At that time, Brock gave the Gym to his younger brother Forrest, and he himself accompanied Ash on a trip to Sinnoh Region.

However, Wu Forrest, who has just taken over Pewter Gym, has some lack of experience and strength. Pewter Gym’s work assessment results are not good, and finally Alliance Inspector Joy came to Pewter Gym.

In order to keep Pewter Gym from being shut down, the current trainer Wu Forrest and Brock, who returned from Sinnoh’s trip, have conducted a battle assessment with the inspector Joy.

In the end, both the Brock brothers were defeated by the inspector Joy, and the inspector Joy sent a total of two Pokémon before and after.

One is Joy’s fixed partner, Chansey, and the second Pokémon……

“Inspector Joy, the second Pokémon is the Guardian God of the legendary water capital Odomare One of them: Latias!!!”

Liang Ren recalled this part of the plot, then looked up at his boss in front of him.

“Isn’t the ombudsman with Latias in hand who appeared in the Pewter Gym crisis? This is the one in front of me, right.”

Looking at the joy male valiant and From the back of formidable looking, Liang Ren couldn’t help thinking in his heart.

If the Joy man knows what Liang Ren thinks, he will reply “Little clever ghost.”


The Pokémon Inspectorate is not far from the parliament building. Soon, Liang Ren followed Joy to the Alliance Inspection Bureau.

“Male sister~”

“Male sister~”



Walking into the Pokémon Inspectorate, many staff members who were immersed in work heard footsteps, and all lifted the head to greet the Joy man.

The expressions of the people were three-point fear and seven-point admiration. Obviously, Joy was very much loved and prestigious in the Supervision Bureau.

However, Liang Ren’s focus at the moment is not on the tone and demeanor of the people, but he was surprised to find all the staff in the Supervision Bureau.

“It turned out to be all Joy!!!” Liang Ren couldn’t help exclaiming in his heart.

At first, I learned that his immediate boss, the Director of the Supervision Bureau, is a member of the Joy family. Although Liang Ren was a little surprised, he was not surprised.

After all, many Joys, who are the inspectors of Alliance, appeared in the original work.

The reason why I was a little surprised was that before coming to the Alliance headquarters, Shiba said that although his boss was a woman, he had a swift and decisive personality.

Because of Shiba’s call and the fixed thinking in his mind that Joy is a gentle and sweet image, he will be a little surprised when he finds that his boss is Joy.

However, the entire staff of the Supervision Bureau in Alliance is Joy. Liang Ren really didn’t expect this, so he was very surprised.

Liang Ren’s reaction was seen by Joy and other Joys in the hall, but everyone was not at all surprised.

Joy has been astonishing as the ombudsman of the Alliance, even more how is the whole inspectorate is Joy.

“Little June, inform everyone in the bureau to come and gather on the battlefield behind.” The Joy man stopped a staff member and said.

“Okay, male sister~”

After June Joy answered complied, he went directly to the broadcasting room next to him, “Everyone puts things at hand, male sister lets Let’s go downstairs to meet on the battlefield.”


Assumed by Joy Man, all the staff working at the Inspection Bureau today went to a glass dome behind the lobby on the first floor. Collection on the battlefield.

Liang Ren secretly looked around and counted, there were nearly fifty Joys.


Of course, when Liang Ren secretly looked at these Joys, the Joys who were present were also secretly watching him.

When Alliance announced the appointment of personnel before, the group of Joy in the Supervision Bureau already knew that they would welcome a new colleague.

And this new colleague is no longer a sister in the family, but a handsome little brother, a well-known Celebrity trainer in Kanto Region.

Now seeing Daoist, the Joys who are present are blinking each other one by one, making gossip discussions in a silent manner.

“Let me introduce to everyone, this is our new colleague, well-known Kanto, famous Hoenn, world-famous talented Celebrity trainer: Mu Mu Liang Ren!!!”

Joy’s male player Liang Ren led him to the battlefield, and asked him to face the women’s squad composed entirely of Joy.

However, for the introduction of Joy man’famous Kanto, Hoenn, world-famous talented Celebrity trainer’, Liang Ren not only did not feel happy, but had a bad feeling in his heart.

“Hello everyone, I am Mumu Liang Ren. In the future, I would like to ask you for your advice.” Although I don’t know what Joy man has, Liang Ren always maintains a humble attitude.

“I can’t talk about advice, as the only highest inspector in the bureau, it should be you Coaching them to work.” Joy male said.

However, Liang Ren hasn’t figured out why she said that, Joy’s man’s words suddenly turned, “But as the second-in-command in the game, you have to be above everyone else, and you have to take it out to convince everyone. The strength.”

“Because the rule in our Supervision Bureau is that strength is supreme.” Joy male turned his head and looked towards Liang Ren and said.

“Then what should I do?” Hearing Joy man’s words, Liang Ren finally understood why the woman just introduced herself raised him so high.

“Although it is not Malice’s cheer, but if you want to secure the position of the highest inspector, you still have to show your hand~”

Liang Ren secretly secretly, Joy man has been again Speak.

“According to the rules of our Supervisory Bureau, you can get a promotion if you win a higher position than yourself, and you can get a raise if you win the same rank.”

“Originally, you can be the Supreme Inspector by playing against me and getting my approval, but you are appointed by Alliance personnel, so you can skip this link.”

“But the Supreme Inspector is not only in the bureau A position is an honor that the sisters in the bureau have been working hard to pursue.”

“If you want to sit in this position, you still need to be recognized by them.” The man in Joy said with a hook.

“Then what should I do?” Liang Ren couldn’t comment on Joy’s words. He also raised the corners of his mouth and asked again with the same words.

“It’s very simple, accept their challenge, and then defeat them.” Joy male said.

“If you are defeated by them, then the position of your highest inspector will be let out to sit by the person who defeated you.”

Although Liang Ren said on the road when you came here ‘Everyone is unique and unmatched…Joy is not born to be a Pokemon Nurse’ to double her favor.

However, the current look of the Alliance Inspection Bureau was created by her. This is his glory and the place where the sisters in the family pursue themselves.

So, although Alliance has issued a personnel appointment letter.

But if Liang Ren doesn’t have the ability to get the approval of the sisters in the bureau, then she won’t let him sit in the position of the highest inspector.

Hearing the words of Joy man, Liang Ren’s smile became more obvious.

Although I understand Joy’s thoughts very well, I also appreciate the swift and decisive style of Joy’s male work, and I have no dislike for this cold and arrogant Joy.

However, Liang Ren is still a little uncomfortable with the dismissal of Joy man, feeling that this woman is too arrogant.

Especially the sentence just now, “Originally, you must fight against me and get my approval to serve as the Supreme Inspector, but since you are appointed by Alliance, then skip this link.”

I don’t know if it was the Joy man who meant this, or Liang Ren himself was too sensitive.

He somewhat felt that there was a trace of disdain and disapproval hidden in Joy’s male tone, which made Liang Ren slightly impaired in his self-esteem, after all, in front of a large group of opposite sex.

Since it is unpleasant, Liang Ren will not hide it.

“Since there is such a pattern in the game, then I am willing to accept the challenge of everyone present.”

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