“Pidgeot, get ready to fight!!” Without taking advantage of the opponent, when Joy boy throws Poké Ball, Liang Ren also releases Pidgeot.

“Beep carving!!!” Flying out of the rainbow light projected by the baby ball, Pidgeot opened his mouth and let out a clear and loud carving.

“Wow, what a big Pidgeot.” Seeing the Pidgeot released by Liang Ren, Joy, who was in the appearance battle, gave out cry out in surprise.

“Has this Pidgeot reached the Elite level? It feels really strong in an imposing manner.”

“Yes, yes, it is also an Elite Pokémon. The official Pidgeot, aura is stronger than Chansey’s Chansey.”



Pidgeot has just broken through Elite Soon, but not at all dropped after the breakthrough, but the level skyrocketed to Level 3.

In addition, Liang Ren breed Pokémon has always focused on laying a solid foundation.

So Pidgeot looks like it is a Pokémon with a solid foundation and rich heritage, breakthrough in the Elite field for many years.

I personally felt the breath of Pidgeot up close, and the face of the man Joy on the opposite side of the field also showed a touch of disbelief.

“Is this Pidgeot really just a breakthrough Elite?” The Joy man opened his mouth and muttered to himself.

But she was not at all shocked by Pidgeot’s imposing manner for too long.

Pidgeot’s aura is a bit unexpected, but Joy is also very confident in the strength of his Chansey.

“Chansey, pull yourself together, the opponent of this game is also Elite strength.” The Joy man moved his neck and said with fighting intent.

On the “Lucky~” field, Chansey responded with a healing smile on his face.

See Liang Ren, Joy man, and two Pokémon on the court are all ready.

Joy, the interim referee on the sidelines, did not hesitate, and decisively issued a signal: “The game begins–“

“Chansey, preemptive, use Attract.” Joy’s male jade shook his arm, full Ordered loudly in an imposing manner.

On the “Lucky~” field, Chansey held the pink Doduo’s chubby cheeks with two short hands, and went crazy for Pidgeot in the sky.

However, it still underestimates Pidgeot’s straightness.

Pidgeot, who had been cheated by an Altaria named Bi Luo in online dating before, glanced at Chansey, Charm’s cute seller, with disdain.

Pidgeot ran mercilessly, perfectly interpreting a four-character phrase called…

“hu hu ~”

Shunfeng + juggling + Agility… Once these speed abilities were used, Pidgeot can be used instinctively in battle.

The broad wings and huge body not only did not affect Pidgeot’s performance, but it was like a cloak Treasure Item, enjoying the Attribute bonus from Flying Type Elite.

Pidgeot took the wind and flew straight to the glass dome of Sky. At the same time, Liang Ren also released Mental Force to establish a bond link with Pidgeot.

With Liang Ren’s power joining, Pidgeot, whose Mental Force has been augmented and strengthened, also has stronger resistance to Chansey use’s Attract, which acts on the spirit.

The race against the clock, Liang Ren took control of the time, Ling Ling’s voice like a cold wind sounded in Pidgeot’s heart: “Hurricane!!!”

“Beep eagle~” Pidgeot didn’t hesitate. He turned dexterously against the glass dome, and then slammed his wings wide.

The calm air flow of the entire room on the battlefield suddenly raged, and under the order of a certain will, it turned into a wind wall moved towards Chansey and slammed down.

Joy man did not expect that Chansey’s Attract would not take effect on Pidgeot, but instead aroused its strong counterattack.

“Is this Pidgeot a female?” This thought just flashed through the head of Joy male.

Don’t dare to be distracted at this time, Pokémon with Elite level strength, every move and every style is very scary.

The power of the wind wall in front of him made the Joy man feel frightened.

“Chansey, use Egg Bomb!!!” Joy male tenderly shouted and ordered.

On the field, Chansey also knew that his charm had no effect on Pidgeot, and saw Pidgeot launch an attack ruthless at him.

Chansey, who can’t be seduced by color, also some fly into a rage out of humiliation, taking out the white nutrient egg in his belly, and pouring his feelings of shame and resentment into it.

Then, before the wind wall was suppressed, he rounded his arms and fiercely moved towards sky Pidgeot.

Pidgeot is so far apart, Chansey is naturally not impossible to blow it up. His fierce expression is very imposing manner, and the ultimate goal is to resolve Pidgeot’s offensive.

“hong long! !!!” Egg Bomb exploded, and the wind wall was suppressed strongly, and a hole was directly forcibly exploded by the violent girl Chansey.

The rest of the wind wall fell. Except for the one where Chansey was staying, the rest of the wind wall was directly scraped off by a thick layer of soil and rock.

Sand, mud and dust swayed all around along with the gusty wind, and Joy, who was in the field battle, exclaimed.

As everyone retreated, they did not forget to look at the arena.

Although Hurricane was broken, Liang Ren almost knew Chansey’s bottom.

“It really deserves to have been in the Elite field for a long time. Since there is no way to suppress the power, the only way to rely on fast attack is~”

“Pidgeot, kite tactics.” Liang Ren decisively ordered.

Pidgeot, who hovered in the sky, waiting for an opportunity, instantly understood what Liang Ren meant.

“shua~ shua~ shua~ shua…”


The body flickers, shua~ shua~ shua~ flashes , And there was a strange muffled noise.

Joy man and Joy off the court looked up again, and there were no less than a hundred Pidgeots in the entire battle hall.

Every Shen Yun posture is exactly the same, making it impossible to tell the truth from the false.

“Take Double Team as the core Ability training, and is there a Substitute with the power of the body in the Double Team?”

“Sheba has fully understood the mystery of this tactic Tell me, and I also have a coping strategy.”

Looking at the dark swarm of birds in the sky, the Joy man not only did not panic, but showed a confident expression on his chest.

“Chansey, use Disarming Voice.” The Joy man confidently gave instructions to Chansey.

One person and one pet cooperated very tacitly, and Chansey almost immediately responded after the order was issued.

“ying ying ying Lucky~” Chansey opened his mouth, and gave out one after another energy ripples that resembled the Bubble aria of the Qingteng Snake.

However, the siberian vine snake used the Bubble aria to emit blue ripples of water, and Chansey emits pink energy ripples.

“Pidgeot, use the sickle weasel to attack.”

“Peng peng peng 蓬……”

Be able to become an Elite trainer, and Joy male is not to be trifled with.

Liang Ren just issued a command to Pidgeot, and the’Pidgeot’ in the sky burst into pieces.

Finally, the Double Team in Sky was cleared, leaving only the Pidgeot and Substitute.

Double Team is very strong in the early stage, but in the later stage, as long as the opponent has a large-scale attack Ability, it is very simple to deal with.

But Liang Ren did not expect Double Team to play a big role.

Today’s kite tactics, Pidgeot’s extreme speed and Substitute are enough, and the Double Team is often just an icing on the cake.

Amidst the bubbles shattered by the explosion, slices of cold and sharp moonwhite blades suddenly fell.

Clash at Chansey, who is proud of having just shattered a large Double Team.

“peng peng peng peng…”


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