also the second in command except for the director.

He has all the functions and powers he should have. He says it is an idle job, but he is not willing to do that’s all.

Compared with the deputy chief inspector of the highest police station, Liang Ren values ​​his current position as the highest inspector of the inspectorate.

At least before helping my Old Brother sit firmly in the position of Viridian Gym Leader.

In order to help his Old Brother take the position of Viridian Gym Leader, Liang Ren did not need to borrow his authority to do something from it.

As long as he has the position of the highest inspector of the Supervisory Bureau, he has the power to directly release Gym from granting Badge to the trainer and shut down Gym.

Even if he doesn’t do anything, when other people or forces compete for the position of Viridian Gym Leader with their eldest brother Momoa, they must carefully weigh them in their hearts.

Joy · man sat beside Jenny · Rou and saw this woman digging the wall in front of him.

Joy’s male Liu raised his eyebrows, “Xiao Nizi, after taking office for a while, we will go downstairs to practice on the battlefield.”

“Don’t you guys, as an Alliance The only Elite trainer who owns Divine Beast, aren’t you bullying others~”

Hearing the threat from the Joy man, Jenny squeezed his chest softly and said in an agitated tone.



Although I am surprised, the temperament of Jenny and Joy is different from the usual Jenny Joy.

However, Liang Ren’s focus is on what Jenny said in the last sentence…

“This Joy is an Elite trainer, and she has Own Divine Beast.” Liang Ren was secretly surprised when he heard this.

Just when Liang Ren wanted to get more information from Jenny Joy’s conversation, Agatha at the Conference Hall’s main seat smiled and stopped.

“Everyone said that you should pay attention to your identity. If you are so noisy, you are not afraid to make Rookie laugh.”


After Agatha spoke, Liang Ren also Bring the sensational Slowpoke into the Poké Ball along with Lucario.

The conference hall finally entered the normal process of inauguration ceremony.

This inauguration ceremony is hosted by Agatha, who is the veteran of the Alliance and one of the Alliance Elite Four.

The Old Lady first gave a speech and encouraged Liang Ren as an elder and an Alliance workplace Senior, expressing his earnest hope for him.

Just like one of the congressmen said when he walked into the Conference Hall at first, the future of Alliance has to rely on youngster to carry the banner.

And Liang Ren also felt their respect and love from Agatha and other senior leaders in the Alliance.

I felt the importance of Kanto Alliance’s attention to him, which made Liang Ren, who had treated this matter with a normal heart, put on his shoulders an unignorable weight.

This is a responsibility. It is a deeper interpretation of the phrase’be in your place, seek your duty and perform your duties’ when the mother said on the phone.

He has two Elite-level Pokémon in his hands, and he voluntarily joined the official organization of the Region, Alliance.

He has this responsibility to take on this strength and do the job of the highest inspector.

“I swear that I will volunteer to join Kanto Alliance.

Support Alliance’s program,

Comply with Alliance’s charter,

Perform supervision Obligations of officials,

Implement Alliance’s decisions,

Strictly observe Alliance disciplines,

Keep the secrets of Alliance,

Be loyal to Alliance , Work actively and dedicate all of your strength to the revival and development of Alliance and Region.”

On the rostrum of the conference hall, under the attention of hundreds of Alliance executives in the Conference Hall, under the leadership of Agatha, an Alliance veteran, as the introducer .

Liang Ren made a short inauguration speech and took the oath of office.

From today, from this moment on, he has officially become a member of Kanto Alliance, and will no longer be solicited by other Alliances and forces.

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