Liang Ren said this with a smile on his face, but everyone heard the meaning of provocation and giving tit for tat in his words.

He accepts the challenge of everyone present, and naturally everyone includes Joy male as the chief.

Didn’t it mean that you need her approval to serve as the Supreme Ombudsman? Then try a battle to see if he has the strength to serve as the supreme inspector.

“It just so happens that I also want to try the strength of Pidgeot and Slowpoke, and see the Latias.” Liang Ren thought in his heart.

Speaking of Liang Ren’s words, the Joy man understood what he meant, but she was not annoyed, but found it very interesting.

She is not an Elite trainer, but just like Liang Ren, except that she has Elite Pokémon on hand but the number of pseudo Elite trainers is less than six.

But unlike others, she who has a Divine Beast in her hand, let alone a pseudo Elite trainer, even the Normal Elite trainer is not willing to provoke her easily.

“Everyone, everyone knows the rules. I want to challenge myself and come to the court.” The Joy man smiled and patted Liang Ren back to the sidelines.

“I’m here, I want to learn from Inspector Mumu.” In the first row of the small team, a bright-eyed Joy walked out and said.

“Okay~” Liang Ren nodded. After watching all the small teams retreat outside the field, Liang Ren calmly walked to the commander at one end of the field and stood.

“Because of the large number of people today, we will adopt the 1v1 game mode, and the two sides will decide whether to win or lose.” The Joy man on the sidelines said with a faint smile on his chest.

“Yes.” Liang Ren nodded, took the lead in taking out a Poké Ball and threw it out, “Lucario, this battle is over to you.”


The Poké Ball opened in mid-air, and the blue humanoid Pokémon appeared on the field with one knee.

“ao 嗷……” Lucario raised his head and stood up, the dark red eyes are as calm and calm as Liang Ren.

Lucario is a lively character, but as he grows older, his temperament becomes more stable and reliable. This is evident in battle.

“Fighting +Steel Type Lucario?” As a well-known Celebrity trainer in Kanto Region, Liang Ren Pokémon’s configuration is no longer a secret.

Seeing Liang Ren sending the second-tier Lucario on the field, Joy in the other stage of the field also thought about what Pokémon to send.

“Then Fearow, it’s up to you.” Joy took out a baby ball, pressed his finger and the middle button of the Poké Ball became larger, and then threw it out in an imposing manner.

Compared with the sweetness and gentleness of Nurse Joy in Pokémon Center, these Joys in the Alliance Inspection Bureau are indeed more vigorous and vigorous.

“Quah-” The baby ball opened in the air, with a brown feather, sharp eyes, bright red flesh crown, and long sharp mouth.

Pokémon with a slender neck like a stork appeared in the sight of Liang Ren and Lucario.

Both Pokémon have appeared on the stage, but there was no sound from those watching outside.

Cheer for the new colleague and offend the sisters in your own clan, and if you wave the flag to cheer for the sisters in the clan, you are worried about the newly appointed Supreme Inspector.

Because of these considerations, this weird situation is formed, but the Joy man has no such concerns.

“The game begins.” The boy on the sidelines raised his hand and declared decisively.

“Fearow, use Agility.” Opposite Joy preemptively, first choose to let Fearow speed up.

On the battlefield Sky, the surface of this large bird with a sharp-beaked brown-feather comb showed light blue fluorescence, and it became lighter and more elegant.

“Oh-” Fearow hovered in the sky like a small fighter plane, while staring at Lucario on the field with fierce and sharp eyes.

However, in the face of Fearow’s flesh-cut gaze, both Liang Ren and Lucario remained unmoved.

The stability and calmness even made the opposing Joy’s heart feel pressure.

Flying Type really restrains Fighting Type, but Liang Ren is not afraid of Pokémon like Fearow, which is biased towards melee objects.

The calmness of Liang Ren and Lucario put Joy under unbearable pressure.

At this moment, she no longer hesitated, and decisively commanded Fearow to launch an offensive, “Fearow, use Sword Dance to drill.”


In the sky, Fearow, who was circling and cruising, immersed himself in a dive after receiving the order, turning his body like a fighter plane and hitting Lucario.

The sharp beak like a long halberd holds a penetrating sword energy in its mouth. All around, the sharp beak has four dark red lightsabers spinning in the air.

Drill Run, which has amazing lethality, has the ability to kill in one hit, and now it is equipped with Sword Dance’s attack enhancement.

“This set of Ability is really beautiful.” Seeing Fearow swooping down like a peregrine falcon, Liang Ren nodded admiringly.

The euphorbia carried sword energy and struck through the air, as fast as a stream of light, but Lucario on the field still stood steady like Mount Tai.

The courage of Liang Ren and Lucario shocked the crowd outside the field. Joy Ling could rank in the forefront of their strength.

“Does this newly appointed Inspector Mumu really have Elite-level strength as the rumors say?” Outside the court, Joy secretly thought.

However, they couldn’t allow them to think too much during the battle, because Fearow swooped down on the field, and the long sword-like beak had pierced Lucario’s body.

But when everyone thought that Lucario was going to be hit by Fearow’s Unique Ability and killed in seconds.


Suddenly a translucent energy shield appeared on all sides and blocked Lucario’s body, and everyone outside the scene opened their mouths when they saw this scene.

Only the man Joy’s eyes flashed a hint of interest, “This is Ability again.”

“zi zi…”

Invisible shield The blasting of the hard-resistant bomb was unharmed, and was hit by Fearow’s sharp mouth at the moment.

The contradiction hit, sparks radiate all around, but Fearow’s sharp mouth still failed to break through the invisible shield’s defense.

There is no need for Liang Ren’s order, or from the beginning of the battle, Liang Ren has not issued any order.

Looking at the drill-like Fearow being blocked by the invisible shield, Lucario’s darkened eyes flashes through a bright light.

In a spurt of energy, it will fail again and exhausted after three.

Perceiving that Fearow’s spirit has disappeared, Lucario did not let go of this excellent opportunity to counterattack.

“ao ——”

Control Aura to turn the invisible shield from real to virtual, and the energy shield lying in front of him disappears. Fearow is overjoyed and is about to attack Lucario further.

At this moment, however, a powerful hand, like iron tongs, grasped Fearow’s long mouth tightly.


Fearow hasn’t reacted yet. Lucario has a traditional wrestling action: a back flip, catching Fearow’s long mouth and a backward motion fiercely The ground smashed Fearow to the ground.




Saw Fearow being thrown to the ground like this by Lucario , Joy outside the court was shocked.

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