
Just after leaving the Minimize state and returning to its normal size, he was suddenly hit by Lucario who came on.

“Lucky~!!!” After eating an Extrreme Speed ​​head-on, Chansey let out a painful whine.

After suffering the pain that should not be endured at this age, his body fell to the ground, and Chansey’s two black and cute little eyes became two big mosquito coils at this moment.

“Chansey can’t fight. Lucario won the game.” The man on the sideline announced the result of the game again.

“Oh my god, Xiaoyu is the strongest among us except the male sister. Didn’t expect only insisted on three rounds before losing.”

” Yes, yes, and looking at Lucario like this, I’m afraid I haven’t used all my strength yet.”

“Really strong, Lucario is only the second-tier Pokémon in the hands of the Mumu Inspector, if it is Pidgeot , Slowpoke and that heterochromatic Cloyster are on the court. Who can play.”

“Speaking of Lucario’s attack on Minimize Chansey just now, who of you have seen it?”

“… “


Ding, experience +400

ding, pick up physical strength innate talent value +5

ding, pick up The special defense innate talent value is +1


Liang Ren ignored the comments of the people outside the venue, and did not care about the gaze of the Joy man.

Looking at the six Attribute coins exploded from Chansey within the body, Liang Ren was speechless in surprise.

“Am I dazzled? All six Attribute coins are red.” Liang Ren thought.

The highest record ever was when I participated in the Mega Evolution tournament in Mauville City.

There were two double shots in the battle with Akai and the others, and two red coins of innate talent broke out.

Liang Ren never thought that this Chansey in front of him would have contributed six innate talent coins to him.

“Five physical innate talent coins and one special defense innate talent coin. It seems that Pokémon with extreme distribution of Species Strength, the easier it is to burst out innate talent coins.”

Six innate talent red coins are put into the system backpack, plus those accumulated in Mt. Moon.

Now there are a lot of them in the system backpack, and we will allocate them when Liang Ren is free.

“Who else wants to challenge on the court.” Seeing Liang Ren in a daze, he didn’t say a word, and the man on the sideline asked on his behalf.

“We will not challenge anymore.”

“We are convinced by Inspector Mumu.”

“Inspector Mumu will be the highest in the bureau. Ombudsman, we have no objections.”



I understand that I am not Liang Ren’s opponent, and everyone on the sidelines does Quit the mind of playing challenge.

Although they want the other side to remember themselves, the women have not forgotten that this is an assessment game.

They all challenged each other one by one. This is not about slapping each other in the face and saying that he is not worthy to be the highest inspector in the bureau——

Liang Ren was appointed by the Alliance headquarters and at the same time proved I do have the strength to be competent for the position of the highest prosecutor.

In line with Joy, who is in harmony with his new colleagues, how can he do such a disgusting thing?

Seeing that no one stood up to challenge again, the man Joy hooked the corner of his mouth and asked again, “Is there really no one going to challenge?”

“Male sister, Mu Mu The inspector’s strength is too strong, the sisters are very convinced, we will not challenge.” Joy Yu, who just lost to Liang Ren replied.

“Since everyone is convinced, from now on Liang Ren will be the second-in-command of our Pokémon Inspectorate, and the only highest inspector in the bureau.” Male Joy walked to the court and said.

“Wait—” Just when Joy was about to applaud outside the field, Liang Ren suddenly interjected.

“What’s the matter~Our Supreme Inspector, what else do you want to say?” The Joy man turned his head, hooked his mouth and looked at Liang Ren and asked.

Liang Ren did not hide his thoughts, and his clear eyes looked at the Joy man without fear.

“Just now, the director said that in accordance with the rules of the normal bureau, if you want to become the highest inspector, you must fight against you and get your approval.”

“Since the executive bureau has begun Here’s the assessment rule, so we might as well implement this rule to the end~”

Liang Ren looked at the arrogant woman in front of him with a smile. Although he is easy-going, his pride is not as good as The other side is small.

Since he has to be recognized by everyone to get to the top, Liang Ren didn’t want to leave the impression that he was suddenly parachuted by the Alliance appointment.

Since you want to be recognized, let Joy · man be with her and let her recognize her own strength~

“Oh-what do you mean?” Joy man has one hand on his hips , Wei raised his head and asked knowingly.

“If I can, I would like to have a battle with Director Joy.” Liang Ren said directly.

“Yes~” Male Joy nodded readily and agreed.

“You have two Elite Pokémons on hand, and it happens to be my side too.” The corner of the male Joy’s mouth raised slightly, and a wonderful idea came into his heart.

“2v2, as long as you can defeat my Pokémon, I will recognize you as the highest inspector in the bureau.” Male Joy said as he walked towards the command post on the other end of the battlefield.

“Then Director Joy, if you are careless and negligent, let me win both games?” Liang Ren asked in a half-cracking a joke half-serious tone.

The man Joy who had just walked to the commanding position on the other side heard this, his face remained arrogant and he turned to face Liang Ren.

“If you can defeat both of my Pokémons, then I will abdicate and let you be the Director of the Alliance Inspection Bureau.” The Joy man raised his jade neck like a swan neck and said.

“Dare not dare…” Liang Ren shook the head, but said that he did not dare, but there was no further text.

The position of Supreme Ombudsman is appointed by Alliance.

Joy man has to do some assessments himself, saying that if he was to become the highest inspector according to normal rules in the past, she would have to get her approval.

In this case, Liang Ren doesn’t mind being mad once, to see how the Joy man will end up after defeating her as the director.

Be aware that in the Alliance parliament hall just now, that many high-level leaders of the Alliance power department wooed him, but he did not agree.

There are many more vacant positions in Alliance than the Ombudsman.

The reason why he values ​​the position of Supreme Inspector so much is because he helped his eldest brother compete with Viridian Gym Leader and pave the way.

Since he has made up his mind to accept the post of supreme inspector, no one can easily take it away from him, even the director of Joy.

“Next is the match between Joy Nan and Mumu Liang Ren. The rules of the game are 2v2. If one of the Pokemons loses the combat capability, the game is over…”

“Please send both parties The first Pokémon is on the court.” Joy Jade on the sidelines acted as a temporary referee and announced the rules ordered.

“Come out, Chansey!!!” The Joy man decisively released his initial Pokémon Chansey.

Her pride in her strength is mainly concentrated in Divine Beast Latias, if it is other Pokémon who are on the field.

In the face of Liang Ren, an elite trainer opponent like himself, Joy male dare not to underestimate the enemy.

She has a relationship with Shiba. She knows that Shiba’s Onix was defeated by Liang Ren’s Pidgeot.

“Boy, come on, let me see your strength~” Raging flames ignited in Joy’s cold eyes.


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