One Pidgeot cuts out four crescent blades, and two Pidgeots are eight crescent blades.

Chansey just relied on Disarming Voice to shake Sky’s Double Team, his face was full of triumph.

How can I know that the eight crescent blades penetrated the extinguished smoke, and suddenly fell.

In the blade light and sword shadows, facing eight crescent blades surrounded and strangled, Chansey had no time to raise his hand to cover his face in a panic.

“peng peng peng peng……”

“Lucky~!!!” Chansey, who was sturdy and hit by eight crescent blades, sent out a burst of mournful scream.

Chansey has a super-high Species Strength of 250 in Pokémon world. Unfortunately, it only has 5 points of attack and physical defense.

Can’t hit the explosion damage, can’t defend the opponent’s attack, and the speed is too slow to avoid the opponent’s Ability.

This is the performance of Pokémon Chansey in combat. The Species Strength is high and the blood is thick, but it is just a more durable sandbag.

“Pidgeot, continue to use the sickle to attack.” Seeing Chansey being hurt by Pidgeot’s Ability, Liang Ren smiled more and more.

Chansey’s special defense ability is quite good, the special defense Species Strength reached 105 points.

However, the Pidgeot, who is the comprehended “Brave of Burning Will”, has a 100% increase in offensive ability. Although the formidable power is not large, the damage it does is not small.

“Swish~” Seeing another crescent blade whirling down in the sky, Chansey showed a look of fear.

Fortunately, the Joy man reacted quickly, and the action order was immediately issued, “Chansey, use the Light Screen!!!”

“Lucky~” raised his hand and pushed forward, just at Crescent Light Blade When he was about to hit Chansey, a square translucent Light Screen blocked the front.

Knowing that his defensive ability is not good, Chansey has worked hard to defend his ability.

The eight crescent blades slashed on the Light Screen. The Light Screen was completely motionless, while the blades of light bounced towards all around like a slip.

“peng peng peng peng……” The light blade slashed on the ground, Chansey all around seemed to be ploughed over, and the slashes of the knife were horrible to see.

Pidgeot’s offensive was fierce, but seeing Chansey’s Light Screen not at all broke, Joy was sighed in relief.

Pidgeot was not given another chance. This arrogant and strong woman took the lead in commanding Chansey to launch a counterattack.

“Chansey, use Sing!” Joy’s male voice shouted loudly, and Chansey immediately responded.

Light Screen can maintain the real thing for a long time after it is made.

At this moment, Chansey gave a’bang’, lifting the Light Screen and slamming it on the ground like a shield.


Chansey, whose body was protected by a shield, cleared his throat and sang a soothing and dreamy song.


The wonderful notes are turned into real objects, floating in the battle hall, knowing that Chansey’s skill Ability formidable power is out of the court. Joy immediately takes it out Put on one earplug.

Seeing the tricky hypnotic singing that Joy man made Chansey use, Liang Ren also responded immediately.

Hiding cannot be avoided, and defense is impossible. In this case, there is only one way to attack.

Liang Ren did not hesitate, and decisively ordered, “Pidgeot, use Dragon Rush!!”

“Beep Eagle——”

The soft singing voice came into his ears , Pidgeot felt the muscles relax and the fighting intent began to collapse, feeling a sense of urgency in his heart.

The real body, Substitute The two Pidgeots leaped high like a normal double diving, their bodies spiraling down.

“Boom——” Dark green, dark blue, and purple, Pidgeot within the body bursts out a mixed tri-color flame full of Dragon’s Might and murderous aura, incarnation a western dragon moved towards Chansey swoops down.

Two evil dragons flew from the left and the other, making Chansey no longer care about the front being protected by the Light Screen and focusing on defending the back.

“ang ang ang ~” The evil dragon roar roars, the savage sharp claw and the sharp dragon Horn Attack towards Chansey’s left and right sides without any protection.

“Chansey, use Defense Curl.” Male Joy shouted eagerly.

Double Team is just a confusing phantom, but Substitute can act and attack independently after in-depth development.

Only in the fight, the Joy man really feels tricky.


“peng peng~”

Chansey just curled up into a ball to protect the vitals, and the two Pidgeots were one after the other Hit it one after another.

Chansey is like a pink ball. Pidgeot Substitute smashed it to the right, and Pidgeot actually smashed it to the left.

A shocking imposing manner Dragon Rush, not only destroyed Chansey 1/4 of the health bar, but also resolved its hypnotic singing tactics.

The fighting initiative once again fell into the hands of Liang Ren.

“Pidgeot, throw it to me in the air.” Liang Ren once again sent instructions to Pidgeot with his consciousness sound transmission.

The two Pidgeots nodded together and controlled Substitute to step forward. The sharp Ujin hook caught Chansey, who was curled into a fleshy ball, and threw it into the air.

“Pidgeot, use continuous Divine Bird.” Liang Ren’s attack always maintains a high-speed and swift rhythm, which does not give Joy man a chance.


Golden Flame Divine Bird once again split into two groups and launched an offensive at the same time. Under the extreme flying speed, he rushed to the front in the blink of an eye.

Golden flames are raging, and Chansey is scared to the color when he feels the overbearing high temperature of the flames.

Chansey instinctively looks like curling up again or using defensive ability, but Chansey did not dare to move without receiving instructions from the trainer.

Fortunately, Joy Man’s reaction is not slow, and his strong fighting instincts issued instructions before the two golden flame Divine Birds hit Chansey.

“Chansey, use Minimize soon.” Male Joy yelled.

“Lucky~” formidable power headed, Chansey was also stimulated. In addition to his potential, the 1.1m-diameter chubby body shrank sharply before being hit by Divine Bird. Small Accomplishment fist sized.

Two Divine Birds passed by. Chansey, who was shrinking, was burned by the high-temperature gold flames on the two Pidgeots, but in the end dodge Pidgeot took a fatal blow.

“Good opportunity, Chansey, use Gravity with the maximum effect on the two Pidgeots.” During the battle, the Joy man appeared very bold.

Chansey seemed to have lost weight after shrinking. Chansey, who did not immediately fall to the ground, waved his small hands, and a strong Gravity field was applied to the two Pidgeots.

Although Pidgeot often uses Slowpoke’s Gravity field to train, but in training state, Slowpoke’s Gravity field does not dare to open to the maximum.

But at the moment of the battle, Chansey raised his hand and pressed it, and the powerful and terrifying Gravity field was added, and the two extremely fast flying Pidgeots seemed to be carrying a huge mountain.

“Beep Eagle——” The two Pidgeot exclaimed, not only the speed was reduced, but the body went up and down again.

The Joy man who saw this scene turned his head and glanced at Liang Ren, with a strange smile on his face.

“Chansey, put 30 times Gravity field on himself, and then use Body Slam on Pidgeot!!!”

Joy man raised his hand and pointed, high-spirited and vigorous loudly shouted .

“Lucky~” The shrinking Chansey returned to his normal size, turning around 720° in the air, and then slamming it towards the falling Pidgeot like a female sumo wrestler.

“hong long!!!!” Chansey’s weight is not light, so he dropped it from a high altitude and added 30 times the Gravity.

At that moment, both speed and power reached an extreme, and Pidgeot, who was thrown on the ground, was directly crushed and exploded.

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